Uncertainties and LINEST in Excel....

In summary, one way to incorporate errors from the values of force and B^2 into a linear regression fit is to use a weighted linear regression. This approach assigns weights to each data point based on their uncertainties and uses them in the fitting process. In Excel, this can be done by accessing the Data Analysis tool and selecting the weighted option.
  • #1
I don't think this qualifies as a homework question, as I can work around it; please move if necessary.

I am currently doing a lab report on the Magnetic Susceptibility of different samples.

In one part of this report I have to plot Force vs B^2, which is a linear fit. I have errors which have been propogated through on both the Force and B^2. I need a value for the gradient so I use the LINEST tool on Excel to do a linear regression and find a value for my slope. However the errors bars for Force and B^2 are not incorporated into this linear fit and the error on the slope from the linear regression seems to be separate from these. Is there any way to incorporate the errors from the values of force and b^2 into my linear regression fit?
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  • #2
One way to incorporate the errors from the values of force and B^2 into your linear regression fit is to use a weighted linear regression. This approach takes into account the uncertainties associated with each data point and assigns a weight to each respective value. The weights are determined by the uncertainty associated with each data point, and the process of fitting the line then uses these weights rather than simply the raw data points. In Excel, you can access this weighted linear regression by going to the Data tab, click on Data Analysis, then choose Regression. Select the Y Range (Force) and X Range (B^2) and then check the box for 'Set Intercept'. Then, select the Weighted option and enter the Range of values that correspond to the errors associated with Force and B^2. Finally, click OK. This will generate the results of a weighted linear regression that incorporates the errors from the values of force and B^2 into your linear regression fit.

FAQ: Uncertainties and LINEST in Excel....

1. What is the purpose of using LINEST in Excel?

The LINEST function in Excel is used to calculate the least squares regression line for a set of data points. This allows you to determine the relationship between two variables and make predictions based on the data.

2. How do I use LINEST in Excel to calculate uncertainties?

To calculate uncertainties using LINEST in Excel, you will need to use the STEYX function. This function calculates the standard error of the predicted y-value for each x in the regression line. You can then use this value to determine the uncertainties for each data point.

3. Can LINEST be used for non-linear data?

No, LINEST in Excel can only be used for linear data. If your data is non-linear, you will need to use a different function, such as LOGEST or GROWTH, to calculate the regression line.

4. How do I interpret the output of LINEST in Excel?

The output of LINEST in Excel includes several values, such as the slope, intercept, and correlation coefficient. These values can be used to determine the equation of the regression line and the strength of the relationship between the variables.

5. How do I handle missing data when using LINEST in Excel?

If your data contains missing values, you can use the IFERROR function in Excel to exclude these values from the calculation. This function allows you to replace any errors with a specified value or leave them blank.

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