Trying to find the angular speed of a rod.

In summary, the angular speed of the rod as it rotates through its lowest position is approximately 4.1 revolutions per minute.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A uniform rod (length = 2.0m) is mounted to rotate freely about a horizontal axis that is perpendicular to the rod and that passes through the rod at a point of 0.5m from one end of the rod. If the rod is released from rest in a horizontal position, what is the angular speed of the rod as it rotates through its lowest position?

Homework Equations

I believe (although I might be wrong on some of them):
[itex]\tau = I \alpha[/itex]
[itex]K = \frac{1}{2} I \omega^{2}[/itex]
[itex]L_{z} = I \omega[/itex]
For a rod the moment of inertia is:
[itex]\frac{1}{12} M L^{2}[/itex]
And the parallel axis thereom:
[itex]I = I_{cm} + M D^{2}[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

So far I have used the parallel axis theorem and the moment of inertia for a rod to get the moment of inertia to be 0.5833 for this rods rotation.
I am not sure exactly what to do after that. I can figure it out if it is the moment right after release, but not sure how to do it when the rod is at the bottom.
Physics news on
  • #3
I first started thinking I could take the potential energy the system has before release as (mgh) and then at the bottom i could take mgh = (1/2)I*w^2 and find omega... But I couldn't figure out how to use it right...
  • #4
That's the right method. Just need to figure out h and I. Any ideas?
  • #5
I believe I have found I for the entire rod. The issue is with the height I think. I want to say the height is 1.5 but what about the 0.5 end? I try using m = 1, g = 9.8 and h = 1.5.

1.5*9.8 = 14.7
14.7 = (1/2)(0.5833333)(w^2)
29.4 = 0.5833(w^2)
50.4 = w^2
w = 7.099

But the answer is supposedly 4.1...
I then tried subtracting the small 0.5 stub:
0.5*9.8*1 (mgh)
4.9 = (1/2)(0.5833)(w^2)
9.8 = (0.5833)w^2
16.8 = w^2
w = 4.099

Subtracting the two gives 3.00 which is not right either though.
  • #6
[itex]I[/itex] was found using doing the following:

I = I_cm + m*d^2

I = (1/12)m*L^2 + m*d^2

d = 0.5 since there is a 0.5 shift from the center.

I = (1/12)*1*4 + 1*(0.5^2)

I = (0.5833333)
  • #7
Actually never mind I should use h = 2 not 1.5 for the first part of my original attempt and then everything else should be the same.

1.5*9.8 = 14.7
14.7 = (1/2)(0.5833333)(w^2)
29.4 = 0.5833(w^2)
50.4 = w^2
w = 8.199

0.5*9.8*1 (mgh)
4.9 = (1/2)(0.5833)(w^2)
9.8 = (0.5833)w^2
16.8 = w^2
w = 4.099

8.199 - 4.099


Although I am still not sure why I should use 2...
  • #8
No, 0.5m is right for h (it's the distance the CoM descends).
You should have
mgh = (1/2)m(L2/12+h22
4.9*2 = (1/3+1/4)ω2
ω ≈ 4.1
Are you saying the given answer is 8.2?
  • #9
Oh, my bad. Haha the given answer was 4.1, for some reason I didn't even realize using h = 0.5 gives the answer approx. 4.1. My bad thanks again!

FAQ: Trying to find the angular speed of a rod.

What is angular speed and how is it different from linear speed?

Angular speed is the rate at which an object rotates around a fixed point. It is measured in radians per second. Linear speed, on the other hand, is the rate at which an object travels in a straight line, and is measured in meters per second.

How do you calculate the angular speed of a rod?

The formula for calculating angular speed is ω = Δθ/Δt, where ω is the angular speed, Δθ is the change in angle, and Δt is the change in time.

What are some common units for measuring angular speed?

Angular speed can be measured in radians per second (rad/s), revolutions per minute (RPM), or degrees per second (deg/s).

What factors can affect the angular speed of a rod?

The angular speed of a rod can be affected by the length of the rod, the mass of the rod, and any external forces acting on the rod (such as friction or torque).

How is angular speed used in real-world applications?

Angular speed is important in many fields, such as physics, engineering, and astronomy. It can be used to calculate the rotational speed of objects, analyze the motion of rotating parts in machines, and track the movement of celestial bodies.
