Two qubit state multiplication

In summary, the conversation discusses how to compute the matrix representation of different ket-bra combinations for two qubits. It is suggested to use the equation A = Ʃi,jaij|ai><aj| and to understand how to calculate outer products using column and row vectors. Examples of operators and their matrix forms are also provided.
  • #1
Hi guys having a little trouble with two-qubit state multiplication.

Could you tell me how you work out the following? (not only the answers but the working out) I need to be able to understand these calculations before I can move on to the next step of an entanglement question. I understand single qubit bra and ket notation for example |0><0|. And I know |00> means the tensor product of |0> and |0> but I am struggling to compute the following:

|00><00| = ?
|00><01| = ?
|00><10| = ?
|00><11| = ?

|01><00| = ?
|01><01| = ?
|01><10| = ?
|01><11| = ?

|10><00| = ?
|10><01| = ?
|10><10| = ?
|10><11| = ?

|11><00| = ?
|11><01| = ?
|11><10| = ?
|11><11| = ?

Thanks in advance. (ps i hope i posted this in the right place, please move it if not)
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  • #2
What do you mean by compute? I assume that you want the matrix representation in the |00>,|01>,|10>,|11>.

You have written out all 16 possible ket-bra combinations for two quibits. Each operator corresponds to a 4x4 matrix, where one entry is a one and the others are zero. You could calculate all these matrices by writing out the kets resp. bras as column resp. row vectors. If you have done this for one or two expressions, you will immediately see how the others have to look like.

For real calculations, it helps to know that every operator A can be written as A = Ʃi,j|ai><ai|A|aj><aj| = Ʃi,jaij|ai><aj|. So you don't have to write any matrices, you can always stick to the bra ket notation.
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  • #3
Thanks you for your reply. Yes I will be doing calculations with it and I should keep it in bra and ket notation. Can you explain those equations you wrote? I think that is exactly what I have to use, but don't understand it. Thanks again for the reply
  • #4
It's hard to answer if I don't know what exactly you don't understand.

Let's take the simple example of a single qubit. The basis elements |ai> then are simply |0> and |1>. Now how does A = Ʃi,jaij|ai><aj| look like?
  • #5
A = Ʃi,jaij|ai><aj|

To be honest from this I understand, correct me if I'm wrong:

|ai><aj| = outer product

if |ai> is |0> and |1> does <aj| represent <0| and <1| or have i completely misunderstood this?

thanks again for the reply
  • #6
Yes that's right, so our arbitrary operator A looks like this:
A = a00|0><0| + a10|1><0| + a01|0><1| + a11|1><1|

|0> and |1> are represented by column vectors (1,0)T and (0,1)T, <0| and <1| by row vectors (1,0) and (0,1). Do you know how to calculate the outer products using this? What you get is the matrix
a[SUB]00[/SUB] a[SUB]01[/SUB]
a[SUB]10[/SUB] a[SUB]11[/SUB]
Here are a few examples and their matrix forms:
σz = |0><0| - |1><1|
1 0
0 -1
σx = |1><0| + |0><1|
0 1
1 0
σ+ = |1><0| (if you apply this operator to |0> you get |1>, hence it is the raising operator)
0 0
1 0
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FAQ: Two qubit state multiplication

1. What is a two qubit state?

A two qubit state is a quantum state that describes the combined properties of two quantum particles, also known as qubits. It represents the superposition of all possible states that the two particles can be in, which allows for more complex and powerful quantum computations.

2. What is "multiplication" in the context of two qubit states?

In the context of two qubit states, multiplication refers to the mathematical operation of combining two qubit states to create a new, more complex state. This is similar to classical multiplication, but with the added complexity of quantum superposition.

3. How is multiplication of two qubit states different from classical multiplication?

Unlike classical multiplication, where two numbers are multiplied together to create a new number, multiplication of two qubit states involves the superposition of all possible states of the two qubits. This allows for more complex and powerful computations and algorithms in quantum computing.

4. What is the significance of two qubit state multiplication in quantum computing?

Two qubit state multiplication plays a crucial role in quantum computing as it allows for the creation of more complex quantum states, which can then be used for various quantum algorithms and computations. It also enables entanglement, a phenomenon that is essential for many applications in quantum computing.

5. Are there any real-world applications of two qubit state multiplication?

Two qubit state multiplication has a wide range of potential applications in various fields such as cryptography, simulation of quantum systems, and optimization problems. It is also a fundamental building block for more complex quantum algorithms and has the potential to significantly advance the field of quantum computing.

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