Turning radius of a simple two-axle vehicle

In summary, the conversation discusses the design and construction of an autonomous vehicle capable of making left-hand u-turns. The speaker has designed a steering mechanism but is unsure of how to determine the steering radius given the front axle turns with respect to the rear axle. Two potential equations for determining the turning radius are mentioned, one involving the wheelbase and wheel cut, and the other involving the length of the wheelbase and the angle of the line drawn from the center of the offside tire to the point where the nearside tire centerline intersects the rear axle centerline.
  • #1
Greetings everyone and thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

I am currently part of a team tasked with designing and constructing an autonomous, mechanically powered two-axle vehicle capable of making left-hand u-turns around a set track.

I have designed a steering mechanism I believe is functional but have had difficulty locating any information in regards to determining the steering radius of the vehicle.

Specifically, I am unsure what kind of equation I can use to determine the steering radius of a vehicle given that the front axle itself turns with respect to the rear axle (the max angle between the front and rear axles is 30 deg).

Thanks again and please let me know if I should add anymore information.
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  • #2
Gnarlywhale said:
Specifically, I am unsure what kind of equation I can use to determine the steering radius of a vehicle given that the front axle itself turns with respect to the rear axle (the max angle between the front and rear axles is 30 deg).

In plan view, trace a line through the center of each axle. Where they all (both) meet is the center of the turning circle.
  • #3
If I understood correct, you looking for an equation for turning radius.

For cars is called Curb-to-curb turning radius and is given as:

R = Wb * Cf / Wc

R = Turning radius
Wb = Wheel base (Distance between front and rear wheels)
Cf = Conversion factor (Is given by the manufacturer)
Wc = Outside wheel cut (How big angle can perform the turning axle)

Another formula is:

Turning diameter = 2 * (L / sine(A))

L = length of wheelbase
A = the angle of the line drawn from the center of the offside tire to the point where the nearside tire centerline intersects the rear axle centerline.
  • #4
That was exactly what I needed, thank you!

FAQ: Turning radius of a simple two-axle vehicle

What is the turning radius of a simple two-axle vehicle?

The turning radius of a simple two-axle vehicle refers to the distance between the center of the vehicle's turning circle and the outermost point of the vehicle during a turn.

How is the turning radius of a simple two-axle vehicle calculated?

The turning radius of a simple two-axle vehicle is calculated by dividing the wheelbase (the distance between the front and rear axles) by the sine of the steering angle (the angle of the front wheels during a turn).

What factors can affect the turning radius of a simple two-axle vehicle?

The turning radius of a simple two-axle vehicle can be affected by various factors such as the size and weight of the vehicle, the type of tires, the condition of the road, and the speed at which the vehicle is turning.

How does the turning radius of a simple two-axle vehicle compare to that of a multi-axle vehicle?

In general, a simple two-axle vehicle will have a smaller turning radius compared to a multi-axle vehicle. This is because a multi-axle vehicle has a longer wheelbase, making it less maneuverable.

Why is it important to know the turning radius of a simple two-axle vehicle?

Knowing the turning radius of a simple two-axle vehicle is important for several reasons. It can help drivers navigate tight turns and parking spaces, determine if a vehicle can make a turn safely, and assist in designing roads and intersections to accommodate different types of vehicles.

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