Uncertainty in the mesurements of a meter and the speed of light

In summary, the speed of light is exactly 299,792,458 m/s. The current lowest uncertainty in our measurements of the speed of light is 3.33564095 × 10-9 meters or ~3 nm.
  • #1
I was reading that a meter is the length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum in 1⁄299,792,458 of a second. So the speed of light is exactly 299,792,458 m/s. I am wondering what is the uncertainty in our most accurate measurement of the speed of light.

For example say I had a machine that measured the speed of light with 1% uncertainty that I used as a meter reference. The speed of light will still be exactly 299,792,458 m/s, but my meter measurements will have a level of uncertainty.

What is the current lowest uncertainty in our measurements of the speed of light?

Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
According to the wiki on the speed of light, it has been measured to an accuracy of +-1 m/sec.
  • #3
russ_watters said:
According to the wiki on the speed of light, it has been measured to an accuracy of +-1 m/sec.

If I understand this right, then the uncertainty in our meter measurements is:
~1/299,792,458 = ~3.33564095 × 10-9 meters or ~3 nm.

Does this mean that any measurements under 3nm will have a high level of uncertainty when we relate it back to our meter standard?
  • #4
Of course not. It means that any length measurement that needs an absolute accuracy better than 3 parts per billion is in trouble.
  • #5
tiredryan said:
What is the current lowest uncertainty in our measurements of the speed of light?

Zero. The speed of light is per definition exactly 299,792,458 m/s. All measurements of length refer back to this value (even from a practical point of view, since precison measurements are done using intereferometry).

It does not make sense to talk about the uncertainty in a definition, but what you can do is to state the uncertainty in the measurement of length and this is what is done in practice:
if you ask an NMI to measure the length of something (say a length bar of the type used to calibrate machinery) they will state the uncertainty in the calibration certificate: for commercial services this will be about +-50nm for a typical length bar 1m long.

Note that the currently accepted value for the largest uncertainty we can tolerate in the realization of a standard is about 1 part in 10^8; and before they defined the value for c they measured it with an accuray much better than this.
  • #6

What is the lowest uncertainty we can obtain when we measure things on the small scale, for example nanometers? For example I see people say they have made transistors at 10 nm or measured proteins at 3 nm. Is it really 10 +/- 1 nm or 10.0 +/- 0.1 nm or lower (10.000000 +/- 0.0000001 nm) ?
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  • #7
tiredryan said:

What is the lowest uncertainty we can obtain when we measure things on the small scale, for example nanometers? For example I see people say they have made transistors at 10 nm or measured proteins at 3 nm. Is it really 10 +/- 1 nm or 10.0 +/- 0.1 nm or lower (10.000000 +/- 0.0000001 nm) ?

Well, I can give you a theoretical answer. Given that the speed of light is absolutely certain (299,792,458 meters/sec), the meter is defined as exactly the distance light travels in 299,792,458 sec, so our distance measurements are limited only by our inability to measure the second accurately. Looking at the Wikipedia article on the second, it looks like the uncertainty in the second is about 1 part in 10^15. So the lower limit on our ability to measure a nanometer is 1 part in 10^15. Any practical limit must be equal to or higher than this. The practical limit will depend upon the particular experimental setup, but I have no experience with this.

The speed of light is for light in a vacuum, with no gravitational fields. There is a practical error in the measurement of distance to the extent that we cannot obtain a perfect, gravity free vacuum. This will increase the amount of error in our measurement of distances, but I don't know what that new number would be. Maybe someone else can fill in the blanks?
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  • #8
Thanks for all your responses.

What got me to this question was how through the ages people have been racing to reach the "extremes" of mathematics and science. For example in mathematics we know pi past 2.6 trillion digits and our largest known prime number is 12,978,189 digits long. In physics we have reached temperatures below 100 pK. I was wonder if there was a similar competition in measuring distances with the least amount of uncertainty/highest amount of precision.

Related to Uncertainty in the mesurements of a meter and the speed of light

1. How is uncertainty in measurements of a meter and the speed of light calculated?

The uncertainty in measurements is typically calculated using the standard deviation of a set of measurements. This quantifies the amount of variation in the measurements and provides an estimate of the uncertainty.

2. Why is there uncertainty in measurements of a meter and the speed of light?

There are several factors that contribute to uncertainty in measurements, such as experimental error, limitations of instruments, and the inherent variability of physical phenomena. In the case of the meter and the speed of light, these quantities are also defined based on human conventions and may have slight variations in their measurements.

3. Can uncertainty in measurements of a meter and the speed of light be reduced?

Yes, uncertainty can be reduced by improving measurement techniques, using more precise instruments, and conducting multiple measurements to increase the accuracy of the results. However, there will always be some level of uncertainty due to the factors mentioned above.

4. How does uncertainty in measurements of a meter and the speed of light affect scientific research and applications?

Uncertainty in measurements can have a significant impact on scientific research and applications. It can affect the accuracy and reliability of results, which can in turn affect the validity of conclusions drawn from the data. It is important for scientists to acknowledge and account for uncertainty in their measurements to ensure the integrity of their research.

5. Are there any methods for reducing uncertainty in measurements of a meter and the speed of light?

Aside from improving measurement techniques and instruments, another method for reducing uncertainty is through the use of statistical analysis. By taking multiple measurements and analyzing the data using statistical methods, scientists can better estimate the true value of a measurement and reduce the impact of uncertainty on their results.

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