Two charged spheres repel (attached to strings)

In summary, the conversation involves a problem with two small conducting spheres suspended by nonconducting threads. A charge Q is placed on each sphere and the electric force of repulsion causes the spheres to be separated. In order to reach equilibrium, the gravitational force and electric force must be balanced. By setting up a coordinate system and using Coulomb's law, the value of Q can be determined.
  • #1
It's been awhile since I've had physics I, so this problem is giving me a headache.

Q) Two very small conducting spheres, each of a mass [itex] 1.0 \times 10^{-4}\,\,(kg) [/itex], are suspended at a common point by very thin nonconducting threads of a length [itex] 0.2 \,\,(m) [/itex]. A charge [itex] Q [/itex] is placed on each sphere. The electric force of repulsion separates the spheres, and an equilibrium is reached when the suspending threads make an angle of [itex] 10 \,\, (deg) [/itex]. Assuming a gravitational force of [itex] 9.80 \,\, (N/kg) [/itex] and a negligible mass for the threads, find [itex] Q [/itex].

My Work)
We first will deal with:
[tex] \vec F_{12} = \frac{\hat R_{12} k q_1 q_2}{R^2_{12}} [/tex]
[tex] \sum \vec F_i = m \vec a [/tex]
Since equilibrium is reached, [itex] \vec a = \vec 0 [/itex]. Thus,

[tex] \sum F_i = \vec T_2 + \vec F_G + \vec F_{12} = \vec 0 [/tex]

We now find the forces.

[tex] \vec F_G = -\hat y (9.8 \times 10^{-4}) [/tex]

Setting up the coordinate system we assume the orgin as at the point of interesection of the two threads. Thus, a vector that points to sphere-two is:
[tex] \vec S_2 = \hat x(0.2 \sin 5^{\circ}) - \hat y(0.2 \cos 5^{\circ}) [/tex]

The vector quantities for coloumbs law are as follows:
[tex] \vec R_{12} = \hat x (2(0.2\sin 5^{\circ})) [/tex]
[tex] R = 0.4 \sin 5^{\circ} [/tex]
[tex] \hat R = \hat x [/tex]

Thus, since the spheres have an equal charge
[tex] \vec F_{12}=\frac{\hat x k Q^2}{0.16 \sin^2 5^{\circ}} [/tex]

Now I know the tension has to exert a force that holds the sphere in place, so gravity and the electric repulsion keep it from moving away. So do I just say that [itex] \vec T_2 = -\vec S_2 [/itex]?

I'm not really sure what to do. Is what I'm doing even correct?

thanks in advance :smile:
Physics news on
  • #2
I figured it out
  • #3


It seems like you are on the right track with your calculations. However, I would recommend double checking your equations and units as there are a few errors. For example, the gravitational force should be in Newtons (N) not Newtons per kilogram (N/kg). Also, the distance between the spheres should be 0.4 meters, not 0.2 meters. Once you correct these errors, you can solve for the unknown charge Q using the equation you have set up for equilibrium.

Additionally, I would suggest using the vector notation for the electric force instead of just the magnitude. This will give you a more accurate representation of the forces acting on the spheres. And yes, you are correct in saying that the tension in the strings will be equal and opposite to the vector sum of the electric and gravitational forces.

I hope this helps and good luck with your problem!

FAQ: Two charged spheres repel (attached to strings)

1. How do two charged spheres repel each other?

Two charged spheres repel each other due to the interaction between their electric fields. Like charges (positive and positive or negative and negative) will repel each other, while opposite charges will attract.

2. What causes the spheres to repel if they are attached to strings?

The strings attached to the charged spheres do not play a role in causing the repulsion. The repulsion is solely due to the interaction between the electric fields of the spheres.

3. Can the strength of the repulsion be controlled?

Yes, the strength of the repulsion between two charged spheres can be controlled by changing the amount of charge on each sphere. The greater the charge, the stronger the repulsion will be.

4. Will the spheres always repel each other, or can they attract as well?

In general, two charged spheres will always repel each other if they have the same type of charge. However, if one sphere has a much higher charge than the other, the stronger charge may overpower the repulsion and cause the spheres to attract each other.

5. Is this phenomenon limited to spheres, or can it occur with other shapes?

The phenomenon of two charged objects repelling each other can occur with any shape, not just spheres. However, it is easier to observe and demonstrate with spherical objects because they have a more uniform distribution of charge.
