U.S. Outsourcing and Oil Dealings Begin to Hit Home

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In summary, it seems that the U.S.'s policies of outsourcing manufacturing jobs and relying on Arab oil have led to consequences such as a rise in China's military and technology capabilities, and tension with countries like Saudi Arabia. The recent uproar over the ports deal has also brought attention to the issue of free trade versus national security. The Republican party has faced pressure from the American people and is now facing a political and economic crisis. The White House is trying to downplay their involvement in the ports deal and is facing tension within the party, especially with primaries underway. The situation in Iraq continues to worsen and the White House is relying on Senator George Allen as their spokesperson.
  • #1
Without going into an elaborate discussion to support my contention, portions of which are widely available throughout this Forum, it seems pretty clear from morning news reports and surveys that the U.S.'s policies of outsourcing mfr jobs, reliance on Arab oil, and priorities in protecting the U.S. from foreign terror threats have all collided - to which will likely reign in a new era of "protectionism" on free trade.

It's been more than a 10 year free run on outsourcing jobs to China, India, etc. - and now we must face the "opportunity costs" and consequences of what has treanspired. China has reinvested a large portion of this wealth into their military and technology research.

The U.S. has made China into a super-power, and nearly done the same with Saudi Arabia and that oil rich region, except they are "yet" to formulate themselves as a super-power in terms of military strength. But with the UAE ports deal now reluctantly taken off the table, that region feels offended, and perhaps rightly so - and they will likely respond back adversely to us in other ways. But didn't anyone ever consider, or inform UAE, that the U.S. has credible concerns over their link to terror groups.

It appears in the case of both China and Saudi Arabia, that we rewarded them with a "cookie" before they 1st acted to please us in the areas of human rights and military arms.

The Republican controlled Congress has finally heard the outcry from the American people, and there're really mad now over the ports deal - and that anger appears to be spilling over into the ever-increase outsourcing of jobs to places like China. We are facing a political and economic crisis all at the same time - and emotions are running high. China has remained reasonably quiet. But once Congress is compelled to address the huge outsourcing of American jobs, and our ever-increasing trade imbalance, sh... may hit the fan very soon - and right at a time when the Bush White House has made the threat of terrorism his No.1 item. He's caught in a quandry!

I knew this would eventually happen, but it appears the outcry of emotion and anger over the ports deal has put it all front and center. I even had bad dreams over this last night. I would encourage calm and reason - things are sure to change real soon.

Stephen Dolle
Dolle Communications
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Last night Sen. John Warner (chairman of the Armed Services Committee and a member of the Senate committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs) was on the news. At least twice he looked in the camera and announced to viewers that it is the Republican party who opposes the DP World deal, and therefore still represent national security.

The GOP has admitted repeatedly that they have received so many calls and letters they had no choice but to oppose Bush. It is the American people who forced the GOP to dump the deal. We all know they wouldn't have blocked the White House otherwise.

And now concerns are being expressed about trade repercussions. So what do you stand for Republicans? National security or free trade? You might note the new emphasis on "foreign government owned companies." Ooooh, the 2006 elections are approaching.
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  • #3
SOS2008 said:
Last night Sen. John Warner (chairman of the Armed Services Committee and a member of the Senate committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs) was on the news. At least twice he looked in the camera and announced to viewers that it is the Republican party who opposes the deal, and therefore still represent national security.

The GOP has admitted repeatedly that they have received so many calls and letters they had no choice but to oppose Bush. It is the American people who forced the GOP to dump the deal. We all know they wouldn't have blocked the White House otherwise.

And now concerns are being expressed about trade repercussions. So what do you stand for Republicans? National security or free trade? You might note the new emphasis on "foreign government owned companies." Ooooh, the 2006 elections are approaching.

I am sure that the Administration will find a fall guy to blame this on. They always do.
  • #4
Right you are Edward,
Maybe Condi will get the hook, after all she's the Sec. of State. What sort of spin is Rove trying to put on all this? I haven't heard anything from his camp... not yet anyway.
  • #5
Amp1 said:
Right you are Edward,
Maybe Condi will get the hook, after all she's the Sec. of State. What sort of spin is Rove trying to put on all this? I haven't heard anything from his camp... not yet anyway.

Nah, Condi's too high up on the food-chain. They'll pick one of the deputy-undersecretaries from the committee that approved the deal.

As far as I know, the WH is sticking with their 'none of our top guys even knew about this' defense.
  • #6
With the GOP primaries underway - there is surely a lot of tension amongst the Republican party. John McCain pulled a clever move in Memphis and asked that those there NOT vote for him - as a hit to Sen Frist and his home state.

I suspect the reason Carl Rove is so quiet is that "he" took most of the White House heat for the port debacle. I suspect also a few were fired in that Commerce department.

Clearly, the White House and Republican's biggest problem is the status in Iraq, and it just keeps getting worse. You know when the White House is quiet that something is wrong. Right now, they are relying on their newly ordaigned spokesman, Sen Geoge Allen (R) W. VA. Amazing thing about Allen is no matter what the topic - real good or real bad - he always has this "funny grin" on his face. He's like Bill Clinton w/o much intelligence. You'd normally see a guy like this on a late night TV informercial selling nutritional supplements or no-loose real estate courses.

A lot is yet to come!
  • #7
McGyver said:
With the GOP primaries underway - there is surely a lot of tension amongst the Republican party. John McCain pulled a clever move in Memphis and asked that those there NOT vote for him - as a hit to Sen Frist and his home state.

Clearly, the White House and Republican's biggest problem is the status in Iraq, and it just keeps getting worse. You know when the White House is quiet that something is wrong. Right now, they are relying on their newly ordaigned spokesman, Sen Geoge Allen (R) W. VA. Amazing thing about Allen is no matter what the topic - real good or real bad - he always has this "funny grin" on his face. He's like Bill Clinton w/o much intelligence. You'd normally see a guy like this on a late night TV informercial selling nutritional supplements or no-loose real estate courses.

A lot is yet to come!
Bush has a second problem as big as Iraq, even though people haven't focused in on it, yet. His "War on Terror", or "Long War" as its now been renamed, really hasn't done much for national security. If you compared Bush's "War on Terror" to a "War on Crime", Bush's solution so far is equivalent to saying that people should put bars on their doors and windows and not leave their house. Terrorism is a global problem and the rate of terrorist incidents has increased rather than decreased while the perpetrator of 9/11 is still roaming at large.

Unfortunately, rather than fight for a more realistic and stronger anti-terrorism policy, Democrats have taken advantage of the opportunity to propose better bars for our doors and windows.

As to this weekend's party, I think the move by McCain was to prevent a "loss" that could hurt momentum. With 40% of the voters being from Tennessee, a Frist "win" was a guarantee (a real win would have been to exceed 40%, but the average voter won't look that deep). Romney was the big surprise - not only did he finish second, he won the less publicized Michigan straw poll. The recoil is that Bush couldn't finish better than a tie for third, transferring a McCain "loss" to Bush.

Related to U.S. Outsourcing and Oil Dealings Begin to Hit Home

1. What is outsourcing?

Outsourcing is a business practice in which a company hires an outside organization to perform specific tasks or provide services that are typically done in-house. This can include tasks such as manufacturing, customer service, or IT support.

2. How does outsourcing affect the U.S. economy?

Outsourcing can have both positive and negative effects on the U.S. economy. On one hand, it can lead to lower costs for businesses, increased efficiency, and access to specialized skills. However, it can also result in job losses and decreased wages for American workers.

3. How are oil dealings impacting the U.S.?

The U.S. is heavily reliant on imported oil, with the majority coming from countries like Canada, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico. As a result, fluctuations in global oil prices and political tensions in oil-producing countries can have a significant impact on the U.S. economy and energy security.

4. What are the potential consequences of U.S. outsourcing and oil dealings?

There are a number of potential consequences of U.S. outsourcing and oil dealings, including job losses, increased dependence on foreign countries, and potential environmental impacts. Additionally, outsourcing and oil dealings can also contribute to income inequality and geopolitical tensions.

5. How can the U.S. mitigate the effects of outsourcing and oil dealings?

There are several strategies that the U.S. can use to mitigate the effects of outsourcing and oil dealings. These include promoting domestic production and job growth, investing in renewable energy sources, and diversifying sources of imported oil to reduce dependence on specific countries. Additionally, implementing fair trade policies and regulations can help protect American workers and businesses from the negative impacts of outsourcing.

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