Turbo verses supercharging and thermodynamics

In summary: However, superchargers and turbos also increase efficiency by reducing pumping losses, so they're really just a combination of the two.
  • #1
This one puzzles me. Can an automotive engineer please correct my understanding? I am not an automotive engineer but would like to understand more (I am a bio engineer)

Compressing the charge is a way to increase the volumetric efficiency by limiting pumping losses?

So any method of compressing the charge is better than a normally aspirated engine?

Turbos use ‘waste’ energy in the form of hot gas. They take some energy out to compress the intake air, hence volumetric efficiency increases?

Superchargers do not use waste energy but actually place a drag on the engine so they are not as efficient as turbos. However, since they still increase volumetric efficiency, they are still better than nothing (and are more reliable)??

One thing that really puzzles me: after power stroke BDC, does the exhaust gas ‘fly out’ of the cyclinder because it is still very hot/high pressure, or does it need to be 'pumped out'? If it is pumped out then the turbo is not recuperating ‘waste energy’ but is stealing energy rather like the supercharger does... any enlightenment available!?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
When the exhaust valve opens, the exhaust gas does 'fly out' of the cylinder for a while, but then some of it is pushed out by the rising motion of the piston. This last 'push' is at fairly low pressure (a few bars at most), so isn't causing that much 'energy theft' as you put it. However, it IS at high temperature! Try thinking of the turbo taking energy out of the exhaust gas by reducing its temperature by several hundred degrees, rather than just by being spun around by pressure. Of course, it's pressure that drives the turbine wheel, but when you consider the amount of energy the turbine takes out of the gas, you can see why they can give considerable engine efficiency improvements.

Mechanical superchargers do directly 'steal' energy from the crankshaft.

Pressure charged engines aren't necessarily 'better'.
  • #3
When the density of a charge is increased not only does the V.E. gets increased, if all the parts are adequate in quality our mechanical and thermal efficiencies increase as well. Once the exhaust valve lifts off the seat this begins out BLOW DOWN PHASE. This is going on when the piston is still moving towards BDC. Heat, cylinder pressure exert the evac. force and the seat and valve along with the port shapes influence how well our cylinders empty. Once ABDC has been reached we start our pumping phase.

As Brewnog mentions the turbine wheel reduces the exh. gas flow efficiency just from being within the system. You also have to look at how well that turbo housing flows itself. Not all turbos flow the same. This can begin the aspect we know as pumping loss due to high residual pressure in the cylinder upon approaching TDC.

What else to look at is the type of fuel and static & dynamic compression and if there are thermal coatings as well.
  • #4
brewnog said:
Pressure charged engines aren't necessarily 'better'.

Correct. Neither turbos nor supers are more efficient than normally aspirated engines. What they do is all the engine to produce a lot more horsepower for the overall weight of the engine. Superchargers are better at it (higher pressure ratios), and better suited to a fairly narrow RPM range, but they're not efficient at all. Dragsters use superchargers. Turbochargers are much more efficient than superchargers, and are thus better suited to sporty automobiles and aircraft, where both weight and efficiency is an issue.

A straight diesel is the most efficient recip. Turbos are used for both sport diesels like the VW Jetta as well as 18-wheelers as they create minimal additional drag (energy consumption) at cruising speeds, but they provide a lot of extra HP when you need it for very little additional weight.

I get at least 40 mpg highway in my Jetta TDI.
  • #5
DoggerDan said:
Correct. Neither turbos nor supers are more efficient than normally aspirated engines.

No, that wasn't my point. My point was that 'betterness' isn't a characteristic which can be defined well enough to make comparisons about aspiration type. Turbochargers do increase efficiency, primarily because the higher in cylinder pressure at start of compression gives a higher peak cylinder pressure, and thus higher Carnot efficiency.

FAQ: Turbo verses supercharging and thermodynamics

1. What is the difference between turbocharging and supercharging?

Turbocharging and supercharging are both methods of increasing the power output of an engine. The main difference is how they achieve this. Turbocharging uses the engine's exhaust gases to spin a turbine, which then compresses the incoming air and forces it into the engine. Supercharging, on the other hand, uses a belt or chain connected to the engine to power a compressor, which also increases the air intake.

2. Which one is more efficient, turbocharging or supercharging?

In general, turbocharging is considered to be more efficient because it utilizes wasted exhaust gases to power the turbine. This means that it does not require any additional energy from the engine to operate. However, supercharging can provide more immediate power, as there is no lag time for the turbocharger to spin up.

3. How do turbochargers and superchargers affect the thermodynamics of the engine?

Both turbochargers and superchargers increase the amount of air that is being forced into the engine, which in turn increases the amount of fuel that can be burned. This leads to a higher temperature and pressure inside the combustion chamber, resulting in more power. However, this also puts more stress on the engine and can affect its overall efficiency.

4. Are there any downsides to using a turbocharger or supercharger?

One downside of using a turbocharger is that it can create lag, which is a delay in power delivery due to the time it takes for the turbine to spin up. Superchargers do not have this issue, but they can consume some of the engine's power to operate. Additionally, both methods can increase the overall cost and complexity of the engine.

5. Can you use both a turbocharger and a supercharger on the same engine?

Yes, it is possible to use both a turbocharger and a supercharger on the same engine. This is known as twincharging and is commonly used in high-performance vehicles. The supercharger provides immediate power, while the turbocharger kicks in at higher RPMs for added boost. However, this setup can be expensive and may require additional modifications to the engine.

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