Uncovering the Fate of Muons in Atoms

  • Thread starter snorkack
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    Atom Muon
In summary, When searching for basic data on muons, recent articles tend to focus on advanced experiments and do not repeat basic facts. A free muon typically decays with a lifetime of about 2.2*10^-6 seconds, but a muon in an atom has an alternative reaction available called muon capture. In the ground state of mu hydrogen, the branching ratio between mu decay and muon capture is discussed in detail in the study by M. K. MUKHOPADHYAY and A. GHOSH.
  • #1
I find that I cannot find some simple and basic data - when I search, I find recent articles working on advanced extra experiments, but basic facts are taken for granted there and not repeated.

What happens to a muon in an atom?

Obviously, a free muon decays
with lifetime about 2,2*10^-6 s
A muon in atom might do the same.
But the muon in atom has an alternative reaction available:
What is the branching ratio, in the ground state of mu hydrogen, between mu decay and muon capture?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Try this rather long http://www.ca.infn.it/~oldeman/mucapt/mukhopadhyay.pdf on Nuclear Muon Capture.

FAQ: Uncovering the Fate of Muons in Atoms

1. What are muons and how do they behave in atoms?

Muons are subatomic particles that are similar to electrons, but with a larger mass. They are unstable and decay into other particles within a fraction of a second. In atoms, muons are constantly moving and interacting with the nucleus and other particles through electromagnetic forces.

2. How do scientists uncover the fate of muons in atoms?

Scientists use various techniques, such as muon spectroscopy, to study the behavior of muons in atoms. This involves shooting a beam of muons at a target material and observing how they interact with the atoms. By analyzing the energy and direction of the muons, scientists can determine how they are affected by the atomic structure.

3. Why is it important to study muons in atoms?

Muons play a crucial role in understanding the fundamental properties and behavior of matter. By studying muons in atoms, scientists can gain insights into the structure and dynamics of atoms, as well as the forces that govern their behavior. This can lead to advancements in various fields, such as materials science, chemistry, and particle physics.

4. Can muons be used in practical applications?

Yes, muons have been used in practical applications such as medical imaging and non-destructive testing. Muon radiography, for example, uses muons to create detailed images of the interior of objects, such as volcanoes, buildings, and luggage. Muons are also being researched as a potential energy source for fusion reactions.

5. What has research on muons in atoms revealed so far?

Research on muons in atoms has revealed important information about the structure of atoms, the nature of the strong and weak nuclear forces, and the behavior of matter at the subatomic level. It has also provided evidence for the existence of new particles and the possibility of new physical laws. However, there is still much to be discovered and understood about muons and their role in the universe.
