Turning to a single logarithm then simply.

In summary, the student is trying to solve homework equations using the properties of logarithms. They are having trouble with getting the first term and the second term to equal the same number. They are able to express the third term as log(x^3). If they are not sure about their result, they try plugging in a few random numbers and are able to get the same result every time. They are done when they are able to simplify log(x^3 \sqrt[4]{x-1}) to log(x^3).
  • #1

Homework Statement

Write expression as a logarithm of a single quantity and then simplify if possible.

(1/4)[log (x²-1)-log (x+1)]+3log x

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I got (1/4)log(x-1) + 3log x so far
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  • #2
[tex]a*log(b)=log(b^a)[/tex]...does that help?
  • #3
Not really. i need to know the steps towards the answer.
  • #4
Remember your properties of logarithms. Multiplication can be converted into an exponent in a different format. There are other posts on this topic.
  • #5
DCHomage said:
Not really. i need to know the steps towards the answer.

Well, what does your first term become when you use the property in my previous post with [itex]a=\frac{1}{4}[/itex] and [itex]b=(x^2-1)[/itex]?
  • #6
gabbagabbahey said:
Well, what does your first term become when you use the property in my previous post with [itex]a=\frac{1}{4}[/itex] and [itex]b=(x^2-1)[/itex]?

  • #7
There was a typo in my last post, I meant [itex]b=(x-1)[/itex] (without the squared!), which would give you:

[tex]\frac{1}{4} Log(x-1)=Log((x-1)^{1\over{4}})= Log(\sqrt[4]{x-1})[/tex]

What do you get for your second term using the same rule (with a different [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex] this time of course)?
  • #8
gabbagabbahey said:
There was a typo in my last post, I meant [itex]b=(x-1)[/itex] (without the squared!), which would give you:

[tex]\frac{1}{4} Log(x-1)=Log((x-1)^{1\over{4}})= Log(\sqrt[4]{x-1})[/tex]

What do you get for your second term using the same rule (with a different [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex] this time of course)?

Can you just show me the steps because you were missing something? Meaning that the 3log x is also a part of the problem.
  • #9
The 3log(x) is your other term...

I'm not going to just show you the steps, it is important for your future that you learn to think through these problems on your own.

Using the rule in my first reply, what can you express 3log(x) as?
  • #10
gabbagabbahey said:
The 3log(x) is your other term...

I'm not going to just show you the steps, it is important for your future that you learn to think through these problems on your own.

Using the rule in my first reply, what can you express 3log(x) as?

log (x^3)?
  • #11
Yes, good.

Now if [itex]\frac{1}{4} Log(x-1)= log(\sqrt[4]{x-1})[/itex] and [itex]3log(x)=log(x^3)[/itex], what is [itex]\frac{1}{4} Log(x-1)+3log(x)[/itex]?
  • #12
gabbagabbahey said:
Yes, good.

Now if [itex]\frac{1}{4} Log(x-1)= log(\sqrt[4]{x-1})[/itex] and [itex]3log(x)=log(x^3)[/itex], what is [itex]\frac{1}{4} Log(x-1)+3log(x)[/itex]?

  • #13
Do you mean [itex]log(x^3 \sqrt[4]{x-1})[/itex] or [itex]x^3log(\sqrt[4]{x-1})[/itex]?
  • #14
gabbagabbahey said:
Do you mean [itex]log(x^3 \sqrt[4]{x-1})[/itex] or [itex]x^3log(\sqrt[4]{x-1})[/itex]?

[itex]log(x^3 \sqrt[4]{x-1})[/itex]?
  • #15
Looks good to me.

...If your not sure about your result, try plugging a few random numbers for x into your starting expression, and final expression (with the help of a calculator); you should find that they both give the same value for a given x.
  • #16
gabbagabbahey said:
Looks good to me.

...If your not sure about your result, try plugging a few random numbers for x into your starting expression, and final expression (with the help of a calculator); you should find that they both give the same value for a given x.

O k...but how you simplify it?
  • #17
That's as far as you can simplify it...you have gone from having an expression with 3 terms, to an expression with only 1 term, so you have simplified it a fair bit.
  • #18
gabbagabbahey said:
That's as far as you can simplify it...you have gone from having an expression with 3 terms, to an expression with only 1 term, so you have simplified it a fair bit.

Don't get it.
  • #19
[itex]log(x^3 \sqrt[4]{x-1})[/itex] looks to me like a more simple expression than [itex]\frac{1}{4}[log (x^2-1)-log (x+1)]+3log(x)[/itex]...would you not agree?

If so, then you've certainly simplified it at least a little. And I don't see any way to simplify it any more than that...do you?

If not, then your done: [itex]log(x^3 \sqrt[4]{x-1})[/itex] is your final answer!

Do you follow?
  • #20
gabbagabbahey said:
[itex]log(x^3 \sqrt[4]{x-1})[/itex] looks to me like a more simple expression than [itex]\frac{1}{4}[log (x^2-1)-log (x+1)]+3log(x)[/itex]...would you not agree?

If so, then you've certainly simplified it at least a little. And I don't see any way to simplify it any more than that...do you?

If not, then your done: [itex]log(x^3 \sqrt[4]{x-1})[/itex] is your final answer!

Do you follow?

Ohh...I get it now.
  • #21

FAQ: Turning to a single logarithm then simply.

1. What is a single logarithm?

A single logarithm is a logarithm in which there is only one variable. This means that the logarithm contains only one term, rather than multiple terms being added or subtracted.

2. Why would you need to turn to a single logarithm?

Turning to a single logarithm allows for easier evaluation and simplification of logarithmic expressions. It also helps to make solving equations involving logarithms more straightforward.

3. How do you turn multiple logarithms into a single logarithm?

To turn multiple logarithms into a single logarithm, you can use the properties of logarithms to combine them into one. For example, if there are two logarithms being added, you can use the product property of logarithms to combine them into one logarithm with the product of the two terms inside.

4. Are there any specific rules or guidelines to follow when turning to a single logarithm?

Yes, there are several rules and properties of logarithms that can be used when turning to a single logarithm. These include the product property, quotient property, power property, and the fact that the logarithm of a number to its base is equal to 1.

5. Can you provide an example of turning to a single logarithm?

Sure, for example, if we have the expression log(x) + log(y), we can use the product property to turn it into a single logarithm: log(xy). Similarly, if we have the expression log(x) - log(y), we can use the quotient property to turn it into a single logarithm: log(x/y).
