Undergrad Math Research Journals | Global Submission

In summary, undergrad math research journals provide a platform for students to publish their original research in the field of mathematics. These journals are open to global submissions, allowing for a diverse range of perspectives and ideas to be shared and discussed. The rigorous peer-review process ensures that only high-quality and innovative work is published, making these journals a valuable resource for the mathematical community. By providing opportunities for undergraduate students to contribute to the field, these journals contribute to the advancement and growth of mathematics as a whole.
  • #1
I'm looking for a jornal where undergraduate students can publish what they did as part of a research project(not very advanced). It has to be such that anyone around the world can submit. If anyone knows such journal please reply!

Oh, by the way I'm talking about mathematics journal
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Most departments keep copies of their own students' work from many years back. I don't know of any resource that allows access outside the university, however. They'd probably send you electronic copies if you ask.
  • #3
thanks for that info but unfortunately my university doesn't even have such system. For that reason I'm looking for a journal where outsiders(internationallly) can also submit

Oh, and perhaps there was misunderstanding, I'm not just looking for it to have a read but I'm intending to submit mine. Thanks!
  • #4
For submissions, I believe that journals work on merit, regardless of your standing, provided you have the contacts to review your work. I don't know much about the process of academic submission, however.
  • #5
I don't think Sojourner quite understands your question... so here you go:


(I'd try the Journal of Young Investigators or Undergraduate Research Journal first)
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  • #6

*hmph*...*rss'm scrss'm...kids...lawn...grumble*

*shuffles off*
  • #7
Try the Journal of Undergraduate Research in Physics. This is the journal produced by the AIP Society of Physics Students and Sigma Pi Sigma.



FAQ: Undergrad Math Research Journals | Global Submission

What is an undergrad math research journal?

An undergrad math research journal is a publication that showcases original research and contributions from undergraduate students in the field of mathematics. These journals often provide a platform for students to share their work and gain recognition for their contributions to the field.

Are there any reputable undergrad math research journals?

Yes, there are several reputable undergrad math research journals, such as the Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics and Its Applications, The Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal, and The Pi Mu Epsilon Journal. These journals have rigorous peer-review processes and are recognized by the mathematical community.

What is the process for submitting to an undergrad math research journal?

The process for submitting to an undergrad math research journal may vary depending on the specific journal. However, it typically involves preparing a manuscript according to the journal's guidelines, submitting it through their online submission system, and waiting for a decision from the editorial board. It is important to carefully follow the journal's instructions and guidelines to increase the chances of acceptance.

Can undergraduates from any country submit to global undergrad math research journals?

Yes, most global undergrad math research journals welcome submissions from undergraduate students from any country. However, it is always recommended to check the journal's guidelines and policies to ensure eligibility for submission.

How can publishing in an undergrad math research journal benefit me?

Publishing in an undergrad math research journal can provide several benefits, such as gaining recognition for your work, building your resume, and improving your writing and research skills. It can also provide networking opportunities and increase your chances of getting accepted into graduate programs or securing research positions.
