Trying to understand quantum mechanics

In summary: I got some questions about QM (not well organized)Is the wave property means that we can represent the particle by wavefunction ?In summary, the conversation discusses various aspects of quantum mechanics, including the concept of wave-particle duality and the interpretation of wavefunctions as probability densities. It also touches on the historical background and the use of advanced mathematics in understanding quantum mechanics. The conversation concludes with the suggestion to refer to a standard textbook for further understanding.
  • #1
I got some questions about QM (not well organized)

There is wave-particle duality. To my understanding, particle can behave as billard ball and wave.
Is the wave property means that we can represent the particle by wavefunction ?

The modulus of wavefunction in Schrodinger equation is interpreted by Max Born as probability density. So I guess Schrodinger did not know the meaning of wavefunction when he first proposed it ? How did Max Born comes with the idea that |psi|^2 is the probability density ?
(any experiments to verify the probability density ?)

In learning quantum mechanics, what I know is to promote classical observable (not sure) to operator, then we formulate the QM problem. But how is it actually done ? e.g. how Schordinger writes down the equation ?
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  • #2
I got some questions about QM (not well organized)

There is wave-particle duality. To my understanding, particle can behave as billard ball and wave.
Is the wave property means that we can represent the particle by wavefunction ?
"wave particle duality" is the observation that whether you see particle or wave behavior depends on how you look at the thing in question.

But be clear - a "billiard ball" is not a good model for a particle.
Particle behavior would be when energy is delivered to a target in lumps (waves deliver energy continuously); and wave behavior is diffraction and interference. Note, however, that in diffraction experiments with, say, electrons, the distributon of electrons arriving at the "screen" is what exhibits the diffraction, not the individual electrons.

This is the key - it is the statistics that has the wave behavior, not the object. The statistics are described by the wave-function.

The modulus of wavefunction in Schrodinger equation is interpreted by Max Born as probability density.
The square-modulus is the probability density.

So I guess Schrodinger did not know the meaning of wavefunction when he first proposed it ? How did Max Born comes with the idea that |psi|^2 is the probability density ?
(any experiments to verify the probability density ?)
In reverse order - there are a great many experiments verifying that it is a good idea to treat the wavefunction as a probability amplitude.

There were historically a lot of groups working on the theory, from different angles. Schrodinger was not clear on how to interpret the wavefunction though, no.

In learning quantum mechanics, what I know is to promote classical observable (not sure) to operator, then we formulate the QM problem. But how is it actually done ? e.g. how Schordinger writes down the equation ?
Classical physics is what happens on average in the QM description.
So the classical momentum of a particle, for example, is the expectation value of the momentum of the particle in a state described by a particular wavefunction.

But if you mean "what did Schrodinger think he was doing?" ... who knows.
It is not useful to your studies though - unless you prefer to study history of course.
  • #3
But be clear - a "billiard ball" is not a good model for a particle.
It's the worst possible model to be precise.
  • #4
haael said:
It's the worst possible model to be precise.
  • #5
In learning quantum mechanics, what I know is to promote classical observable (not sure) to operator, then we formulate the QM problem. But how is it actually done ? e.g. how Schordinger writes down the equation ?

These why questions are all good questions, and have answers.

Trouble is they require advanced math and are not at the beginner level.

I will give the answers, but won't be able to explain why. Just to be sure you know what I am saying is correct its from the first 3 chapters of the following standard textbook:

The reason behind Schroedinger's equation, the operators used etc is actually the Principle Of Relativity:

It turns out when you apply that to the principles of QM (without going into the detail of exactly what they are) all these equations pop out.

Pity I can't explain the detail here. But its in the reference I gave above.

How did Schroedinger come up with it?

Again it requires advanced math, but the following details it:

Hopefully, despite the math, you can get a bit of the gist.

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  • #6
haael said:
It's the worst possible model to be precise. was a slight understatement yah. Oh but I can think of worse models... the "old-sock" theory of particle interactions anyone?

iirc Feynman used "bullets" as his model "classical notion of a particle".

FAQ: Trying to understand quantum mechanics

1. What is quantum mechanics?

Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of particles on a microscopic level. It describes how particles such as atoms and subatomic particles behave and interact with each other.

2. Why is quantum mechanics important?

Quantum mechanics is important because it helps us understand the fundamental nature of our universe and how particles behave at a microscopic level. It also has practical applications in technology, such as in the development of computers and other electronic devices.

3. What are the main principles of quantum mechanics?

The main principles of quantum mechanics include the wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and superposition. These principles describe how particles can behave as both waves and particles, how we cannot know certain properties of particles with absolute certainty, and how particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously.

4. Is quantum mechanics difficult to understand?

Yes, quantum mechanics can be difficult to understand because it is based on complex mathematical equations and deals with concepts that are not easily observable in our everyday lives. However, with effort and study, it is possible to gain a basic understanding of the principles and applications of quantum mechanics.

5. How is quantum mechanics different from classical mechanics?

Quantum mechanics is different from classical mechanics in that it describes the behavior of particles at a microscopic level, while classical mechanics describes the behavior of larger objects. Quantum mechanics also incorporates concepts such as wave-particle duality and superposition, which are not present in classical mechanics.

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