Uncertainty in heisenbergs uncertainty principle

In summary: There is not much to say about that. The formula's above are the correct version. Sometimes, the first version that you wrote is also used. It can be done because it differs from the correct one only up to some constant. The meaning however (the uncertainty) is still represented here. But in the end, just use the "official" version above
  • #1
uncertainty in Heisenbergs uncertainty principle (urgent)

This might be a stupid question, but i seem to find different versions of this the more i look. I have a big exam tomorrow, and i have a slight problem. The thing is that our textbook says that Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is
dx x dp (larger or equal to) h
dt x dE (larger or equal to) h

looking through my notes, i find
dx x dp (larger or equal to) h/2pie
dt x dE (larger or equal to) h/2pie

and a search on the internet yield more versions, among them:
dx x dp (larger or equal to) h/4pie
dt x dE (larger or equal to) h/4pie

hmm. could someone please try to explain this discrepancy to me. And please hurry, exam tomorrow :smile:

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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
niehls said:
i find
dx x dp (larger or equal to) h/2pie
dt x dE (larger or equal to) h/2pie

There is not much to say about that. The formula's above are the correct version. Sometimes, the first version that you wrote is also used. It can be done because it differs from the correct one only up to some constant. The meaning however (the uncertainty) is still represented here. But in the end, just use the "official" version above

  • #3
niehls said:
and a search on the internet yield more versions, among them:
dx x dp (larger or equal to) h/4pie
dt x dE (larger or equal to) h/4pie

[tex] \Delta p \Delta x \geq \frac{\hbar}{2} \ \ \ \ \Delta E \Delta t \geq \frac{\hbar}{2} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ with \ \ \hbar = \frac{h}{2 \pi}[/tex]

The smallest possible value is found in the case of the
the Gaussian Function only. For any other function it is more.

Regards, Hans
  • #4
Yeah,Marlon,you forgot about that 2 in the denominator... :rolleyes:

It happens...

  • #5
niehls said:
This might be a stupid question, but i seem to find different versions of this the more i look. I have a big exam tomorrow, and i have a slight problem. The thing is that our textbook says that Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is
dx x dp (larger or equal to) h
dt x dE (larger or equal to) h

looking through my notes, i find
dx x dp (larger or equal to) h/2pie
dt x dE (larger or equal to) h/2pie

and a search on the internet yield more versions, among them:
dx x dp (larger or equal to) h/4pie
dt x dE (larger or equal to) h/4pie

hmm. could someone please try to explain this discrepancy to me. And please hurry, exam tomorrow :smile:


First of all,it's not "d",but "Delta=[itex]\Delta [/itex]",okay??

There's no "uncertainty in the uncertainty principle"... :-p QM principles show the relations given by Hans...That's that...


PS.Actually,they are valid in a far more general sense...
  • #6
i know it's delta, just wasn't in the mood for learning tex :)

ok, i still don't know which version to use in different scenarios. I expect questions similar to:

"In the strong interaction a particle is exchanged between the protons and neutrons in the nucleus. Knowing that the distance in which the strong force acts is 1.4e-15m, estimate the energy of the particle (with speed near light speed)?"

This is a simple example, but i still need to use the "correct" version of the uncertainty principle. which one would i use in this case?

oh, and uncertainty in the uncertainty principle was a joke from the beginning for those of you who didn't get that... cheesy.
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  • #7
The value of the constant in the HUP depends on how you define "uncertainty". The standard way is to use the standard deviations of the probabilty distributions of the variables. In terms of expectation values:

[tex] \Delta x = \sqrt {<x^2> - {<x>}^2 } [/tex]

and similarly for p, which gives

[tex] \hbar / 2 = h / 4 \pi [/tex]

for the constant.
  • #9
What's the point??It wouldn't serve him anything...It would still leave him with one eq.and 2 unknowns.However,the HUP would do the trick and solve his problem...


FAQ: Uncertainty in heisenbergs uncertainty principle

1. What is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle?

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that states that it is impossible to know with precision both the position and momentum of a particle at the same time.

2. How does Heisenberg's uncertainty principle affect our ability to measure particles?

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle tells us that the more accurately we know the position of a particle, the less accurately we can determine its momentum, and vice versa. This means that there is a fundamental limit to our ability to know both quantities with certainty.

3. Is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle a limitation of our technology or a fundamental property of nature?

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is a fundamental property of nature, not a limitation of our technology. It arises from the wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics and is a consequence of the probabilistic nature of quantum systems.

4. Can the uncertainty principle be violated or overcome?

No, the uncertainty principle cannot be violated or overcome. It is a fundamental principle of nature and has been extensively tested and confirmed through experiments. However, in certain cases, the uncertainty can be reduced by using advanced measurement techniques.

5. How does the uncertainty principle relate to the concept of superposition?

The uncertainty principle is closely related to the concept of superposition. In quantum mechanics, particles can exist in multiple states at the same time, known as superposition. The uncertainty principle tells us that the more precisely we measure one of these states, the less precisely we can measure the other, leading to uncertainty in the outcome.
