Two spin 1/2 partcles and spin operators

In summary, the conversation discusses the coupling of states through the Sz, Sx, and Sy operators in a two-particle system. It is found that the singlet state does not couple to any other state through Sx or Sy, which is counterintuitive. However, this can be explained by the fact that the singlet and triplet states are eigenstates of different total spin operators and there can only be coupling between states with the same total spin.
  • #1
Dear forumers,

I was thinking about how the Sz operator "couples" (has non zero matrix elements) states with the same expectation values for the projection of spin on the z-axis (duh! α and β are its eigenvectors), and how Sx and Sy couple different states (once again, duh!). I was also thinking that this would hold for a two-particle system, i.e. that triplet states would couple to singlet states. I sat down and wrote down the expressions for the operators in a two-particle space (4-by-4 matrices) in both the "usual" basis (αα, αβ, βα, ββ) and the basis consisting of the singlet state+triplet states. I found that the singlet state does not "couple" to any other state through Sx or Sy, which if found to be counterintuitive. Do you see an inherent flaw in my reasoning? Do you think my conclusions are correct?

For reference, a lot of the expressions for the operators are found here:

Thank you in advance and all the best :)
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  • #2
Amok said:
I was thinking about how the Sz operator "couples" (has non zero matrix elements) states with the same expectation values for the projection of spin on the z-axis
I donated understand what that means. Eigenstates of ##S_z## are, by definition, not "coupled" by ##S_z##.

Amok said:
I found that the singlet state does not "couple" to any other state through Sx or Sy, which if found to be counterintuitive.
The singlet and triplet states are eigenstates of the total spin operators ##S^2## and (usually) ##S_z##. Since ##S^2## and ##S_x## (or ##S_y##) commute, there can be no coupling between states of different total spin, only between the different ##M_S## components.

FAQ: Two spin 1/2 partcles and spin operators

What is meant by "spin" in the context of two spin 1/2 particles?

In quantum mechanics, "spin" refers to an intrinsic property of elementary particles. It is often described as the particle's angular momentum, but it does not actually involve physical rotation. Instead, spin is a quantum mechanical property that can take on discrete values, such as 1/2, and is related to the particle's magnetic moment.

What are the spin operators for two spin 1/2 particles?

The spin operators for two spin 1/2 particles are the Pauli spin matrices: σx, σy, and σz. These operators act on the spin states of the particles and can be used to measure the spin component along different axes.

How do the spin operators behave under rotation?

The spin operators behave like angular momentum operators and follow the same commutation relations. This means that they do not commute with each other, and their eigenvalues are quantized. Under rotation, the spin operators may transform into linear combinations of themselves, but their commutation relations remain the same.

What is the physical significance of the spin operators?

The spin operators have physical significance because they allow us to measure and manipulate the spin states of particles. They are crucial in understanding the behavior of spin in quantum systems and are used in various applications, such as quantum computing and magnetic resonance imaging.

How are the spin operators related to the spin states of two spin 1/2 particles?

The spin operators are related to the spin states through the spin eigenvalue equation, where the spin operators act on the spin states and yield the spin eigenvalues as the result. The spin states can also be expressed as linear combinations of the spin operators, which allows us to determine the spin state of a particle when measuring its spin component along a particular axis.
