Two-Dimensional Kinematics: Weightless

  • Thread starter r34racer01
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In summary, early in the space program, a jet aircraft was used to simulate "weightless" space flight by reaching a speed of v = 590 m/s at an angle q = 31.4° above the horizontal. The engines were then used to overcome air friction, allowing the plane to follow a "free fall" path. Using the definition of angular acceleration, we can calculate the radius of curvature of the path at its apex to be R = (590 cos 31.4)^2 / 9.81 = 35475.19 meters. This means that the plane would reach a maximum height of y = 4816.11 meters above its cruising altitude, travel horizontally for a distance of x = 315
  • #1
Early in the space program a jet aircraft was used to simulate "weightless" space flight. Beginning from a comfortable cruising altitude, assume such a craft could reach a speed of v = 590 m/s at an angle q = 31.4° above the horizontal. Subsequently the engines were used only to overcome air friction, and the plane followed a "free fall" path.

a)How long could "weightlessness" experiments be done before the plane fell back to its original altitude? t=62.7

b)How far would the plane travel horizontally during this time? x= 31575.4

c)What is the maximum height that the plane would reach above its cruising altitude?
y= 4816.11

d)What is the radius of curvature of the path at its apex?

(i.e., what is the radius of a circular path having the same velocity and acceleration as the plane at its highest point?)

Part d) is where I get stuck. The help portion says, "Use the definition of angular acceleration." So if I use a = v^2 / r and account for the horizontal velocity it should be
R = (590 cos 31.4)^2 / 9.81 = 35475.19 but apparently that's wrong. Can someone help me out?
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  • #2
Redo the calculation. I used your numbers as you have them and did not get 35475.19. Hint: Set you calculator to "Degrees".
  • #3
kuruman said:
Redo the calculation. I used your numbers as you have them and did not get 35475.19. Hint: Set you calculator to "Degrees".

Oh wow it was in radians, jeez I'm stupid, thanks I got the right answer now.

FAQ: Two-Dimensional Kinematics: Weightless

1. What is weightlessness in two-dimensional kinematics?

Weightlessness in two-dimensional kinematics refers to the state in which an object experiences no gravitational force and is free to move in any direction without any external forces acting on it.

2. How is weightlessness achieved in two-dimensional kinematics?

Weightlessness can be achieved in two-dimensional kinematics by either being in a state of free fall or by being in orbit around a larger object, such as a planet or moon.

3. What is the difference between weightlessness and zero gravity in two-dimensional kinematics?

While weightlessness refers to the absence of gravitational force, zero gravity refers to the absence of any force due to gravity. This means that in zero gravity, an object may still experience other forces, such as inertia or air resistance, while in weightlessness, there are no external forces acting on the object.

4. How does weightlessness affect the motion of objects in two-dimensional kinematics?

In weightlessness, objects will move in a straight line with constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This is because there is no gravitational force to cause acceleration or change in direction.

5. What are some real-life examples of weightlessness in two-dimensional kinematics?

Some examples of weightlessness in two-dimensional kinematics include astronauts in orbit around the Earth, objects in free fall, and spacecraft on a trajectory towards other planets. Parabolic flights and amusement park rides that simulate weightlessness are also examples of weightlessness in two-dimensional kinematics.

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