Two related questions about matrix algebra

So, the proper proof is:If AX = λIX, then (A-λI)X = AX-λIX = λIX - λIX = 0. Now, since X≠0, then by part a), det(A-λI) = 0.
  • #1

Homework Statement

a.) If A is an 'n x n' matrix and X is an 'n x 1' nonzero column matrix with

AX = 0

show, by assuming the contrary, that det(A) = 0

b.) Using the answer in 'a' show that the scalar equation which gives the values of λ that satisfy the matrix equation AX = λIX is:

det(A - λI) = 0

2. The attempt at a solution

a.) If det(A) ≠ 0 then A^-1 exists.

X = A^-1 x (AX) = A^-1 x (0) = 0

This is a contradiction because x nonzero so det(A) = 0... this bit I understand however the next part

b.) AX = λIX -> X(A - λI) = 0

X ≠ 0 so for the equation to be true A - λI = 0

I'm not sure how to apply the first result to the second question? It's from Bimore & Davies Calculus: Concepts and Methods book.

Any help would be appreciated!
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  • #2
X ≠ 0, does not implies that A - λI = 0
For example
2 &0 \\
0 &1
It's clear that it's eigenvalues are 1 and 2, but...
0 &0 \\
0 &-1
And if we take X=
Then A.X=0
I think, your mistake it's that that it's some X (more precisely, the eigenvectors that the matrix has), but not to all X, otherwhise the matrix has to be λI and thus, A-λI=0 is true, but it isn't necessary.
I think you're pretty close to the answer, you have to think what happens when there's some X such as:
AX = λIX
Then, as you wrote:
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  • #3
How about this:

1.) AX = 0 ... Det(A)≠ 0 -> A^(-1) exists Edit: I had X not equal to 0

X = A^(-1) x AX = A^(-1) x 0 = 0 so det(A) = 0

2.) AX = λIX -> X(A - λI) = 0 ... Let B = A - λI ... If det(B) not equal to 0 then:

X = B^(-1) x BX = B^(-1) x 0 = 0

so det(B) = 0 -> det(A - λI) = 0?
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  • #4
I recommend you to use dots instead x to the matrix product.
And, while I understand what you tried to say here:
AX = λIX -> X(A - λI)
X is a column vector, so you can only use the product of the square matrix with the X at the right (You can lose points for doing this).
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  • #5
SqueeSpleen said:
I recommend you to use dots instead x to the matrix product.
And, while I understand what you tried to say here:
AX = λIX -> X(A - λI)
X is a column vector, so you can only use the product of the square matrix with the X at the right (You can lose points for doing this).

Thanks for the input! Not sure I completely follow what you say here.

Is this incorrect?

AX = λIX -> AX - λIX = 0 -> X(A - λI) = 0?Edit: oh great thanks!
  • #6
The proof of b) is right, but you don't need to repeat the proof, you can just say that:
(A - λI)X=0 them by a), det(A - λI)=0

AX = λIX -> AX - λIX = 0 -> X(A - λI) = 0
AX = λIX -> AX - λIX = 0 -> (A - λI)X = 0
And yes, it's correct because the matrix product to right (to left) is distributive with the matrix addition.
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  • #7
b.) AX = λIX -> X(A - λI) = 0

No, this is not correct. AX = λIX -> (A - λI)X = 0. Which is not the same as X(A - λI) = 0.

Now, let (A - λI) = A', so we have A'X = 0. Can you apply part (a) to this?
  • #8
Oh right you guys are saying:

X(A-λI) ≠ (A-λI)X

Yeah I just have a habit to put the X in front of brackets all the time. You think I would lose marks for that?

I guess technically I should.
  • #9
It is not just that X(A-λI) ≠ (A-λI)X, it is much worse. When X is a column, and A is a matrix, XA simply does not make sense, it is not defined. It is a pretty severe mistake to make, but it is also very easily avoidable: do not change the order of entities in a matrix product, matrix multiplication is not commutative, except in very special cases.

FAQ: Two related questions about matrix algebra

1. What is matrix algebra?

Matrix algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of matrices, which are rectangular arrays of numbers or symbols. It involves operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of matrices, and is used in various fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and computer science.

2. What are the basic elements of a matrix?

The basic elements of a matrix are the elements that make up the rows and columns of the matrix. These elements can be numbers, symbols, or variables. Each element is represented by its position in the matrix, with the row number followed by the column number.

3. How is matrix algebra used in real life?

Matrix algebra is used in various real-life applications, such as data analysis, computer graphics, and optimization problems. For example, in data analysis, matrices are used to represent and manipulate large datasets, while in computer graphics, they are used to transform and manipulate images. In optimization problems, matrices are used to model and solve complex systems of equations.

4. What are the basic operations in matrix algebra?

The basic operations in matrix algebra are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Addition and subtraction are performed by adding or subtracting corresponding elements of two matrices. Multiplication can be done in two ways: scalar multiplication, where a matrix is multiplied by a constant, and matrix multiplication, where two matrices are multiplied together. Division of matrices is not as common as the other operations and is defined differently depending on the context.

5. How is matrix algebra related to linear algebra?

Matrix algebra is a subset of linear algebra, which is the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of linear equations and their properties. Matrices are used to represent and solve systems of linear equations, making them an essential tool in linear algebra. Additionally, many concepts and operations in linear algebra, such as determinants and eigenvalues, are also applicable in matrix algebra.

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