Two unknown variables in experiment equation

In summary, the conversation discussed solving for the values of A and d in an experimental equation using a linear trend of ln(y^2) versus x. The attempt at a solution involved trying to use the y intercept and slope, but ultimately the solution was to set ln(y^2) equal to mx + b and manipulate the equation to solve for the variables.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm given an experimental equation:

y = sqrt[A^2*exp(x/d)]

(with a linear trend of ln(y^2) versus x)

I am suppose to determine the values of first A, then d given a linear fit slope and a y intercept.

Homework Equations

y = mx + b

The Attempt at a Solution

At first, I simply took the y intercept value and plugged that into y and plugged 0 in for x. I thought this would give me A since no matter what the value of d at that point, the exp will be exp(0) = 1. But this is not the case and I'm not sure how to use the given slope. Should I try setting the y = mx + b equal to the equation and solve for the variables??
Physics news on
  • #2
The linear trend means:

ln(y^2) = mx + b

Btw, what would ln(y^2) evaluate to?
  • #3
I'm really not sure...

I don't really see how ln(y^2) relates to the equation, there's no way to manipulate the equation to get just that on one side..
  • #4
You know y = sqrt[A^2*exp(x/d)], so what is y^2? How about ln(y^2)?

BTW it's useful to know that ln(a*b)=ln a + ln b
  • #5
Ok, so here's the algebra I have:

y^2 = A^2*exp(x/d)

ln(y^2) = ln( A^2 * exp(x/d) )

ln(y^2) = ln(A^2) + x/d

So if this is true, then is ln(A^2) = b and 1/d = m?
y = mx + b
  • #6
Yes, that's exactly right. You're supposed to determine the values of A and d, though, so just invert the equations you already have.
  • #7
great! thanks so much! :)

FAQ: Two unknown variables in experiment equation

What is the purpose of including two unknown variables in an experiment equation?

The use of two unknown variables allows for the exploration of the relationship between two factors in an experiment. This can help to identify any patterns or correlations between the variables, providing valuable insight into the experiment's results.

How do you determine the values of the two unknown variables in the equation?

The values of the unknown variables can be determined through various methods such as mathematical calculations, statistical analysis, or by conducting further experiments with controlled variables. It is essential to carefully consider the experimental design and the specific research questions to choose the appropriate method for determining the values.

Can the two unknown variables be changed during the course of the experiment?

Yes, the values of the unknown variables can be changed during the experiment, depending on the experimental design. However, it is crucial to note any changes and their potential impact on the results to ensure the validity and accuracy of the findings.

Are there any limitations to using two unknown variables in an experiment equation?

One limitation is that the relationship between the two variables may not be linear, meaning the values may not change proportionally to each other. Additionally, the presence of other variables or external factors can also affect the results and must be carefully controlled for in the experiment.

How do the two unknown variables contribute to the overall significance of the experiment?

The two unknown variables play a crucial role in understanding the significance of the experiment's results. By exploring the relationship between the two variables, researchers can gain a better understanding of how they impact each other and the overall outcome of the experiment. This can provide valuable insights and contribute to the broader scientific knowledge in the field.
