Two cylinders in contact come to final angular velocities

In summary, the problem involves two cylinders of different radii and initial angular velocity, which eventually come into contact and rotate in opposite directions due to friction. The final angular velocity of the smaller cylinder can be determined using the equations r1Ft=I1(ω1-ωo), r2Ft=I2ω2, and r1ω1=r2ω2. The moments of inertia will be involved in the final answer. No dynamical quantities are conserved due to friction.
  • #1
Taylor Grubbs

Homework Statement

Two cylinders, made from the same material and having the same length,have radii r1 and r2with r1> r2. Both are free to rotate about their respective axes. The larger cylinder is initially rotating with angular velocity ωo. The smaller cylinder is moved until it comes into contact withthe larger one. Eventually the frictional force causes both cylinders torotate with constant angular velocity but in opposite directions. Find the final angular velocity of the smaller cylinder. Are any dynamical quantities conserved in this case?

ω1 is the final angular speed of the larger cylinder r1 and ω2 is the final angular speed for the smaller cylinder r2.

Homework Equations

The angular impulse k is equal to the change in the angular momentum ΔL for both cylinders. k is defined as the time integral of the torque so k=rFt where F is the friction force. Also, L=Iω and r1ω1=r2ω2 at the end.

The Attempt at a Solution

Using these 3 equations I am able to solve for the angular speed of the smaller cylinder (ω2) but my final answer involves the moments of inertia. Am I forgetting something or is this a sufficient answer? Also, no dynamical quantities are conserved due to friction.
Physics news on
  • #2
The only thing wrong with your answer seems to be (r1)(f)(t)=I1(w1-w0) it should be I1(w0-w1) because if you write it as you have written here you should write it with a negative sign... Otherwise it seems fine... Your final answer will be in terms of the MOI which would be m(r^2)/2 if the cylinder is solid...
  • #3

FAQ: Two cylinders in contact come to final angular velocities

1. What is the concept behind "Two cylinders in contact come to final angular velocities"?

The concept behind this phenomenon is known as angular momentum conservation. When two cylinders are in contact, they exchange angular momentum until they come to a state of equilibrium where they have equal final angular velocities.

2. How do you calculate the final angular velocities in this scenario?

The final angular velocities can be calculated using the formula: ω1i * I1 + ω2i * I2 = ω1f * I1 + ω2f * I2, where ω is the angular velocity and I is the moment of inertia for each cylinder.

3. What factors can affect the final angular velocities of the cylinders?

The final angular velocities of the cylinders can be affected by the masses, radii, and moments of inertia of the cylinders, as well as the initial angular velocities and the coefficient of friction between the cylinders.

4. Is this phenomenon only applicable to cylinders, or can it occur with other objects?

This phenomenon can occur with any objects that have a moment of inertia and are in contact with each other, such as spheres or disks.

5. Can the final angular velocities of the cylinders be different from each other?

No, according to the principle of angular momentum conservation, the final angular velocities of the cylinders must be equal to each other in order for the system to reach equilibrium.
