Uncovering the Mystery of Stable Superheavy Elements: Where Are They Hiding?

  • Thread starter Denton
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In summary, the stable superheavy elements may exist, but have not been detected yet. decay-products may be present in ancient material, but have not been found. It is possible that superheavies form in neutron-star coalescences, but are unstable and never form.
  • #1
There is much abuzz about the prediction of stable superheavy elements that might exist.

Now what I wonder is, did they ever consider that if these particles can exist, why have we not detected them yet. Id have to say if a supernova cannot produce them, we have no hope at all.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
1. They may have half-lives< 70 million years, so have decayed to undetectable quantities since the formation of the solar system. However, decay-products, especially fission-products which should be significantly different from those of U, should appear in ancient material such as meteorites, if any superheavies have half-lives of a million or so years or more. I gather this has been tried but so far failed.

2 They may not form in supernovae because of the very short SF halflives of Fm-258 and immediately-following neutron-rich nuclei, so that even the r-process fails to produce them (I like to call this the 'fermium crevasse')

3 (My own suggestion, and be warned I'm an amateur) They may form in neutron-star coalescences, where we begin with material already neutron-rich, as the stablest superheavies must be. All so-far known superheavy nuclei are grossly neutron-deficient, as they must be made by fusing lower-z nuclei with low n/p ratios. Neutron-star coalescences are very energetic events which may generate no nuclei at all, only free nucleons etc; but if they do produce nuclei it might be worth examining spectra of the afterglow of gamma-ray bursters, at least some of which appear to be neutron-star coalescences.

These are exceedingly rare events, so even if they produce long-lived superheavies these will themselves be exceedingly rare.

It is even possible some superheavies are stable or almost so, but never form because the necessary intermediates are too unstable - the 'fermium crevasse'. There is an analagous situation in Chemistry where the extremely stable molecule dodecahedrane C20H20 has proved excruciatingly difficult to synthesise in quantity because of the high strain in its immediate precursors in the synthesis, and it is never found in Nature despite its great stability. (Bring me a sample from a UFO event and I'll become a believer!)
  • #3
The concept of stability for superheavy elements is relative. They are expected to have half lives somewhat longer than a small fraction of a second, typical of nuclides with at. no. from 110 on.
  • #4
Those isotopes of superheavies so far made are all highly neutron deficient, as a result of being made by fusion of lighter nuclei with n/p ratios far below those ideal for superheavy elements. Suppose Th and U were shorter-lived than they are and so were not found on Earth. We would have assumed, from the great instability of Po, At and Fr that this trend continued.

Then somebody predicts an 'island of stability' around element 92. We might then have tried to make U by, for example, fusing Pb-208, the most neutron-rich stable Pb nuclide, with Ne-22, the most neutron-rich stable Ne nuclide. The best we could possibly get is U-230; and as in fact several neutrons are always lost in such reactions, we would probably get U-228 at the very best. Half-life 9 minutes. U-227, 1 min; U-226 (most likely product) 0.5 sec. Ergo, Uranium has no long-lived isotopes.

Those isotopes of superheavies so far made are probably even more neutron-deficient than U-226, yet some have comparable half-lives.

Spontaneous fission is a more likely cause of the short half-lives of neutron-rich superheavies, if they are indeed short, but there seems to be much dispute as to their possible stability against this.

FAQ: Uncovering the Mystery of Stable Superheavy Elements: Where Are They Hiding?

1. What are stable superheavy elements?

Stable superheavy elements are elements that have an atomic number greater than 103 and are able to exist in a stable form for a significant amount of time. These elements are extremely rare and difficult to produce, but they have important implications for our understanding of the universe.

2. Why is it important to uncover the mystery of stable superheavy elements?

Uncovering the mystery of stable superheavy elements can help us gain a better understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the universe. These elements can also have practical applications, such as in nuclear energy and medicine.

3. Where are stable superheavy elements hiding?

Stable superheavy elements are not naturally occurring on Earth and can only be created in a laboratory setting. They are typically produced through nuclear fusion reactions using particle accelerators or nuclear reactors.

4. How are scientists working to uncover the mystery of stable superheavy elements?

There are several ongoing research efforts to discover and study stable superheavy elements. These include experiments using advanced particle accelerators, improvements in detection and analysis techniques, and collaborations between international teams of scientists.

5. What challenges do scientists face in uncovering the mystery of stable superheavy elements?

One of the main challenges is the short half-life of stable superheavy elements, which makes them difficult to produce and study. Additionally, the production of these elements requires high levels of energy and sophisticated equipment, making the research costly and time-consuming.
