Two rotating masses attached by a spring

In summary, the problem involves two pucks connected by a spring and set in circular motion with angular momentum L. Given a small, simultaneous radial poke, the frequency of subsequent radial oscillations needs to be determined. The Lagrangian of the system is set up and the equations of motion are derived. The small radial perturbation is then applied to the initial conditions to determine the frequency of the oscillations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two pucks of mass m slide freely on a horizontal plane. They are connected by a
spring (constant k and negligible un-stretched length) and set in circular motion
with angular momentum L. The pucks are given a small, simultaneous radial
poke. What is the frequency of subsequent radial oscillations?

Homework Equations

Lagrangian? -> Equations of motion?

The Attempt at a Solution

I thought of setting up the Lagrangian of the system and finding the Equations of Motion and then some how apply the small radial pertabation and from that the radial frequency should just pop out. My Lagrangian is
L=1/2m(r1'^2+r2'^2)+1/2m((r1*θ1')^2+(r2*θ2')^2)-1/2k(r1-r2)^2. Since the system is set in circular motion all θ' are constant such that θ'=ω for both theta. With that said the equations of Motions are
Now how apply the small radial perturbation? is r1-r2<<r1 or r2?
(Note that all time derivatives are denoted by a ', i.e. v(t)=x'(t))
Physics news on
  • #2
... or you could set up the 1D system in rotating coordinates.
  • #3
The Lagrangian looks fine, although with LaTeX it would be somwhat easier to read ;-).

I'd, however, use different generalized coordinates, namely center-of-mass and relative coordinates, because the use of coordinates adapted to the symmetries of the problem is always of advantage. The "little radial kick" has simply to be implemented into the initial conditions, although it's not very clearly stated what's meant by that "kick" precisely.

Is this really the complete problem statement given to you?
  • #4
forceface said:
Since the system is set in circular motion all θ' are constant such that θ'=ω for both theta. With that said the equations of Motions are

Hi forceface - I think you're doing things kind of backwards here. You need to get the equations of motion first before you start thinking about specific solutions (like the solution where the masses spin round in a circle). That will lead you to an "effective potential", from which you can extract your answer.
  • #5

I would approach this problem by first clarifying some assumptions and simplifications in the given scenario. For example, are the pucks sliding on a frictionless surface? Is the spring massless? Are the pucks considered point masses or do they have a finite size?

Once these details are clarified, I would proceed with the approach of setting up the Lagrangian and finding the equations of motion. However, instead of directly applying a small radial perturbation, I would first analyze the system's stability and determine whether it is in stable or unstable equilibrium. This can be done by finding the effective potential energy of the system and analyzing its minima and maxima.

If the system is in stable equilibrium, then a small radial perturbation would result in oscillations around the equilibrium point. The frequency of these oscillations can be found by linearizing the equations of motion around the equilibrium point and solving for the natural frequency of the resulting linear system.

If the system is in unstable equilibrium, then a small radial perturbation would result in the pucks moving further away from each other. In this case, the frequency of the subsequent radial oscillations would not be well-defined as the pucks would continue to move away from each other.

In summary, as a scientist, I would approach this problem by first clarifying any assumptions and simplifications, analyzing the stability of the system, and then determining the frequency of subsequent radial oscillations based on the system's behavior.

FAQ: Two rotating masses attached by a spring

1. What is the concept behind two rotating masses attached by a spring?

The concept behind two rotating masses attached by a spring is known as a torsion pendulum. This system consists of two masses connected by a spring, where one mass is fixed and the other is free to rotate. As the free mass rotates, it creates a torque on the spring, causing it to twist. The twisting motion of the spring is proportional to the angular displacement of the free mass, making it a useful tool for measuring rotational motion.

2. How does the spring affect the motion of the two masses?

The spring in a two rotating masses system acts as a restoring force, meaning it tries to bring the system back to its equilibrium position. As the free mass rotates, the spring is twisted, creating a torque that opposes the rotation. This causes the motion of the free mass to become oscillatory, with the spring constantly trying to bring it back to its original position.

3. What factors can affect the motion of the two masses attached by a spring?

The motion of the two masses attached by a spring can be affected by various factors, including the stiffness of the spring, the masses of the two objects, and the initial angle of rotation. The stiffness of the spring determines how much torque is required to twist it, while the masses determine the strength of the restoring force. The initial angle of rotation also plays a role in the amplitude and frequency of the system's oscillations.

4. How is the motion of the two masses related to the properties of the spring?

The motion of the two masses in a system with a spring is directly related to the properties of the spring, such as its stiffness and length. A stiffer spring will require more torque to twist, resulting in smaller amplitude oscillations. Similarly, a longer spring will have a lower spring constant, resulting in slower oscillations. These relationships can be described using mathematical equations, such as Hooke's Law.

5. What are some real-life applications of a two rotating masses system?

A two rotating masses system can be found in a variety of real-life applications, such as in seismometers for measuring ground vibrations, in torsion balances for measuring gravitational forces, and in mechanical watches for keeping time. It is also a commonly used demonstration in physics classrooms to illustrate concepts such as simple harmonic motion and rotational dynamics. Additionally, this system can be used for studying the properties of different materials, such as the elasticity of springs.
