Two conducting spheres a distance d away with charges +q and -q

In summary, the charge distribution in both spheres is not uniform due to their interaction as conductors. This results in a larger attractive force between the spheres, making the answer greater than the expected ##k_e q^2/d^2##. If the spheres were insulators, the charges would not interact and the surface charge density would remain uniform, allowing for the treatment of the spheres as point charges.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Two conducting spheres are a distance d away with charges +q and -q. Is the attractive force equal to, greater than, less than ##k_e q^2/d^2##, or zero
Relevant Equations
Coloumb's Law
you can treat the center of two conducting sphere's like two point charges. Therefore it should be equal to ##k_e q^2/d^2##, but the answer is greater than ##k_e q^2/d^2##. Can someone explain how? Thank you
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  • #2
The surce charge density in both spheres isn't uniform. Thus, we can't say the charge distribution can be replaced by a points charges at the spheres ' centers. Opposite charges tend to attract (they're closer) and this results in a larger force.
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  • #3
Yes I think @Gordianus is right. I 'll try to explain a bit in more detail what he means:

Because the spheres are conductors, when we bring them close together their surface charges interact and more charge of each sphere is moved toward the areas of the spheres that are close together. So their surface charge density isn't uniform anymore and you can't treat the sphere as point charges. Because there are these accumulated charges positive on one sphere and negative on the other which are distanced apart much less than ##d##, the attractive force is bigger.

If the spheres were insulators then their charges wouldn't interact, the surface charge density on each sphere would remain uniform and you could treat the spheres as point charges.
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FAQ: Two conducting spheres a distance d away with charges +q and -q

1. What is the force between the two conducting spheres?

The force between two conducting spheres with charges +q and -q is given by Coulomb's law, which states that the force is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The formula for the force is F = k*q1*q2/d^2, where k is the Coulomb's constant and d is the distance between the spheres.

2. How does the distance between the spheres affect the force?

The distance between the two conducting spheres has an inverse square relationship with the force. This means that as the distance increases, the force decreases, and as the distance decreases, the force increases. So, if the distance is doubled, the force will decrease by a factor of four.

3. What happens to the force if the charges on the spheres are doubled?

If the charges on the spheres are doubled, the force between them will also double. This is because the force is directly proportional to the product of the charges. So, if both charges are doubled, the product will also double, resulting in a doubled force.

4. Can the force between the spheres be repulsive?

Yes, it is possible for the force between the two conducting spheres to be repulsive. This can happen if the charges on the spheres are of the same sign, either both positive or both negative. In this case, the force will be repulsive, pushing the spheres away from each other.

5. How does the presence of other objects or charges affect the force between the two spheres?

The presence of other objects or charges in the vicinity of the two conducting spheres can affect the force between them. If there are other charges present, the force between the spheres may be influenced by the electric fields created by these charges. Additionally, the presence of other objects can also affect the distance between the spheres, which in turn can affect the force between them.
