Trouble understanding meaning of triple integral in spherical coordinates

In summary: On the other hand, if f(x,y,z) is a scalar function, then the integral doesn't have any physical interpretation at all!In summary, the integral \displaystyle \iiint\limits_B e^{x^2 + y^2 + z ^2}dV evaluates the volume of the function \displaystyle e^{x^2 + y^2 + z ^2} within the unit ball. It does not have a specific physical interpretation and is not four-dimensional as it is integrating over three independent variables. The function inside the integral can have different meanings depending on the application, such as representing density or being a scalar function.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Evaluate [tex] \iiint\limits_B e^{x^2 + y^2 + z ^2}dV [/tex] where [tex] B [/tex] is the unit ball.

Homework Equations

See above.

The Attempt at a Solution

Does this evaluate the volume of [itex] f(x, y, z) [/itex] within the unit ball (i.e. anything falling outside the unit ball is discarded)? Also, since [itex] f [/itex] is a function of three independent variables, I'm confused - wouldn't that be four dimensional?
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  • #2
zjmarlow said:

Homework Statement

Evaluate [tex] \iiint\limits_B e^{x^2 + y^2 + z ^2}dV [/tex] where [tex] B [/tex] is the unit ball.

Homework Equations

See above.

The Attempt at a Solution

Does this evaluate the volume of [tex] f(x, y, z) [/tex] within the unit ball (i.e. anything falling outside the unit ball is discarded)? Also, since [tex] f [/tex] is a function of three independent variables, I'm confused - wouldn't that be four dimensional?
Yes, you are integrating the function, [itex]\displaystyle e^{x^2 + y^2 + z ^2}[/itex] over the volume of a unit ball.

Remember that [itex]\displaystyle x^2 + y^2 + z ^2=\rho^2\ .[/itex]
  • #3
Thank you for your reply. The solution is worked out: [itex] \frac{4\pi}{3}(e - 1) [/itex]. My problem now is visualizing [itex] e^{x^2 + y^2 + z^2} [/itex]. Could you explain what this would look like?
  • #4
Or is [itex] \frac{4\pi}{3}(e - 1) [/itex] like a scalar field that says how much each position in the unit ball is "worth"?
  • #5
zjmarlow said:
Or is [itex] \frac{4\pi}{3}(e - 1) [/itex] like a scalar field that says how much each position in the unit ball is "worth"?

How did you arrive at that result?

I looks as if you have you have made some gross simplification.
  • #6
Sorry, that should be [itex] f(x, y, z) [/itex] (in general) or [itex] e^{x^2 + y^2 + z^2} [/itex] (in this particular case).
  • #7
Show what integral you have in spherical coordinates.
  • #8
Ok, I copied the example problem wrong. It should be
[tex] \iiint\limits_B e^{(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)^{(3/2)}}dV [/tex]
which becomes
[tex] \int_0^{2\pi} \int_0^\pi \int_0^1 e^{(\rho^2)^{(3/2)}} \cdot \rho^2 sin \phi d\rho d\phi d\theta [/tex]
[tex] = \int_0^{2\pi} \int_0^\pi \frac{e - 1}{3} sin \phi d\phi d\theta [/tex]
[tex] = \int_0^{2\pi} \frac{2}{3}(e - 1) d\theta [/tex]
[tex] = \frac{4\pi}{3}(e - 1) [/tex]

I guess I see how the integral without the function calculates volume (the book has a nice picture of a curved box) but what's the meaning of the function you integrate? What does something like [itex] e^{(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)^{(3/2)}} [/itex] or [itex] e^{\rho^3} [/itex] even look like?
  • #9
zjmarlow said:
Ok, I copied the example problem wrong. It should be
[tex] \iiint\limits_B e^{(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)^{(3/2)}}dV [/tex]
which becomes

I guess I see how the integral without the function calculates volume (the book has a nice picture of a curved box) but what's the meaning of the function you integrate? What does something like [itex] e^{(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)^{(3/2)}} [/itex] or [itex] e^{\rho^3} [/itex] even look like?
Well, that makes more sense.

The integral [itex]\displaystyle \int e^{\rho^3}\rho^2 \,d\rho[/itex] is pretty straight forward.

The integral [itex]\displaystyle \int e^{\rho^2}\rho^2 \,d\rho[/itex] involves the error function.
  • #10
Your original question was,
Does this evaluate the volume of f(x,y,z) within the unit ball (i.e. anything falling outside the unit ball is discarded)? Also, since f is a function of three independent variables, I'm confused - wouldn't that be four dimensional?

I don't know what you mean by "volume" of a function! An integral, in general, doesn't have any specific geometric or physical interpretation- it depends upon the application. One possible application is to take f(x,y,z) to be the density of an object. Then the integral would be the total mass of the object. And, no it would not be four dimensional. Since x, y, and z are distances, measured, say, in meters, then the integral would have units of "cubic meters" 'times' whatever units f has.

If, as before, f(x,y,z) is density, measured in kilograms per cubic meter, then the integral will have units of [itex](kg/m^3)(m^3)= kg[/itex]

FAQ: Trouble understanding meaning of triple integral in spherical coordinates

1. What is a triple integral in spherical coordinates?

A triple integral in spherical coordinates is a mathematical tool used to calculate the volume of a three-dimensional region in space. It is an extension of the concept of a double integral, which is used to find the area of a two-dimensional region.

2. How is a triple integral in spherical coordinates different from a triple integral in cartesian coordinates?

In cartesian coordinates, a triple integral is represented by three nested integrals, with each one corresponding to a different axis (x, y, z). In spherical coordinates, the region is divided into smaller "slices" based on radius, angle, and height, and the integral is calculated over these slices. This makes it easier to work with spherical shapes and regions with curved boundaries.

3. What are the limits of integration in a triple integral in spherical coordinates?

The limits of integration in a triple integral in spherical coordinates depend on the shape and dimensions of the region being integrated. The radius, angle, and height limits can be determined by visualizing the region and setting up appropriate equations or by using conversion formulas from cartesian coordinates.

4. How do I set up a triple integral in spherical coordinates?

To set up a triple integral in spherical coordinates, you need to determine the limits of integration and then set up the integral in the form of ∫∫∫ f(r, θ, φ) dr dθ dφ, where f(r, θ, φ) is the function being integrated and dr dθ dφ represents the infinitesimal volume element in spherical coordinates.

5. What are some common applications of triple integrals in spherical coordinates?

Triple integrals in spherical coordinates are commonly used in physics and engineering to calculate volumes and solve problems related to three-dimensional objects and systems. They are also used in the study of fluid dynamics and electromagnetism, as well as in economics and statistics.
