Trying to make a parallel plate capacitor

In summary, the first option would be to use two plexiglass plates with an aluminium mesh sandwiched in between them. The capacitor would be about 20 pF. The second option would be to join two aluminium plates together with a piece of plexiglass as the dielectric material in between them. The capacitance would be about 0.125 pF.
  • #1
Hi evry1

I am trying to make a parallel plate capacitor , which am using to make a capacitive proximity sensor.

Question 1

I thought of making 2 plexiglass plates of dimension ( 90 X 50 X2.5 mm). An aluminium mesh is sandwiched between them. Now a positive voltage is supplied to aluminum mesh and the plexiglass plates is surrounded by another aluminium mesh such that the mesh between the plexiglass and this mesh is perpendicular to each other. This surrounded mesh is connected to ground.

Will such a combination work??

Question 2
Another option was to join 2 aluminium plates together with a piece of plexiglass as dilectric in between them.

How can i find the value of capacitance in both cases??

Thanks for any ideas
Engineering news on
  • #2
If you know the relative permittivity of the dielectric material between the plates, the area of the plates, and the plate separation you can calculate the capacitance."
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  • #3
I like the first option.

Capacitors with parallel plates are fairly immune to the surrounding environment.

Mounting the plates at right angles like that would make it very sensitive to the surroundings.

(And that may be a problem, because it would be very likely to pick up mains hum and other types of electrical interference.)

Measuring the capacitance depends on what you have.
I would guess that the capacitance would be about 20 pF. Probably less if anything.

Putting DC on it probably won't help, but if you had an oscillator giving about 100 KHz out and put this in series with a resistor and the capacitor to ground ... then take this to an opamp with high impedance input, you just might get enough change in amplitude to detect something approaching the plates.

Or, you could put two small capacitors in series and this capacitor to ground between them.
The output from the series capacitors would depend a lot on the capacitor to ground, so you might be able to detect this.


I have attached a drawing of these methods, but I don't want to imply that this is a simple project or that the drawings are complete plans. They might give you some food for thought, though.
  • #4
One thing of which am not clear is how is the electric field when the plates are perpendicular to each other?

Is there any kind of isolating sheet, to cover that area so that it may not pick up other interferences?
  • #5
This is pure speculation, but I would guess that the electric field would be like this:

electric field.PNG

The important part is that the field would also extend beyond the area shown and the dielectric constant of whatever was in that field would affect the total capacitance.

Mounting the plates at right angles seems like an unusually good idea.

It does leave the detector vulnerable to interference but I suspect that the use of a high frequency oscillator as a signal source will help with this. Lower frequencies can be filtered out.
  • #6
Suppose if the two parallel plates are placed such that ( L X B = 55mm X 25mm) ; d = 97mm and air in between
C = ( k * epsidon0 *A )/d gives --------0.125pF.

Is that value shows that it is a bad setup?
When water comes in between the plates, the k = 80 and the capacitance value = 10.04pF.

So is such a setup good or bad??
  • #7
Are you trying to measure the presence of water, or a water level? I have seen capacitive water level measuring systems where the capacitance is part of an oscillator circuit that changes frequency as the water level rises. Is this distilled water, de-ionized water, fresh water?
Bob S
  • #8
i am measuring the presence of water. I am attaching the two plates on the upper and lower parts of a pipe (inside). Water comin through is rain water.
I was trying to use an oscillator as vk6kro mentioned in the 3rd post of this thread.
  • #9
mathew086 said:
i am measuring the presence of water. I am attaching the two plates on the upper and lower parts of a pipe (inside). Water comin through is rain water.
I was trying to use an oscillator as vk6kro mentioned in the 3rd post of this thread.
One version I recall was an oscillator where the capacitor was part of the resonant circuit so the oscillator changed frequency when the water was present. The capacitor I think had a long outside conducting grounded tube, and a coaxial inner conductor. The oscillator output went into an updating monovibrator (one-shot), which constantly updated when there was no water, but when the oscillator frequency was too low, the one-shot constantly timed out.

[edit] Here is a possible capacitace-based liquid level monitoring ckt:
One important feature (not pointed out) is that the signal on the capicitance probe is ac, so there is no electrolysis.
Bob S
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  • #10
Hey Bob S

I have alread seen that liquid level capacitor. But in my case i there are other materials that are coming along. so i need to detect both of them ( water and materials). That is why i thought of implementing a capacitive proximity sensor.
  • #11
AT the moment i am trying 2 versions of the solution.

Solution 1:

Two aluminium plates mounted on the top and bottom sides of a pipe with a distance of 10cm between them and area of plates = 0.0025 m2.

I have calculated a graph to show the variation of capacitance on different levels of water. If water is not completely filling the gap between the plates, then the total capacitance is the sum of 2 capacitances in series.
C tot = epsidon * A /[(d1/k1)+(d2/k2)]
where d1 = level of water ; k1= dielectric of water = 80 ; d2 = corresponding height of air;
k2= dielectric of air = 1.

See the

The values of capacitance changes very negligibly for up to 80mm of water level. Does this mean that such a parallel plate capacitor will not produce good output.( even if we use a high frequency oscillator and high input impedance in the circuit?)

Solution 2:
A mesh of aluminium sandwiched between two plexiglass materials and another aluminium mesh perpendicular to this mesh surrounding them.

With the solution 2, one problem is the fixation of such a capacitor in the pipe. That is why it has been given the second place.

Is there any better way to modify the solution 1 to get good results?
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  • #12
You would have to know that the water was very pure before you could calculate using its dielectric constant.
If it was tap water, it would have enough conductivity that you could regard the top of the water as the bottom plate of the capacitor.

I wondered if you could take advantage of the water conductivity like this:

Water level.PNG

You have plates of metal along the outside of the container at the sides.

If the water is fully conducting, there will be capacitance from the water to the plates through the walls of the pipe.
So, it would be like two capacitors in series, however the actual capacitance could be quite high depending on the length of the plates. The capacitance should be directly proportional to the height of the water.
  • #13
The pipe is circular in nature. so how is it possible to have as you mentioned in your picture?
Here is a picture of what it looks like.
The plates could be either outside or inside.In the picture it is shown inside.


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  • #14
You could still use it with a circular pipe. The capacitance would depend on the thickness of the plastic pipe, its dielectric constant and the length of the plates and the height of the water.

This diagram shows it looking along the pipe.

Water level 2.PNG

The plates would have to be outside the pipe, but this should be an advantage.

What is this for?
  • #15
I think you could get better capacitance by putting the two outside plates in parallel and making a contact with the water.
Another advantage of this would be that you could use it if the water in the pipe was grounded electrically.

Water level 3.PNG

Probably, the outside plates could just be a metal pipe which fitted over the plastic one.

You could make a hole in the top of the plastic pipe and have a connection from there to a stainless steel plate in the bottom of the pipe. This would be to avoid leakage problems at the hole.
  • #16
Hi vk6kro

Do you mean to mount the plates in a curved way? from your drawing i understand as if you have placed the plates along the curvature of the pipe.

Or did you actually mean like this ?? (diagram below)
both Aluminium plates on the sides connected to + and the middle aluminium plate to ground?

If the plates are mounted along the curvature, then i guess the C is not same as calculating for the parallel plates, right?

This setup is needed to detect the presence of water or any other objects inside the pipe.
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  • #17
Obviously vk6kro can answer this more clearly but in essence he is talking about a two "plate" capacitor. One plate is a metal sleeve surrounding the pipe, the second is a strip of conductor that runs along on the inside of the pipe. The pipe itself will separate the two "plates" and provide a small amount of dielectric.

I was thinking of a similar idea, running a metal sleeve and then having a central rod, but that was before I realized you wanted to run the pipe horizontally, not vertically.

So in your diagram, the plates outside would be shorted together and curved to fit the exterior. The inner plate stays the same. You can connect the inner plate to ground, which as v6kro mentions, probably will set the water to ground as well since it will probably be contaminated enough to be conductive.

I don't know of a closed form for doing this configuration but you can do a numerical simulation easily enough. The main question would be how you estimate the water but giving it a slight conductivity is probably realistic.
  • #18
The curve would have to follow the shape of the pipe.

We are assuming the water is conductive, so it fills the pipe to some height making contact with the inside of the pipe.
Then we want just the thickness of the plastic pipe to be the dielectric. So the outer conductor has to be as close to the outside surface of the pipe as possible.

This way, the capacitance should be quite large and measuring it should be easier too.

You can get very thin copper sheet from craft stores.

You could have an oscillator like one of the following
555 and schmitt Osc.JPG

which would generate a square wave whose frequency depended inversely on the depth of water in the pipe. These oscillators have one side of the capacitor grounded, which may be necessary in this case if the water is grounded.
  • #19
Sorry for my lack of knowledge.. I didnt understand it completely.
If two copper plates are curved to fit on the outer surface of the pipe and a stainless steel plate is placed inside in the middle of the pipe,how is the capacitance value calculated? i mean capacitance without the presence of water? When water comes, it changes the overall capacitance of the oscillator, right?

Pipe has a thickness of 4 mm; DImension of copper plates = 130 X 65 (L X B). DIlectric constant of pipe = around 4; height of water varies from 1 mm to 100 mm. let's say 50mm for instance.
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  • #20
No easy way. If we had two full cylinders within a cylinder then you could do it using closed form equations. Essentually you are just doing a Poisson equation, though with the inhomogeneity of the dielectric pipe adds further complications. You would set the inner strip to be ground and assume a constant potential across the surface of the outer cylinder. Then it is simply finding the charge distribution on the surfaces. Integrate the charge distribution across the surface of a plate to find the total charge, divide by the voltage you chose to set the plates at, and Bob's your uncle (or other suitable relative) and you have capacitance.

The dielectric pipe adds a bit of trouble because it will be polarized by the fields and adds additional boundary conditions. Really, I think the best way to tackle this would be to do a finite element simulation. You could easily then model the dielectric of the pipe and you can also solve for increasing water levels too. You may be able to solve for it in closed form without any water, it would be rather difficult though. If there wasn't a dielectric pipe, then I would suggest a moment method computational solver. That would not be too difficult to write up. Fortunately, you could just assume that you have an infinite pipe so it is a 2D problem and you would get the capacitance per unit length.

Or you could just build it and take measurements with different levels of water and different levels of contaminants in the water to change the conductivity. But where's the fun in that?

Oh, what a fun little problem.

EDIT: Don't forget to insulate the outer plates on the outside of the pipe. If the pipe is buried and you do not insulate it then the outer plates get pulled to Earth ground which may be the same as the ground you pull down on the inner conductor.
  • #21
When there is 50 mm of water in the pipe, the water is occupying half of the circumference of the pipe on the inside.
If the diameter of the pipe is 100 mm, the circumference = pi * 100. Half this is pi * 50

Suppose you have 200 mm length of metal plate close to the surface on the outside.
The area that is directly opposite the water inside would be
pi * 50 * 200 sq mm or 314 sq cm.
The plastic pipe is 4 mm 0r 0.4 cm thick.
K= 4

C= (0.0885 * 4 * 314 /.4) or about 278 pF

When there is no water in the pipe, the capacitance would depend on the dimensions of the stainless steel electrode at the bottom of the pipe, on the inside.

However, all this is just speculation. Some experimentation would be required to see if this would really work.
  • #22
vk6kro said:
When there is 50 mm of water in the pipe, the water is occupying half of the circumference of the pipe on the inside.
If the diameter of the pipe is 100 mm, the circumference = pi * 100. Half this is pi * 50

Suppose you have 200 mm length of metal plate close to the surface on the outside.
The area that is directly opposite the water inside would be
pi * 50 * 200 sq mm or 314 sq cm.
The plastic pipe is 4 mm 0r 0.4 cm thick.
K= 4

C= (0.0885 * 4 * 314 /.4) or about 278 pF

When there is no water in the pipe, the capacitance would depend on the dimensions of the stainless steel electrode at the bottom of the pipe, on the inside.

However, all this is just speculation. Some experimentation would be required to see if this would really work.

I think that would work as a good first order approximation, but I think it should diverge as the pipe fills up with water. As the water nears the top of the pipe, you should get a growing capacitance from the top surface of the water and the outer pipe above it.
  • #23
This is just a design estimation. It looks like we could get over 400 pF capacitance, so simple oscillators become possible.

The top would be problematic anyway because the little bit of water at the top of the pipe would add a lot of capacitance. However, this would just cause non linearity, not errors and it would be possible to calibrate the pipe to get reasonable readouts.
Micros can do lookup charts, so it is possible.
  • #24
But is the calculation method for capacitance by vk6kro really correct? i mean is that the correct method to find capacitance produced by curved parallel plates?

Or should i need to find the charge distribution over the plates and find the capacitance as mentiond by Born2bwire.

Charge distribution on a surface = dQ/dA . what is it actually in this situation? and total charge = integrating this charge distribution over the complete area ( 175 mm *65mm = 0.011375 m2)

Do we need to findthe charge distribution for both 2 plates and sum up them??
  • #25
Hey vk6kro

I have a doubt with your calculation. Suppose the plates have a dimension of 200 X75 mm (L X B). so when we place it on the side of the pipe, 200 mm is length of the plate upwards and 75 mm is sidewards.
Lets say 50 mm of water is there.
Then thecircumference of the pipe that is covered by water = pi * 50mm.
Area of plates exposed = pi * 50 * (75mm OR 200mm) ?? Is it 75 mm the breadth of the plate or 200 mm the length of the plate?? I think 75 mm , breadth is the right one or am I wrong?

Also i did not quitely understood the diagram in your post #18. Is it the same as you said in post #3?? Using an Oscillator and connectings its output in series with a R and the test Capacitor in parallel.?

Also in post #15 u showed the mounting of the plates. Is it ok that if we mount the outside plates as in figure 2( below). This would be easier to keep the plates very close to the pipe. i.e taking a cylindrical plate and cutting a small portion out from the top portion.

Or else can one use screw and nut to mount the plates to the pipe inorder to have it as in case 1 in figure 2.


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  • #26
In the calculation, there is 200 mm of outer copper along the pipe and assuming it encloses the pipe completely around its circumference.
The only part of the pipe which has significant capacitance is where there is water on the inside. This has an area of 200 mm along the pipe * half the circumference (157 mm).

water level 4.PNG

This is to show the calculation figures. The copper plate is curved and covers the whole of the pipe for 200 mm of its length, but only the bit with water opposite it counts for this calculation. (The dark blue bit is the top of the water. The artist got carried away a bit :) )

The two copper plates got replaced by one plate on the outside of the plastic pipe which covers the entire outside surface.

Also in post #15 u showed the mounting of the plates. Is it ok that if we mount the outside plates as in figure 2( below). This would be easier to keep the plates very close to the pipe. i.e taking a cylindrical plate and cutting a small portion out from the top portion.
Yes, just like that.

Would it be useful to calibrate the readings for equal area steps rather than height? This would give you a scale that showed equal increments in water volume in the pipe.
  • #27
mathew086 said:
But is the calculation method for capacitance by vk6kro really correct? i mean is that the correct method to find capacitance produced by curved parallel plates?

Or should i need to find the charge distribution over the plates and find the capacitance as mentiond by Born2bwire.

Charge distribution on a surface = dQ/dA . what is it actually in this situation? and total charge = integrating this charge distribution over the complete area ( 175 mm *65mm = 0.011375 m2)

Do we need to findthe charge distribution for both 2 plates and sum up them??

It will be a good approximation. If we have a parallel plate capacitor of plates with area A, then the capacitance is
[tex]C= \frac{\epsilon A}{d}[/tex]
where d is the distance between the plates and \epsilon is the permittivity of the dielectric between the plates. All v6kro has done is roll these plates up into cylinders. This has a few problems (not just from rolling them up though). First, the equation ignores fringing fields, it assumes that the fields are perfectly perpendicular to the plates which is not true. However, you get good results for large plate area to width ratios since the fringing fields are only over a small part of the capacitor. In addition, since the plates are now curved, the inner plate will have a smaller area than the outer plate. Plates with large radii and small separations will minimize this error. Finally, because the outer plate is a full cylinder and we are assuming that the water will behave as a conductor (this should be a verification done in experiment, perhaps vary the salinity of the water, *shrug*) and so the inner "plate" is now going to be a semi-cylindrical volume with a flat surface on top. There will be capacitance contributing from this upper surface, which will become more prominent as the water gets higher.

So, if you want a rough calculation, use the simple parallel plate capacitor equation. This may give you a decent curve to fit against measurement. But if you want it to be exact, you will probably need to do a numerical method. Ideally, what you will do is calculate the capacitance for different heights of the water. You can then store these values in a lookup table and use a simple interpolating polynomial (also calculated ahead of time and stored in memory perhaps) to find the capacitance as a function of water height.
  • #28
I calculated a graph of capacitance vs height for this setup (but without any allowance for fringing etc).
pF vs height.PNG

It is surprisingly linear away from the very top and bottom. Quite adequate for this purpose.

I think I would be worried about the time the top of the inside of the pipe stays wet when the water level falls. If it stayed wet, the pipe could be empty and appear full.
I tested some new PVC pipe and it did seem to shed the water quickly after being dunked in water. Some plastic pipe has a greasy feel and this might be more suitable.
  • #29
Hello guys...

I started to mount the plates and design an oscillator. I mounted a 65mm long copper plate around the pipe and connected it to + 9VDC. Then I placed a small plate of staineless steel inside the pipe in the middle and connected it to 0V. After a few minutes i connected th eplates to a LCR meter to check the capacitance( Without water inside the pipe).
The value showed as around 10pF. Then i poured a few drops of water into the pipe and the value changed to around 25pF. ( At the moment i don't have a large container to fit in the pipe and check for the full level of water.) When some small particles like paper pieces were placed in the pipe, the value changed very negligibly. 0.X pF change.

What happened next is interesting.. The few drops in the pipe started flowing outside and some of them went into the gap between the pipe and the outer copper plate. Suddnely the reading was out of range. The copper plate is 0.5mm thick. I treid the very maximum to fix it completely over the surface. Now i need to find a solution for it.

I am designing an astable osciliator that produces around 100kHz frequency and try the output.

I hope there will be considerable change detection.

I also calculated a therotical approch with the mehtod you mentioned. The graph was also linear ... like in the figure below.


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  • #30
Sounds like the water was conductive enough to upset your LCR meter on its C range.
That might be good news.
Could you put a plastic bag of water in the tube with an electrode inside the bag?

I did a calculation for the 555 oscillator in #18 above.
Using 100 K as the resistor, the frequency curve was hyperbolic, but the period curve followed the same shape as the Capacitance vs Height curve above. ie it was quite linear.

So, that raises some interesting possibilities. How would you like a digital readout with 1 mm accuracy? Probabaly an overkill, but it would look impressive.

Anyway, let's see if the thing even works first.
  • #31
Hey vk6kr0

I need a bit help with the circuit. I made an monostable oscillator with R = 1M Ohm and C = 100nF. I used a 556 dual timer. So i connected one side of it to the monostable oscillator and the pins on the other side timer to ground. ( is that correct??) The output from this was connected to a 1Mega Ohm resitor in series and the test capacitor in parallel. That was then connected to a LM358 amplifier. I took the output from the amplifier and connected to an osciliscope to check whether there are any changes.
I am getting a sine wave and when i move my hand through the pipe there is a change in peak to peak voltage.

I am not sure whether the oscillator is good enough in configuration. I am having only dual time 556 timers. COuld you please help me out.

Meanwhile i tried to put a plastic bag of water in the tube with an electrode inside the bag?
. The value of capacitance changed in the LCR meter.

The figure below shows my circuit.


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  • #32
The 556 has a common power pin, so the unused side of the chip is powered even if you are not using it.
You shouldn't need to ground any of the pins, but especially you should not ground the output pin (pin 5 or pin 9). This could cause the chip to overheat.

The monostable produces one pulse if you push the trigger switch. So, you should not be getting a sinewave output.

Have a look at the oscillators in post #18 above. The 555 one really needs a CMOS 555 chip but it is a really good circuit. It just uses one resistor and one capacitor for timing.

Otherwise, you could use a standard 555 astable circuit to get continuous output.
It would give a square wave output and you would be interested in the frequency of the output.

Because the capacitance is small, you would need to have large resistors to keep the frequency down. Probably resistors like 220 K to 470 K.
  • #33
The figure in post 18 is a CMOS 555 Timer IC on left and a schmitt trigger on right.( right?)
The values of R & C in the CMOS timer have to be chosen to obtain a frequncy of 100 KHz.
The ouptput from that one has to go 74C14 with our test capacitance and R ( 270 KOhm)

Is that correct or are the R & C in both diagrams the same?
  • #34
No, they are both oscillator circuits, so you can choose one or the other.

Maybe R could be a 150 K resistor for a start just to see if you get a result. C is the pipe capacitor.

Maybe you could block off one end of the pipe for a test and then fill it with water gradually, with it mounted vertically?
  • #35
A LMC 555 CMOS timer was not available. So i need to use the dual timer itself.

Meantime i tried to simulate the circuit using an astable oscillator. ( Producing square wave) ( frequency = 71 Hz.)( R1 = 1kOhm, R2 = 100 KOhm, C = 100 nF)
The output from it was connected to a bridge where the test capacitance is cponnected in parallel to two other capacitors. See figure 1. Then it was conencted to an op Amplifier as shown.
Each time the value of test capacitance changes, the peak to peak voltage value was changing. See the figure 2. I plotted the C value vs Peak to peak voltage.

How is it possible to get a logical output when the value changes??

This is just a simulation and now i need to try it.


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