Two Blocks, Springs, and Friction

In summary: I set it before, negative.. which of course .. for the moment considered, makes it precisely the same as the restoring force of the spring ..thus making it .. F = fUL + fLTwhich would be ... 358 N ... that seems large-ish (although, maybe not cause I really have no clear concept of exactly how much force 1 N is )
  • #1

Homework Statement

This problem has actually been on here twice (with varying numbers) but not yet solved entirely

A 30.0-kg block is resting on a flat horizontal table. On top of this block is resting a 15.0-kg block, to which a horizontal spring is attached, as the drawing illustrates. The spring constant of the spring is 345 N/m. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the lower block and the table is 0.640, while the coefficient of static friction between the two blocks is 0.940. A horizontal force F is applied to the lower block as shown. This force is increasing in such a way as to keep the blocks moving at a constant speed.


At the point where the upper block begins to slip on the lower block determine the following.
(a) the amount by which the spring is compressed
(b) the magnitude of the force F

Homework Equations

[tex] F = kx [/tex]
[tex]f = \mu F_N [/tex]
[tex]F = ma [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

a) correctly solved by me (with no assistance)
[tex] F_{spring} \geq f_{UL} [/tex]

[tex]k x \geq \mu_{UL} m_u g [/tex]

[tex]x \geq \frac{\mu_{UL} m_u g}{k} , k \gt 0 [/tex]

plugging in my values, 0.40m

b) most logically I need to figure out how [tex] F \propto f_{UL} [/tex] .. I can't quite figure out the interaction between the blocks.. which is quite frustrating

as an alternative effort I focused on the concept of constant speed.. so concentrating on forces applied to the the lower block
[tex] \Sigma F_x = 0 = F - f_{LT} = F - \mu_{LT} F_N [/tex]
[tex]\Sigma F_y = - W_u - W_L + F_N = 0 [/tex]
[tex]F_N = (m_u + m_l)g [/tex]
[tex]F = \mu_{LT}(m_u + m_l)g [/tex]entering my numbers.. I get 28.2 N .. which .. according to WebAssign .. is wrong .. so any hints?

when deciphering my subscripts .. U is upper box, L is lower box, T is table

Thanks in advance for any help,
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Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to the Forums,

Your section (a) is correct, although you should be a little more accurate with your final answer (i.e. 3sf). Since, the applied force is horizontal we can ignore the vertical components of the forces. However, you are missing one vital force in your expression for the sum of the forces in the x direction.
  • #3
yea .. it should probably be written with more significant figures, if it were .. it would be 0.401 m

As for the missing force, the only horizontal force I see that I have not included is the restoring force of the spring, however, this is applied to the upper block, not the lower. I'd imagine it would be relevant, if I were to consider the two blocks as a system, but then I am unsure how to handle the static friction between the blocks; is it omitted because it is internal to the system...

or (eureka.. maybe) .. is it the friction applied to the top of the lower block by the upper block?!

in that case it would be
(for the purposes of getting a positive answer, as expected by the problem, towards the left is considered the positive direction)
[tex] \left\begin{array}{rcl}\Sigma F_y & = & F + f_{UL} - f_{LT} = 0 \\
F & = & \mu_{LT}(m_u + m_l)g - \mu_{UL} m_u g \\
F & = & g [ \mu_{LT}(m_u + m_l) - \mu_{UL} m_u ] \\
F & = & (9.8 \frac{\mbox{m}}{\mbox{s}^2})[ (0.640)(15.0\mbox{kg} + 20.0\mbox{kg}) - (0.940)(15.0\mbox{kg}) ] \approx 81.4\mbox{N} \end{array}\right

actually.. on second thought considering those two things would be equivalent other than direction .. but I think the way I've calculated it is correct.

Can anyone verify my calculation?

Thanks for help so far and thanks for any forthcoming help,
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  • #4
Don't you just love eureka moments :biggrin: Your almost there, but there is one mistake. In which direction is the frictional force fUL acting on the lower block?
  • #5
hmm .. yea .. I've been debating that

.. its opposite the intended motion of the lower block .. so .. in effect to the right .. or as I set it before, negative.. which of course .. for the moment considered, makes it precisely the same as the restoring force of the spring

therfore making it .. F = fUL + fLT

which would be ... 358 N ... that seems large-ish (although, maybe not cause I really have no clear concept of exactly how much force 1 N is )

While it would be nice if I could a clandestine "yes that's right," I understand that could be seen as cheating ... so .. before I go and enter that for my final answer (of my last submission) .. one last concern.. am I correct in thinking that fLT is a function of the weight of both blocks?

anyway, thanks for all the help, Hootenanny:biggrin:
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  • #6
phoenix9 said:
hmm .. yea .. I've been debating that

.. its opposite the intended motion of the lower block .. so .. in effect to the right .. or as I set it before, negative.. which of course .. for the moment considered, makes it precisely the same as the restoring force of the spring

therfore making it .. F = fUL + fLT
Correct! In fact as an aside, an alternate method would be to use the compression of the spring you calculated in section (a). As this is the point at which the blocks begin to slip we can say that;

[tex]F - F_{spring}-f_{LT} = 0[/tex]
phoenix9 said:
While it would be nice if I could a clandestine "yes that's right," I understand that could be seen as cheating ... so .. before I go and enter that for my final answer (of my last submission) .. one last concern.. am I correct in thinking that fLT is a function of the weight of both blocks?

anyway, thanks for all the help, Hootenanny:biggrin:
Well, I ain't actually punching the numbers into the calculator , but your method seems about right. Yes, fLT is a function of the weight of both blocks. And I think you've done enough work yourself (in fact very nearly all of it) for it not to be considered cheating :approve:

As for the thanks, thank you and it was my pleasure :smile:
  • #7
:cry: apparently not..

it got marked wrong (and we only have two submissions cause our teacher is mean like that)

I wonder what we/I did wrong? oh well, it probably doesn't matter grade-wise cause its the only one I've missed so far this grading period and he curves it twice (he gives us a few free misses .. last quarter five .. but that was out of more so probably less, then he does a square root * 10 curve) (and yet most people still get a C or D).

Anyway either way thanks for trying .. I'll ask what I did wrong and post the correction here on Tuesday night (if I remember), in case you want to know.

Done with physics for now, off to do Calculus, US History, English, O-chem, and an application for a ECE-type research mentorship at NASA Langley,

  • #8
No .. apparently the method is correct (verified with friends who have gotten it correct) and I reran numbers and got 421 ... so apparently I just fail at math

Specifically .. I should have noted that [tex] 20 \mbox{kg} \neq 30 \mbox{kg} [/tex]and yes its a double post, but its new info
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FAQ: Two Blocks, Springs, and Friction

1. What is the concept of "Two Blocks, Springs, and Friction" in physics?

The concept of "Two Blocks, Springs, and Friction" refers to a scenario where two blocks are connected by a spring and placed on a surface with friction. This setup is commonly used in physics to understand the behavior of objects in contact with each other and the effects of forces such as friction and spring force.

2. How does the mass of the blocks affect the motion in this scenario?

The mass of the blocks affects the motion in two ways. First, the greater the mass of the blocks, the more inertia they have, and the harder it is to change their state of motion. Second, the mass also affects the spring force, as the spring stretches or compresses more with a greater mass, resulting in a stronger force.

3. What is the role of friction in this scenario?

Friction plays a crucial role in this scenario as it is the force that opposes the motion between the blocks and the surface they are on. It can cause the blocks to slow down or stop if the friction force is greater than the applied force, and it also determines the direction of motion.

4. How do different coefficients of friction affect the motion of the blocks?

The coefficient of friction is a measure of how rough or smooth the surfaces in contact are. A higher coefficient of friction means there is more resistance to motion, resulting in a slower or shorter motion. On the other hand, a lower coefficient of friction allows for smoother and longer motion.

5. What types of motion can occur in this scenario?

In this scenario, the blocks can have different types of motion, such as uniform motion, where the blocks move at a constant speed in a straight line, or simple harmonic motion, where the blocks oscillate back and forth due to the spring force. The type of motion depends on the initial conditions and forces acting on the blocks.
