Trying to integrate a non one-to-one parametric function

In summary, the conversation discusses an independent research project involving the integration of a parametric curve with respect to x between an arbitrary value and infinity. The speaker is looking for a way to find the area under the curve, including the part where there are two values of x, and wants to be able to express the integral as a function of the parameter r. They also mention wanting to see how the area under the curve changes when varying r and discuss different approaches to integrating the curve.
  • #1
Hi, I'm working on an independent research project - and am trying to integrate this (with respect to x between some arbitrary m and infinite).^(t-r)),+y=(e^(-t^2/2))/sqrt(2*pi)

If you graph this as a parametric eqn (set r to 2 or 3), the problem is that it is not a one-to-one mapping. I want to find the area under the curve (and the part where there are two values of x, I want to include that twice.

Is there any way I can do this?

In the end I want to have the integral be a function of r (m is constant) that I can use elsewhere.

I want to see how the area under the curve changes when I vary r

Any suggestions?
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  • #2
When we find the area "under a curve" it's implied that the lower boundary of the region is the horizontal axis. For your parametric curve, with r = 3, the graph is nearly a loop, so "under the curve" doesn't make much sense.
  • #3
BinBinBinBin said:
Hi, I'm working on an independent research project - and am trying to integrate this (with respect to x between some arbitrary m and infinite).^(t-r)),+y=(e^(-t^2/2))/sqrt(2*pi)

If you graph this as a parametric eqn (set r to 2 or 3), the problem is that it is not a one-to-one mapping. I want to find the area under the curve (and the part where there are two values of x, I want to include that twice.

Is there any way I can do this?

In the end I want to have the integral be a function of r (m is constant) that I can use elsewhere.

I want to see how the area under the curve changes when I vary r

Any suggestions?

First just get a bearing on it. This is what it looks to me:


Ok, right off the bat, I'm going to plot it parametrically and since you want to integrate it, in the interest of just trying something even if it's wrong, I want to integrate it "twice" as you suggest where it's not one-to-one. That means I need to find where it's not. That's where the black dot is. Since [itex]\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{\frac{dy}{dt}}{\frac{dx}{dt}}[/itex], then the point at which it has an infinite slope is when [itex]dx/dt=0[/itex]. Alright then, then I'll integrate the red to the t-value where [itex]\frac{dx}{dt}=0[/itex], and the blue from that spot to infinity:

[tex]\mathop\int\limits_{\text{red}} y(x)dx=\mathop\int_{-\infty}^{\frac{dx}{dt}=0} y(t)\frac{dx}{dt} dt[/tex]
[tex]\mathop\int\limits_{\text{blue}} y(x)dx=\mathop\int_{\frac{dx}{dt}=0}^{\infty} y(t)\frac{dx}{dt} dt[/tex]

I don't know, is that right guys? I need to check.


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  • #4
Hi !

There is no difficulty to integrate on a closed area.
In fact, the difficulty is that the antiderivative cannot be expressed in terms of a finite number of standard functions. So you cannot give the result on the form of a formula.
The only way is a numerical integration, giving a numerical result for each numerical value of the parameter r.

Related to Trying to integrate a non one-to-one parametric function

1. How do you integrate a non one-to-one parametric function?

To integrate a non one-to-one parametric function, you would need to use substitution or integration by parts. First, express the function in terms of a single variable, then apply the appropriate integration technique.

2. What is the difference between a one-to-one and non one-to-one parametric function?

A one-to-one parametric function is a function where each input value corresponds to a unique output value. In a non one-to-one function, one input value may correspond to multiple output values.

3. Can you provide an example of a non one-to-one parametric function?

One example of a non one-to-one parametric function is the function f(t) = (cos(t), sin(t)), where t is a parameter. This function maps any input value of t to a point on a unit circle, resulting in multiple output values for the same input value of t.

4. What are some challenges in integrating a non one-to-one parametric function?

One of the main challenges in integrating a non one-to-one parametric function is determining the appropriate bounds of integration, as the function may produce multiple output values for a single interval of input values. Additionally, finding the inverse function to use for substitution can be difficult in some cases.

5. Why is it important to be able to integrate non one-to-one parametric functions?

Non one-to-one parametric functions are commonly used in physics, engineering, and other fields to model real-world phenomena. Being able to integrate these functions allows scientists to analyze and understand these phenomena, and make predictions based on the mathematical models.
