Twin Paradox: Solving for Time Interval in Satellite Orbit | Special Relativity

In summary: I think a TI -83 or TI-89 would approximate gamma better than a mere scientific calculator?You work looks OK to me.I don't know anything about those calculators, but I doubt they'll do any different.Do the Taylor expansion--that's the easy way.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A clock is placed in a satellite that orbits Earth for a period of 5400 seconds. By what time interval will this clock differ from an identical clock on Earth after 1 year(assume that special relativity applies.)

Homework Equations

v(escape velocity)=11186 m/s
possibly delta(t) = delta(t')/gamma
gamma =1/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)

The Attempt at a Solution

First I converted 1 year => 31536000 s

after 1 year , the observers on the satelitte measured the new time of the sattilitte to be

t(new)= 31536000 seconds + 5400 seconds = 31541400 seconds

after 1 year , the observers measured the Earth notices that the velocity of the satelitte to approach the speed of light.

t'(new) = 31536000 seconds + 5400 seconds/gamma=31541400.000004

the time interval between the times measured on Earth and on the satelitte after 1 year = 31541400 seconds -31541400.000004=.000004 seconds

but the back of my books says 9.6 ms. Where did I go wrong ?
Physics news on
  • #2
What's the speed of the satellite?
  • #3
Doc Al said:
What's the speed of the satellite?

It does explicity state the speed of the satellite in the problem . But I assumed the escape velocity for all objects leaving the Earth is about 11186 m/s , according to the list of physical constants in the appendix of my textbooks.
  • #4
Benzoate said:
It does explicity state the speed of the satellite in the problem .
Does? Or does not? If not, you have to figure it out.
But I assumed the escape velocity for all objects leaving the Earth is about 11186 m/s , according to the list of physical constants in the appendix of my textbooks.
What's escape velocity have to do with it? It's orbiting the earth, not escaping.
  • #5
Doc Al said:
Does? Or does not? If not, you have to figure it out.

What's escape velocity have to do with it? It's orbiting the earth, not escaping.

It doesn't. wouldn't the velocity be v=2*Pi*(R(earth))/1 year?
  • #6
Benzoate said:
wouldn't the velocity be v=2*Pi*(R(earth))/1 year?
Only if its altitude is zero. Read this: Earth Orbits
  • #7
Doc Al said:
Only if its altitude is zero. Read this: Earth Orbits

so then finding the velocity of the orbit would be pointless if we are not given the distance between the Earth and sattelite
  • #8
Benzoate said:
so then finding the velocity of the orbit would be pointless if we are not given the distance between the Earth and sattelite

Set the gravitational force equal to centripetal force... ie:

GMm/r^2 = mv^2/r
GM/r^2 = v^2/r

using this equation and

v = 2pir/5400

You can solve for v... you have 2 equations 2 unknowns (v and r).
  • #9
learningphysics said:
Set the gravitational force equal to centripetal force... ie:

GMm/r^2 = mv^2/r
GM/r^2 = v^2/r

using this equation and

v = 2pir/5400

You can solve for v... you have 2 equations 2 unknowns (v and r).

Isn't r just the sum of the Radius of the Earth + the altitude of the satelitte?
r=R(earth) + h
  • #10
Benzoate said:
Isn't r just the sum of the Radius of the Earth + the altitude of the satelitte?
r=R(earth) + h

Yes. But you don't know the altitude.
  • #11
learningphysics said:
Yes. But you don't know the altitude.

I understand how calculate the velocity but for some reason I came up with the same time interval
I'll take you through my calculations.
GM(earth)/r^2 = v^2/r => v=sqrt(G*M(earth)/r) = 2*Pi*r/T

G*M(earth)/r = 4*pi^2 *r^2 /(5400s)^2 => r^3 = ((5400s)^2/(4*pi^2))*(6.67e-11)*(5.97e24 kg) => r= 6650321.521 m

now I can find the velocity: v =2*pi*(6650321.521 m)/(5400 s) = 7738 m/s

1 year = 31536000 seconds as measured by the person on the satellite

the time measured by the observer on Earth is gamma*proper time = 31536000 seconds*(1/(sqrt(1-(7738 m)^2/c^2) =3153600seconds

so there is no time differences according to my calculations. What am I doing wrong ?
  • #12
Since the speed is so small compared to light speed, the time difference won't be much. You won't be able to find it by plugging the numbers directly into a (typical) calculator, since 1 minus a tiny number will show up as 1. Instead, use a Taylor expansion of gamma for small v/c to calculate the time difference.
  • #13
But are my equations and calculations are correct

You think a TI -83 or TI-89 would approximate gamma better than a mere scientific calculator?
  • #14
You work looks OK to me. I don't know anything about those calculators, but I doubt they'll do any different. Do the Taylor expansion--that's the easy way.

FAQ: Twin Paradox: Solving for Time Interval in Satellite Orbit | Special Relativity

1. What is the Twin Paradox in Special Relativity?

The Twin Paradox is a thought experiment in Special Relativity that explores the concept of time dilation. It involves two identical twins, one of whom travels away from Earth at high speeds while the other stays on Earth. When the traveling twin returns, they will have aged less than the stationary twin due to the effects of time dilation.

2. How does the Twin Paradox relate to satellite orbit?

In satellite orbit, the satellite is moving at high speeds relative to the surface of the Earth. This means that the clocks on the satellite will experience time dilation, similar to the twin who is traveling away from Earth in the Twin Paradox. This effect must be taken into account when calculating the time interval for a satellite orbit.

3. Can the Twin Paradox be solved for time interval in satellite orbit?

Yes, the Twin Paradox can be used to solve for the time interval in satellite orbit. By considering the time dilation effects of both the satellite and Earth, the time interval can be calculated using the Lorentz transformation equations in Special Relativity.

4. What other factors must be considered when solving for time interval in satellite orbit?

In addition to time dilation, other factors that must be considered include the gravitational effects of the Earth, which can also cause time dilation, and the effects of the satellite's orbit on its velocity and position. These factors can be accounted for using equations from general relativity and orbital mechanics.

5. How does solving for time interval in satellite orbit impact satellite communication?

The accurate calculation of time interval in satellite orbit is crucial for satellite communication systems. Without considering the effects of time dilation and other factors, the timing of signals between the satellite and ground stations can be significantly off, leading to errors in communication. By taking these effects into account, satellite communication systems can function with precision and accuracy.

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