Ultrasound from compact florescent light bulbs

In summary, compact fluorescent light bulbs have been found to be strong sources of ultrasound noise, according to the use of a "Marksman Ultrasonic Diagnostic Tool." The device has consistently detected the bulbs as loud compared to other household items, and the sound can even be heard through walls. While there is a possibility of the device picking up electromagnetic waves as sound, the behavior of the bulbs aligns with them being strong ultrasound sources. It is also speculated that cats and dogs may be able to hear the sound emitted from these bulbs, and there have been no studies on the potential impact of ultrasound noise from compact bulbs on humans.
  • #1
Stephen Tashi
Science Advisor
Are compact florescent light bulbs know to be strong sources of ultrasounic noise?

I've been playing with a "Marksman Ultrasonic Diagnostic Tool", which presents ultrasounds as audible sound. It isn't a scientific instrument, so it doesn't give a decibel reading. It is used to detect leaks in AC systems, automobile engines etc.

I find that the primary sources of ultrasonic noise in my house (according to this device) are compact florescent light bulbs. Subjectively speaking, they are extremely loud compared to everything else I've tested such as whistling tea kettle, the refrigerator, computers, exercise machine etc. I can stand on one side of a plaster wall (genuine 1941 era plaster, not simply drywall) and , with the aid of the device, I can hear a lamp with a compact florescent light bulb on the other side. The wall seems to spread the sound over a large area. When I listen in the same room as the lamp, the source of the sound is more localized.

I suppose the device could inadvertently pick up EM waves and pesent them as sound, but its behavior in detecting florescent bulbs is consistent with the blubs being strong ultrasound sources. I wonder if cats and dogs can hear them.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
There is an oscilator in the compact bulbs that runs at about 40kHz, so I would think you are picking up correctly, the sound emitted from the compact bulb.

If your machine is sensitive enough to pick up this output, I would imagine so would a cat and dog. to them would it be like living with a constant ringing in their ears?
I have not come across any studies of the impact on humans to ultasonic sound from compact bulbs.

FAQ: Ultrasound from compact florescent light bulbs

1. What is ultrasound from compact fluorescent light bulbs?

Ultrasound from compact fluorescent light bulbs refers to the high frequency sound waves that are emitted from these types of light bulbs. These sound waves are not audible to the human ear.

2. How is ultrasound produced by compact fluorescent light bulbs?

Ultrasound is produced by compact fluorescent light bulbs through a process called piezoelectricity. This is when an electric current passes through a special crystal inside the bulb, causing it to vibrate at a high frequency and produce ultrasound waves.

3. Is ultrasound from compact fluorescent light bulbs harmful?

No, ultrasound from compact fluorescent light bulbs is not harmful. These sound waves are at a frequency that is too high for humans to hear and they do not have enough energy to cause any damage.

4. Can ultrasound from compact fluorescent light bulbs affect animals?

Yes, ultrasound from compact fluorescent light bulbs can affect animals. Some animals, such as bats and dolphins, can hear ultrasound and it may disrupt their communication or navigation. It is important to consider this when using these types of light bulbs in areas where animals may be present.

5. How can I reduce the amount of ultrasound from compact fluorescent light bulbs?

To reduce the amount of ultrasound from compact fluorescent light bulbs, you can opt for LED light bulbs instead. LED bulbs do not produce ultrasound and are more energy efficient. You can also limit the use of compact fluorescent light bulbs in areas where animals may be present.

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