Two Batteries In Series-Total EMF and Internal Resistance

In summary: Hope that helps.In summary, when two batteries are connected in series in a circuit, the total emf is equal to the sum of the individual emfs, while the total resistance is equal to the sum of the individual resistances. The efficiency of the batteries can be calculated by comparing the intended voltage to the actual voltage in the circuit.
  • #1
Two Batteries In Series--Total EMF and Internal Resistance

Homework Statement

Two 1.50-V batteries—with their positive terminals in the same direction—are inserted in series into the barrel of a flashlight. One battery has an internal resistance of 0.260 Ω, the other an internal resistance of 0.180 Ω. When the switch is closed, a current of 600 mA occurs in the lamp.

What is the bulb's resistance?

What fraction of the chemical energy transformed appears as internal energy in the batteries?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I have already developed the proper solution to this problem; however, I did so on a presumption (or intuition--that sounds a lot better), and would like help clarifying a concept. I understand that the emf is the actual voltage applied by the battery, or the intended voltage, but is there a reason why I can sum the voltage of the two batteries, to get that emf? Likewise, is there a reason I can just sum the resistance of each battery, which constitute the internal resistance?
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Physics news on
  • #2
Just think about the basics - in series how do you calculate total voltage or current, that pretty much all you need to tackle this assignment, or it seems to me it is.

Although, I do not see a question posed - what is expected to be explained in this assignment.
  • #3
Oh, I am terribly sorry. I'll edit my post to include the actual questions.
  • #4
Sorry, I have been busy and nobody else seems to have decided to help you out.

is there a reason why I can sum the voltage of the two batteries
The batteries are connected in series thus they amplify the total emf generated, in this case by twofold. Were they connected in parallel, the emf would have stayed at 1.5V since in parallel, the voltage is constant, but you would have gained a more intense current.

Likewise, is there a reason I can just sum the resistance of each battery, which constitute the internal resistance?
The resistances are also in series, hence you add them together.

As far as your idea of emf being the intended voltage goes - yes you are right, but the reason why there is less voltage in the actual circuit is because of what is called a voltage drop and that is due to the internal resistance of the source. In an ideal case there is no int. resistance given, so you would have an ideal power source(internal resistance 0), but that thing does not exist, it's just "for the sake of simplicity".

Now to find the resistance in the bulb - this is Ohm's Law, you know the current that flows in the circuit - 600 mA, draw a diagram and figure out the voltage at the lightbulb, it might be even 3 volts, who knows. As for the fraction of chemical energy that appears as internal energy in the batteries? Well let's break that down. There is a loss of resource in the battery or in other words, the resources it uses to generate electricity are not all put into use ( powering the lightbulb). Instead they generate heat, well that is an impassable phenomenon. So we are talking about the batteries' efficiencies. In general, what do you think is the formula of calculating efficiencies of, say, electric radiators. Well you are the most concerned about the power it uses, so you begin to compare, how much of power did it use to warm your house and what does the gauge in the fuse box has to say about that. Naturally, you will have spent more power than you should have for that amount of heating the house.
It is exactly the same in this assignment, you can check out this article about Electrical efficiency.
I will rush ahead and say that the efficiency is also calculatable by comparing the "intended voltage" and the actual voltage (recall that Power = Voltage*Intensity).And as you are interested in the "lost resource" , if you get a fraction of something like 80%, 8/10 then your lost resource would have been 20%.

Hope that helps you, mate, ask away :)
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  • #5
is there a reason why I can sum the voltage of the two batteries, to get that emf? Likewise, is there a reason I can just sum the resistance of each battery, which constitute the internal resistance?

That's correct. Model each cell as an ideal voltage source (1.5V) in series with it's internal resistor. Then it's as simple as..

Two voltage sources in series add.
Two resistors in series add.

FAQ: Two Batteries In Series-Total EMF and Internal Resistance

1. What is the total EMF of two batteries connected in series?

The total EMF of two batteries connected in series is equal to the sum of the individual EMFs of the two batteries. This is because in a series circuit, the voltages add up. For example, if one battery has an EMF of 2 volts and the other has an EMF of 3 volts, the total EMF of the two batteries in series would be 5 volts.

2. How does the internal resistance affect the total EMF of two batteries in series?

The internal resistance of a battery is the resistance within the battery itself. In a series circuit, the internal resistance of each battery adds up, which can decrease the total EMF of the two batteries. This means that the actual voltage output of the series circuit may be lower than the sum of the individual EMFs of the batteries.

3. What happens to the total EMF if the batteries in series have different internal resistances?

If the batteries in series have different internal resistances, the total EMF will still be equal to the sum of the individual EMFs. However, the actual voltage output of the series circuit will be affected by the internal resistances of each battery. The battery with the higher internal resistance will have a greater impact on the total voltage output.

4. Can the total EMF of two batteries in series ever be greater than the sum of the individual EMFs?

No, the total EMF of two batteries in series can never be greater than the sum of the individual EMFs. This is because of the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. In a series circuit, the voltage output must equal the total energy supplied by the batteries.

5. How can the total EMF of two batteries in series be measured?

The total EMF of two batteries in series can be measured by using a voltmeter to measure the voltage across the entire series circuit. This measurement will give the total voltage output of the two batteries. Additionally, the individual EMFs and internal resistances of each battery can be measured separately using a voltmeter and an ammeter, respectively.
