How Does Changing Water Levels Affect Air Column Resonance and Harmonics?

In summary, the apparatus for this problem involves a closed tube with a varying amount of water inside. The resonance with the tuning fork occurs when the air inside the tube vibrates at the same frequency as the fork, and this can be achieved at different lengths of the column of air. Only odd harmonics are possible in this problem, and changing the amount of water affects the length of the column of air. The wavelength of the sound wave is constrained by the water column, and increasing the length of the air column allows for more wavelengths to fit inside but does not change the value of each wavelength. This means that lengthening the air column only decreases the resonant frequencies of each harmonic, not the frequency of the wave itself. The harmonic number
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The apparatus looks like this (see attached):

I understand that in order to resonane with the tuning fork the air inside the column must be vibrating at the same frequency as the fork. In addition, I understand that varying the amount of water in the tube increases or decreases the length of the column of air, and that resonance can occur at different lengths. I also understand that this problem can be modeled as a tube closed at one end and that only the odd harmonics are possible.

I have the following questions regarding this problem:

1) It seems to me that changing the amount of water in the tube does not change the wavelength and frequency of the air inside of the tube. All the pictures I've seen show that an increase in the amount of air in the tube indeed allows for a longer wave overall, but the wavelength, lambda, does not change at greater lengths. It seems to me that if the frequency of the tuning fork is locked, the wavelength must also be. Instead, by lowering the water level there is more room for the propogation of the sound wave in the tube and so you are effectively increasing the harmonic number, n as opposed to increasing the value of lambda as would occur if a woodwind or string instrument was lengthened. In other words, while lengthening the column of air allows for more wavelengths to fit inside the column, the value of each wavelength, lambda, remains constant. Is this accurate? If not, please explain.

2) If the above logic is correct, it would seem to me that lengthening the air portion would only serve to decrease the resonant frequencies of each harmonic, but not the frequency of the wave itself (as that is determined by the tuning fork). In other words, it seems to me that an increase in the amount of air will mean that each (odd) harmonic can be achieved at a lower frequency. This is from the equation "frequency of the nth harmonic = nv/4L" (v is constant). If lengthening the tube indeed serves to manually increase the harmonic numer (as reasoned above) while decreasing the resonant frequency of each harmonic, it would make sense to me that the tuning fork and the air column could be vibrating at the same frequency at progressively increasing lengths of the air column (by f = nv/4L). Is this logic accurate?

Thank you!
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I think the wavelength of the sound wave and therefore λ is actually constrained by the water column. The harmonic number just represents different possible modes of vibration and not something that changes with λ.

FAQ: How Does Changing Water Levels Affect Air Column Resonance and Harmonics?

What is a tuning fork?

A tuning fork is a small metal instrument that produces a specific musical tone when struck. It typically has two prongs that vibrate at a fixed frequency, creating a pure and consistent sound.

How does a tuning fork work?

When a tuning fork is struck, the two prongs vibrate back and forth at a specific frequency. This vibration creates a sound wave that travels through the air, allowing us to hear the tone. The frequency of the vibration determines the pitch of the sound produced.

What is an air column?

An air column is a column of air, typically found in a tube or pipe, that can be used to produce sound waves. When air is disturbed, it creates vibrations that travel through the column and produce audible sound.

How does an air column affect the sound of a tuning fork?

When a tuning fork is placed near an air column, the column can resonate with the frequency of the fork, amplifying the sound produced. The length and shape of the column can also affect the pitch and quality of the sound produced.

What is the relationship between a tuning fork and an air column?

The relationship between a tuning fork and an air column is one of resonance. When the frequency of the fork matches the natural frequency of the air column, it can produce a louder and more sustained sound. This is the principle behind many musical instruments, such as flutes and clarinets.
