Two source interference determining wavelength

In summary, the wavelength of the second laser that would place its second maximum at the same location as the fourth minimum of the first laser, if d=0.300, is λ2.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A laser with wavelength d/8 is shining light on a double slit with slit separation 0.300 . This results in an interference pattern on a screen a distance L away from the slits. We wish to shine a second laser, with a different wavelength, through the same slits.

What is the wavelength λ2 of the second laser that would place its second maximum at the same location as the fourth minimum of the first laser, if d= 0.300 ?

Homework Equations

λ1=d/8 <---- not sure about this one but problem statement suggests it.

The Attempt at a Solution

sinθ=((m+1/2)λ1)/d where m=-4
sinθ=((m+1/2)λ2)/d where m= 2

set equal and i got -0.0525mm.

im not sure where I'm misunderstanding but it could be my understanding of m values, reading the problem wrong or simply a misunderstanding of the whole question posed. Any takers?
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Physics news on
  • #2
Check your equations for maxima location versus minima location, there is a small difference between the two that might help you solve your problem. You're trying to put a minimum where a maximum should be, however in your attempt you're working only with maxima. You also want to be sure you don't end up with that sign error, there is a symmetry that you should be looking for that makes all of those m's positive.

Also, be careful with your units, you're saying d=0.300 (whats?)
  • #3
Alucinor said:
Check your equations for maxima location versus minima location, there is a small difference between the two that might help you solve your problem. You're trying to put a minimum where a maximum should be, however in your attempt you're working only with maxima. You also want to be sure you don't end up with that sign error, there is a symmetry that you should be looking for that makes all of those m's positive.

Also, be careful with your units, you're saying d=0.300 (whats?)

yea I've gotten closer.

d=0.3mm (millimeter)

oh and i was being stupid about m values

since m starts at m=0 its max at m=1 and min at m=3

now i tried dsinθ=(3+1/2)λ1 where λ1=d/8
then sub in for dsinθ=λ2
thus I get (3.5/8)d=λ2

which gives 0.13125mm but that's not right either.
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  • #4
You're still saying that the "4th minimum" is a maximum in your equation.
[tex]dsin\theta=\left(m+\frac{1}{2}\right)\lambda[/tex] is a maximum location.
  • #5
Alucinor said:
You're still saying that the "4th minimum" is a maximum in your equation.
[tex]dsin\theta=\left(m+\frac{1}{2}\right)\lambda[/tex] is a maximum location.

That is the condition for single slit light diffraction where dsinθ=mλ is a local minimum. This is double slit diffraction. where maximum locations are dsinθ=mλ where m=0,1,2,3...etc
minimum locations are dsinθ=(m+1/2) where m=0,1,2,3...etc
  • #6
i got it....after requesting the answer. your analysis was incorrect.
dsinθ=mλ is a maximum where m=1,2,3...etc <----- watch for this
dsinθ=(1+1/2)λ is a minimum where m=0,1,2,3...etc

Don't make my mistakes.

Replier: don't listen to him he's wrong.
  • #7
Oh goodness, my mistake. I was reading it as a single slit.

FAQ: Two source interference determining wavelength

1. What is two source interference?

Two source interference is a phenomenon that occurs when two coherent light waves meet and interact with each other, resulting in a pattern of light and dark fringes. This is caused by the constructive and destructive interference of the two waves.

2. How does two source interference determine wavelength?

In two source interference, the distance between the two sources, the distance between the sources and the screen, and the wavelength of the light are all related through the equation d*sinθ = mλ, where d is the distance between the sources, θ is the angle of the fringes, m is the order of the fringe, and λ is the wavelength of the light. By measuring these parameters and using this equation, the wavelength of the light can be determined.

3. What is the difference between two source interference and single source interference?

Two source interference involves two coherent light sources, while single source interference involves only one. In single source interference, the light waves are reflected or diffracted off of a single object, resulting in a pattern of fringes. In two source interference, the fringes are caused by the interaction of two coherent light waves.

4. What are some practical applications of two source interference?

Two source interference is commonly used in interferometers, which are instruments used to measure small distances, angles, and wavelengths with high precision. It is also utilized in the technology of holography, where two coherent laser beams are used to create a 3D image. Additionally, two source interference is studied in the field of optics and can help determine the properties of different materials.

5. What factors can affect the accuracy of two source interference measurements?

Several factors can affect the accuracy of two source interference measurements, including the distance between the sources, the quality and coherence of the light sources, and any external disturbances such as air currents. It is important to carefully control and measure these factors in order to obtain accurate results.
