Twin Paradox: Comparing Lengths of Moving Rods

In summary, the conversation discussed the concept of relativity and how different frames of reference can lead to different measurements and observations. It also touched on the idea of simultaneity and how it is relative to each frame. The use of Lorentz transformations was suggested to properly understand and calculate these concepts. The conversation ended with a reminder to use the Lorentz transformation to check the consistency of measurements between frames.
  • #1
Imagine that we have two metal rods, and both measure 1 meter, a measurement done from the same inertial system when they are at speed = 0. These two rods are equal, the extreme points of the first one are called a and b and its inertial system is called F, the extreme points of the other rod are called c and d and its inertial frame is called F'.

Now imagine there is a third reference system F'' , this system is in the middle of these two rods at point O, the rods are traveling towards O in the same direction but obviously with opposite velocities.

According to F'' the rods at F and F' are coming at speed v and -v.

Everything is disposed so the extremes a and c will coincide at the same space point at some given instant. (Lets imagine they don't collide, it is just they will run very close in a parallel maner, or that they are not metallic simply imaginary).

At some instant in F'' the extremes a and c coincide in the same point O, that means both b and d coincide since the lenghts are the same.
Let's imagine the speeds are close to the speed of light, that means maybe F'' will measure length of rod in F= 0.3 meters, length of F'= 0.3 meters.(Nothing strange here)

Now, according to the system F, he is quiet obviously, and the rod at F' is coming with speed= 2v. According to this system the rod in F does not change its size, it measures 1 meter. Also the rod at F' measures 1 meter as observed from F', but this meter compared with the metter of F is much shorter according to F. The conclusion is that points a and c will coincide at the same point, but now seen from F the point b is at a larger distance than the point d, which is closer to c, and from the F rulers is shorter than 1 meter. Is this correct? (In that case points c and d don't coincide and the lenghts are different, How could be this consistent with F'' measurements?)

Now the bizarre stuff is this, What does F' see?

For F' it is F who is traveling, it is the rod at F who will contract the lenghts, and when a and c coincide the point d will be 1 meter away from c, no contraction here, but the distance a - b in these rulers will be shorter than 1 meter. Just the opposite that F measured.

Both cannot be right at the same time.

Do you see the point? Let me know.

UNderstanding that from 1 system another changes its length when moving as measured from the "quiet" system looks consistent to me. But if I change to the other moving system I can't see how his measurements could be consistent with the first ones.
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  • #2
Look up "relativity of simultaneity". Also, relativistic velocity addition (F' is not moving at 2v as seen from F if both are doing v in opposite directions in F'').

In short, "at the same time" is not a complete sentence in relativity. You can use the Lorentz transforms to determine how each frame will describe your scenario.
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  • #3
I only got as far in your post as
jonjacson said:
Now, according to the system F, he is quiet obviously, and the rod at F' is coming with speed= 2v
and stopped reading because right there is likely the problem. To F, the rod in F' is NOT approaching at 2v, he's approaching at something less that c.

Google "Lorentz Transform"

EDIT: I see ibix beat me to it.
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  • #4
Ibix said:
Look up "relativity of simultaneity". Also, relativistic velocity addition (F' is not moving at 2v as seen from F if both are doing v in opposite directions in F'').

In short, "at the same time" is not a complete sentence in relativity. You can use the Lorentz transforms to determine how each frame will describe your scenario.
phinds said:
I only got as far in your post as
and stopped reading because right there is likely the problem. To F, the rod in F' is NOT approaching at 2v, he's approaching at something less that c.

Google "Lorentz Transform"

EDIT: I see ibix beat me to it.

I missed that point.

I will calculate the velocity addition using Lorentz and then will see if everything makes sense.

  • #5
You also need to use the Lorentz transforms to show that things that are simultaneous in one frame (e.g. both ends of the rods being coincident in F'') are not simultaneous in other frames. Not realising that is, I think, why you're having trouble imagining how F and F' describe things.
  • #6
jonjacson said:
I will calculate the velocity addition using Lorentz and then will see if everything makes sense.
Like @Ibix says, you will also have to use the Lorentz transformations to get the relativity of simultaneity right. There is only one frame in which you can arrange for a and c to be lined up at the same instant that b and d are lined up, and that is F'' (Why? Think about it for a moment). So use that as your initial conditions: in F'' the event "a and c are lined up" has coordinates ##(t=0,x=0)## and the event "b and d are lined up" has coordinates ##(t=0,x=L'')## where ##L''## is the length of the two rods when you do your calculations using the F'' frame.

What are the coordinates of these two events in the frame F? In the frame F'? And as a final sanity check, once you have the coordinates in the frame F, use the Lorentz transformation between F and F' to see if you get the same result for F' as when you transformed from F'' to F'.
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  • #7
Nugatory said:
Like @Ibix says, you will also have to use the Lorentz transformations to get the relativity of simultaneity right. There is only one frame in which you can arrange for a and c to be lined up at the same instant that b and d are lined up, and that is F'' (Why? Think about it for a moment). So use that as your initial conditions: in F'' the event "a and c are lined up" has coordinates ##(t=0,x=0)## and the event "b and d are lined up" has coordinates ##(t=0,x=L'')## where ##L''## is the length of the two rods when you do your calculations using the F'' frame.

What are the coordinates of these two events in the frame F? In the frame F'? And as a final sanity check, once you have the coordinates in the frame F, use the Lorentz transformation between F and F' to see if you get the same result for F' as when you transformed from F'' to F'.

I will do it and I will post here the results if they look absurd.

  • #8
The relativity of simultaneity is very important to understand. Almost all of the "paradoxes" in SR are based on the relativity of simultaneity.

Related to Twin Paradox: Comparing Lengths of Moving Rods

1. What is the Twin Paradox?

The Twin Paradox is a thought experiment in physics that explores the effects of time dilation and length contraction on twins who are traveling at different speeds. It involves one twin staying on Earth while the other twin travels in a high-speed rocket and then returns to Earth. The paradox arises when the traveling twin returns younger than the stationary twin, even though they experienced the same amount of time.

2. How does the Twin Paradox relate to Special Relativity?

The Twin Paradox is a common example used to illustrate the principles of Special Relativity, which states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion. The paradox arises because of the different frames of reference of the twins, leading to different experiences of time and space.

3. What is the key concept behind the Twin Paradox?

The key concept behind the Twin Paradox is that time is relative. As an object moves at high speeds, time appears to slow down for that object relative to a stationary observer. This phenomenon is known as time dilation and is a fundamental concept in Special Relativity.

4. How does length contraction play a role in the Twin Paradox?

Length contraction is another key concept in Special Relativity that states that objects appear to contract in the direction of their motion as their speed increases. In the Twin Paradox, the traveling twin's rod will appear shorter to the stationary twin due to length contraction, explaining why the traveling twin appears to experience less time.

5. Is the Twin Paradox a real phenomenon or just a thought experiment?

The Twin Paradox is a thought experiment that demonstrates the principles of Special Relativity. While it is not possible for humans to travel at the speeds necessary to observe the paradox in real life, it has been observed in experiments involving atomic clocks and muons traveling at high speeds in particle accelerators.

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