Two colliding spaceships in Special Relativity

In summary: Yes, v' is the relative speed between the two ships as seen from the frame of reference of one of the ships. So in this case, it would be the speed of A relative to B as seen from A's frame of reference.In summary, the conversation discusses calculating the relative speed between two ships, A and B, travelling towards each other in a static frame of reference. The speed is calculated using the velocity-addition formula and is expressed as a multiple of vA. The second part of the conversation discusses using this speed to show that the time required for the whole of ship A to pass through the whole of ship B is ΔtA, as observed from the space station. It is noted that this speed will be greater
  • #1
1. Homework Statement

---------> A. B <----------
v. v
------------------------------------ this is static frame of ref (D) the space station

Where v=0.97c

In the static frame of reference, ship A has the same length as ship B and are traveling towards each other. Calculate the speed of ship A relative to ship B according to an observer on the space station. Express your answer as a multiple of vA.

Use your answer as part of a short argument to show that the time required for the whole of ship A to pass through the whole of ship B is ΔtA, as observed from the space station.

2. Homework Equations
v'= u - v / 1-vu/c^2

3. The Attempt at a Solution
I think that v' = 0.97c - (-0.97c) / 1 - 0.97c*-0.97c/c^2 because they are traveling towards each other and comes out approximately as 2.9995e8 ms^-1... Or am I barking up the wrong tree and how would you express as a multiple of vA?

How would I work out the 2nd part though... I'm stumped?

Help much appreciated... Thanks for reading
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  • #2
shyguy79 said:
1. Homework Statement

---------> A. B <----------
v. v
------------------------------------ this is static frame of ref (D) the space station

Where v=0.97c

In the static frame of reference, ship A has the same length as ship B and are traveling towards each other. Calculate the speed of ship A relative to ship B according to an observer on the space station. Express your answer as a multiple of vA.

Use your answer as part of a short argument to show that the time required for the whole of ship A to pass through the whole of ship B is ΔtA, as observed from the space station.

2. Homework Equations
v'= u - v / 1-vu/c^2

3. The Attempt at a Solution
I think that v' = 0.97c - (-0.97c) / 1 - 0.97c*-0.97c/c^2 because they are traveling towards each other and comes out approximately as 2.9995e8 ms^-1... Or am I barking up the wrong tree and how would you express as a multiple of vA?
You should really get in the habit of using parentheses. What you've written means
$$v' = 0.97 c - \frac{-0.97c}{1} - \frac{0.97c\times (-0.97c)}{c^2}$$ In any case, the velocity-addition formula doesn't apply here. What you found was the speed of A an observer at rest with respect to B would see. The question is asking you for the speed of A relative to B an observer in the rest frame of the space station would see. Hint: the answer will be greater than c.

How would I work out the 2nd part though... I'm stumped?

Help much appreciated... Thanks for reading
Say the tips of the ships meet at t=0 and x=0. Some time later, their tails will both be at x=0. How long does that take?

A ------>.<------ B  at t=0
B <------.------> A  at t=?
  • #3
vela said:
You should really get in the habit of using parentheses. What you've written means
$$v' = 0.97 c - \frac{-0.97c}{1} - \frac{0.97c\times (-0.97c)}{c^2}$$ In any case, the velocity-addition formula doesn't apply here. What you found was the speed of A an observer at rest with respect to B would see. The question is asking you for the speed of A relative to B an observer in the rest frame of the space station would see. Hint: the answer will be greater than c.

I thought nothing could travel faster than c?
  • #4
Nothing is traveling faster than c.
  • #5's just seen from the space station that the speed is faster than c?
  • #6
In the space station's rest frame, the relative speed of the ships is faster than c. This just means the distance between the ships is decreasing at a rate higher than c. This is the similar to sending two photons off in opposite directions. Both photons travel with speed c relative to you, but the distance between them increases at a rate of 2c.
  • #7
Ahhhh! Gotcha... so what I've worked out would be from the v' = 0.97c - (-0.97c) / 1 - 0.97c*-0.97c/c^2 is the speed in the frame of reference of one of the spaceships?

btw... thank you very much for your help!

FAQ: Two colliding spaceships in Special Relativity

1. How does Special Relativity explain the collision of two spaceships?

According to Special Relativity, the laws of physics remain the same for all observers in uniform motion. This means that the collision of two spaceships can be explained using the same principles of energy, momentum, and mass that apply in non-relativistic collisions.

2. Do the spaceships experience any time dilation during the collision?

Yes, according to Special Relativity, time dilation occurs when objects are moving at high speeds relative to each other. Therefore, the spaceships will experience time dilation during the collision, with time appearing to pass slower for the observers on board the spaceships.

3. How does the concept of mass-energy equivalence come into play in this collision?

Einstein's famous equation, E=mc², shows the relationship between mass and energy. In the collision of two spaceships, some of the kinetic energy will be converted into mass, which can be observed through an increase in the overall mass of the system. This is due to the mass-energy equivalence principle.

4. Can Special Relativity explain the effects of gravity on the collision?

No, Special Relativity only applies to objects moving at constant speeds in a straight line. The effects of gravity on the collision would be better explained by the theory of General Relativity, which takes into account the curvature of spacetime caused by massive objects.

5. Are there any other factors that need to be considered in the collision of two spaceships in Special Relativity?

Yes, the direction and speed of the spaceships relative to each other, as well as their masses, will also play a role in the collision. Additionally, the observers' perspectives and frames of reference will also affect how the collision is perceived and measured.

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