Two-level quantum system observable quantities

In summary, a two-level system is described by the orthonormal basis states |a_{1}> and |a_{2}> and two observable quantities A and B, represented by operators \hat{A} = α(|a_{1}> <a_{1}| - |a_{2}> <a_{2}|) and \hat{B} = β(|a_{1}> <a_{2}| + |a_{2}> <a_{1}|). When measuring A in the state |a_{1}>, the possible results are α and -α with probabilities 1 and 0, respectively. When measuring B, the possible results are both positive and negative β with equal probabilities. The expectation values and uncertainties
  • #1

Homework Statement

A two-level system is spanned by the orthonormal basis states [itex] |a_{1}> [/itex] and [itex] |a_{2}> [/itex]. The operators representing two particular observable quantities A and B are:
[itex]\hat{A} = α(|a_{1}> <a_{1}| - |a_{2}> <a_{2}|)[/itex]
and [itex]\hat{B} = β(|a_{1}> <a_{2}| + |a_{2}> <a_{1}|)[/itex]

a) The state of the system is [itex] |\Psi> = |a_{1}>[/itex]. If you measured A, what result/s would you get and what is the probability of obtaining each of these results? If you measured B, what results would you get and what is the probability of obtaining each of these results? What is the expectation value and the uncertainty of A and B?

b) The state of the system is [itex] |\Psi> = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|a_{1}> + |a_{2}>)[/itex]. If you measured A, what result/s would you get and what is the probability of obtaining each of these results? If you measured B, what results would you get and what is the probability of obtaining each of these results? What is the expectation value and the uncertainty of A and B?

c) Are A and B compatible observables? Explain your reasoning?

Homework Equations

for part c): The commutator [itex] [\hat{A},\hat{B}] = \hat{A}\hat{B}-\hat{B}\hat{A} [/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Ok so we did this in class and I can follow the working somewhat in parts, but looking for a more complete grasp.

Since A is an observable, measuring A in the system state [itex]|a_{1}>[/itex] gives [itex]\hat{A}|a_{1}>[/itex] which comes out to [itex]α(|a_{1}> <a_{1}| - |a_{2}> <a_{2}|)|a_{1}> = α(|a_{1}> <a_{1}|a_{1}> - |a_{2}> <a_{2}|a_{1}>) = α|a_{1}>[/itex]. So α is a result for A. This I understand. Then I'm not sure why, in class, we did the same thing but substituted in |a2> as the system state, giving -α|a2> as the result. This makes -α another result for A. So these are the two results that are gettable, then [itex]p(α)= |<a_{1}|ψ>|^{2} = |<a_{1}|a_{1}>|^{2} = 1[/itex]. Makes sense, then subsequently p(-α) = 1- p(α) = 0.

Then finding the results and probability for B, I don't really understand. I tried to do it the same as for A and got β as the only possible result, but the result is both positive and negative β.

I am fine finding the probabilities, just struggle with finding the results of the observables at the moment.

For part c) it is my understanding that if A and B commute then they are compatible. [itex] [\hat{A},\hat{B}] = \hat{A}\hat{B}-\hat{B}\hat{A} = 0[/itex] if they commute. I keep getting that they commute however in class we found that they do not/that they are not compatible, so I'm a bit confused here.Any help on any parts of the above would be greatly appreciated!
Physics news on
  • #2
Sorry to bump but is anyone able to provide any assistance at all?

FAQ: Two-level quantum system observable quantities

1. What is a two-level quantum system?

A two-level quantum system is a physical system that can exist in exactly two distinct energy states. This could include systems such as a spin-1/2 particle or an atom with two energy levels.

2. What are observable quantities in a two-level quantum system?

Observable quantities in a two-level quantum system are physical properties that can be measured or observed, such as energy, spin, or angular momentum. These quantities are represented by operators in the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics.

3. How do you calculate observable quantities in a two-level quantum system?

To calculate observable quantities in a two-level quantum system, you must use the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics. This involves finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the relevant operators, and then using these to calculate the expected values of the observable quantities.

4. What is the significance of observable quantities in a two-level quantum system?

Observable quantities allow us to make predictions about the behavior of a two-level quantum system. By measuring these quantities, we can gain insight into the underlying physical properties and dynamics of the system. They also play a crucial role in various applications of quantum mechanics, such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography.

5. How are observable quantities related to the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics?

The uncertainty principle states that certain pairs of observable quantities, such as position and momentum, cannot be simultaneously measured with arbitrary precision. In a two-level quantum system, this principle still holds, and the precise values of certain observable quantities may be uncertain. However, the principle does not apply to all pairs of observable quantities in a two-level system, as there are some pairs that can be simultaneously measured with high precision.

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