UFO sphere or meteorological phenomenon?

In summary: Maybe? I'm just wondering because I've seen a lot of these "alien spacecraft" photos and I'm starting to wonder if people are just seeing things that look like aliens because that's what we're used to seeing in movies and on TV.
  • #1
http://ufopicturesphotos.blogspot.com/2011/09/stationary-ufo-sphere-photographed.html" , has been looking on some of the pictures, but no solid conclusion on what it was has been done so far. There is an animation on the site made by 4 pictures, that shows the object is stationary while the clouds passing by ahead and behind, check it out...

Link: http://ufopicturesphotos.blogspot.com/2011/09/stationary-ufo-sphere-photographed.html"
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  • #2
Sun halo adorned with cigar-shaped UFO

Sun halo adorned with cigar-shaped UFO - A cigar-shaped UFO was photographed while taking photos of a sun halo over Denmark back in October 9th 2009. Must say it´s the best UFO photo I have taken so far, so check it out: http://ufopicturesphotos.blogspot.com/2011/09/sun-halo-adorned-cigar-shaped-ufo.html

I have taken thousands of photos the last 2-3 years and on some of them, strange objects appears. I would love to hear what you have to say about this one, thanks
  • #3

You're calling that tiny smudge of light a UFO? That's pretty flimsy.
  • #4

See how it has a dark trail behind it and it is bright on the bright part of the cloud and dark on the dark area of the cloud? Condensation trails vary when passing through varied air conditions.
  • #5
UFOphotos said:
Sun halo adorned with cigar-shaped UFO - A cigar-shaped UFO was photographed while taking photos of a sun halo over Denmark back in October 9th 2009. Must say it's the best UFO photo I have taken so far, so check it out: http://ufopicturesphotos.blogspot.com/2011/09/sun-halo-adorned-cigar-shaped-ufo.html

I have taken thousands of photos the last 2-3 years and on some of them, strange objects appears. I would love to hear what you have to say about this one, thanks

Your username is "UFOphotos." Do you try to take photos of things you can't identify? Or do you simply take thousands of photos and inspect them for anomalies?

Interested in your method.
  • #6
UFOphotos said:
http://ufopicturesphotos.blogspot.com/2011/09/stationary-ufo-sphere-photographed.html" , has been looking on some of the pictures, but no solid conclusion on what it was has been done so far. There is an animation on the site made by 4 pictures, that shows the object is stationary while the clouds passing by ahead and behind, check it out...

Link: http://ufopicturesphotos.blogspot.com/2011/09/stationary-ufo-sphere-photographed.html"

Brian. It's a cloud. That's the best explanation. You said that a climatologist name John Cappelen looked at it? I copied his quote from the site you linked to. You say "[he] has been looking on some of the pictures, but no solid conclusion" so far? I think Mr. Cappelen disagrees. He seems to consider the matter closed.

John Cappelen said:
The pictures does not tell me much beyond the purely meteorological. One can always find weird stuff on skypictures - then by analyzing them ... and things that are seen also depends on the eye of the beholder.

In meteorological terms, clouds in the picture was attached to a front that separated cool air with rain over southeast Denmark from warmer air to the northwest. There was no altocumulus or altostratus, some places with a little structure and localized in two layers. With a little effort you can also see a single short fall stripe.

The dark stain that has not changed between the two images, is in my opinion due to a local thickening, eventually the shadow by a cloud behind.

End of quote ~ John Cappelen, DMI
(Source of quote: http://ufopicturesphotos.blogspot.com/2011/09/stationary-ufo-sphere-photographed.html )


(Source of image: http://www.redline9.net/thread-5019.html )
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  • #7
Well, I could easely accept the explanation, that it was a meteorological phenomenon, but I can´t see how John Cappelen´s opinion and meaning about something, suddenly becomes scientific fact. Scientific facts are presented by solid evidence, not opinions...

The dark stain that has not changed between the two images, is in my opinion due to a local thickening, eventually the shadow by a cloud behind.

End of quote ~ John Cappelen, DMI

Thanks for reply
  • #8
(Moderator note -- 2 very similar threads merged)
  • #9
why is it that automatic default assumption for any unexplained blob on a photo is an alien spacecraft ?
  • #10
FlexGunship said:

(Source of image: http://www.redline9.net/thread-5019.html )

A bit of pre-cognition?
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FAQ: UFO sphere or meteorological phenomenon?

1. What is the difference between a UFO sphere and a meteorological phenomenon?

A UFO sphere, or unidentified flying object, refers to an object or light seen in the sky that cannot be explained by known aircraft or natural phenomena. On the other hand, a meteorological phenomenon refers to any natural event that occurs in the Earth's atmosphere, such as rain, snow, or lightning. The main difference between the two is that UFO spheres are often attributed to extraterrestrial activity, while meteorological phenomena have a scientific explanation.

2. How can we distinguish between a UFO sphere and a meteorological phenomenon?

In most cases, UFO spheres are described as having unusual flight patterns, such as sudden changes in direction or high speeds, while meteorological phenomena tend to follow more predictable patterns. Additionally, UFO spheres often appear as bright lights or objects in the sky, while meteorological phenomena are typically more subtle and can be seen as clouds, rain, or other atmospheric conditions.

3. Can UFO spheres be explained by natural or human-made phenomena?

While some UFO sightings have been explained by natural or human-made phenomena, such as weather balloons or aircraft, there are still many sightings that cannot be explained. These mysterious sightings continue to fuel the belief in extraterrestrial life and the possibility of UFOs.

4. Are there any scientific studies or research being conducted on UFO spheres?

Yes, there are ongoing scientific studies and research being conducted on UFO spheres. However, due to the lack of concrete evidence and the stigma surrounding the topic, this research is often not widely publicized or accepted by the scientific community.

5. Is there a possibility that UFO spheres could pose a threat to human life?

There is currently no evidence to suggest that UFO spheres pose a threat to human life. While there have been reports of UFO sightings causing disruptions in technology or causing harm to individuals, these incidents are rare and not well-documented. It is important to approach the topic of UFO spheres with an open mind and to continue researching and gathering evidence to better understand their nature.

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