Troubleshooting Ideal Gas Laws Problems: Mass, Moles, and Volume Calculations

In summary, the conversation is about a student seeking help with problems related to the Ideal Gas Laws. The first problem involves finding the mass of 873 molecules of hemoglobin, while the second problem involves calculating the number of moles of water molecules in a cylindrical glass. The third problem involves finding the mass of helium in a blimp and the fourth problem involves calculating the number of moles of air needed to pump into a bicycle tire. The conversation includes attempts at solving the problems and receiving help from others.
  • #1
I have a few homework problems on the Ideal Gas Laws, was wondering if someone could help me out with a few of the problems.

1) Hemoglobin has a molecular mass of 64 500 u. Find the mass (in kg) of 873 molecules of hemoglobin.

Here's what I did: (64500 g/mol/6.022x10^23 mol^-1)(873 kg/1000 g)=9.35x10^26 kg but the computer program I use tells me it's wrong...can u find the mistake cause I don't know where it is... :frown:

2) A cylindrical glass of water (H2O) has a radius of 6.01 cm and a height of 13.9 cm. The density of water is 1.00 g/cm3. How many moles of water molecules are contained in the glass?

Not sure how to work this one out, I was thinking of using V=pi*r^2 and n=N/NA

3) Suppose that a blimp contains 5020 m3 of helium (He) at an absolute pressure of 1.10 x 105 Pa. The temperature of the helium is 276 K. What is the mass (in kg) of the helium in the blimp?

Should I use pV=nRT for this problem?

4) A bicycle tire whose volume is 4.1 x 10-4 m3 has a temperature of 283 K and an absolute pressure of 3.76 x 105 Pa. A cyclist brings the pressure up to 7.15 x 105 Pa without changing the temperature or volume. How many moles of air must be pumped into the tire?

Does the equation P1V1/T1=P2V2/T2 sound right?
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  • #2
Think about #1. Obviously a few hundred molecules of hemoglobin are not going to weigh as much as the Sun!

- Warren
  • #3
873 molecules (1 mol/ 6.20*10^23 molecules) (64500 g /mol) (1 kg / 1000 g)

Is what I get. It's hard to follow your grouping because you stacked the fractions, I think you should be getting 10^-22 instead of 10^26.
  • #4
For #1, even if I type in 9.3504x10^-22 it still says it's wrong...grrrrrrrrr! I thought I had the right answer... :frown:
  • #5
Try using fewer significant digits.

- Warren
  • #6
"22" IS incorrect. Take five, watch a little TV, then do the calculation one step at a time rather than all at once.

2)? Yeah --- pay attention to the details as in 1).

3)? Can you think of an approach that doesn't use the ideal gas?

4)? Look at the definitions for the terms in the ideal gas expression; ask yourself what is happening when you pump up a bicycle tire --- i.e., what remains constant and what changes.
  • #7
Ok, I'm just about to give up here. For the first problem I've tried the answer 9.3505x10^-22, 9.4x10^-22, 9.35x10^-22 AND it's still saying that the answer is wrong. Do I have the right numbers or is the computer program going nuts?!? Also, for the third problem I used the equation n=PV/RT and I got the answer 1.834x10^10. Is this right? Ahhhhhh please help!
  • #8
Actually for the third problem I figured out the answer to equal 7.3407684x10^13 but the program is saying the answer is wrong! Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I'm going to go insane!

  • #9
Originally posted by moonlit
I have a few homework problems on the Ideal Gas Laws, was wondering if someone could help me out with a few of the problems.

1) Hemoglobin has a molecular mass of 64 500 u. Find the mass (in kg) of 873 molecules of hemoglobin.

Here's what I did: (64500 g/mol/6.022x10^23 mol^-1)(873 kg/1000 g)=9.35x10^26 kg but the computer program I use tells me it's wrong...can u find the mistake cause I don't know where it is... :frown:

2) A cylindrical glass of water (H2O) has a radius of 6.01 cm and a height of 13.9 cm. The density of water is 1.00 g/cm3. How many moles of water molecules are contained in the glass?

Not sure how to work this one out, I was thinking of using V=pi*r^2 and n=N/NA

3) Suppose that a blimp contains 5020 m3 of helium (He) at an absolute pressure of 1.10 x 105 Pa. The temperature of the helium is 276 K. What is the mass (in kg) of the helium in the blimp?

Should I use pV=nRT for this problem?

4) A bicycle tire whose volume is 4.1 x 10-4 m3 has a temperature of 283 K and an absolute pressure of 3.76 x 105 Pa. A cyclist brings the pressure up to 7.15 x 105 Pa without changing the temperature or volume. How many moles of air must be pumped into the tire?

Does the equation P1V1/T1=P2V2/T2 sound right?

1. 1 u = 1.66 x 10^-27 kg
therefore 64 500 u = 1.02707 x 10^-22 kg

2. mass = volume x density
= pi(r^2)h x 1 kg/m^3
= 1.58 x 10^-3 kg

no. of moles of H20 = mass/molar mass = 8.76 x 10^-5
=> no. of molecules = 8.76 x 10^-5 x 6.023 x 10^23
= 5.3 x 10^19 molecules

3. n = pv/RT = (1.1x10^5 * 5020)/(8.31 * 276) = 240 761 moles
mass = molar mass x n
mass = 963 kg

4. n(1) = [P(1)V]/[RT] and n(2) = [P(2)V]/[RT]
so delta n = n(2) - n(1) = [V/RT][P(2) - P(1)]
delta n = [(4.1x10^-3)/(8.31*283)]*[(7.15 - 3.76)*10^5]
delta n = 0.59 moles
  • #10
Ok, I found out the answer to the first and last problems but I'm not sure how they got the answers. Can anyone explain it to me.

For the first question the answer is 9.4x10^20 kg

For the last question the answer is 0.06 mol

Thanks for all the help! :smile:

FAQ: Troubleshooting Ideal Gas Laws Problems: Mass, Moles, and Volume Calculations

1. What is the Ideal Gas Law equation?

The Ideal Gas Law equation is a mathematical expression that describes the relationship between the pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles of an ideal gas. It is written as PV = nRT, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is temperature.

2. How do I use the Ideal Gas Law equation?

To use the Ideal Gas Law equation, you must have values for at least three of the variables (pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles). You can then rearrange the equation to solve for the unknown variable. For example, if you have values for pressure, volume, and number of moles, you can rearrange the equation to solve for temperature.

3. What are the units for the Ideal Gas Law equation?

The units for the Ideal Gas Law equation depend on the units used for each variable. Pressure is typically measured in units of atmospheres (atm), volume in liters (L), temperature in Kelvin (K), and number of moles in moles (mol). The gas constant, R, has a value of 0.0821 L·atm/mol·K, which can be used to convert between different unit systems if needed.

4. What is an ideal gas?

An ideal gas is a hypothetical gas that follows the Ideal Gas Law equation at all temperatures and pressures. It is assumed to have no intermolecular forces and negligible volume, which means the gas particles do not interact with each other and their volume is much smaller than the volume of the container they are in. In real gases, these assumptions are not always true, but the Ideal Gas Law can still be used as an approximation.

5. What are some applications of the Ideal Gas Law equation?

The Ideal Gas Law equation is used in many areas of science and engineering, including chemistry, physics, and thermodynamics. It can be used to calculate the volume of a gas at a given pressure and temperature, or to determine the pressure of a gas at a specific volume and temperature. It is also used in gas law experiments, gas behavior predictions, and gas mixture calculations.

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