Underlying Concepts of EMP generation & sustainence

In summary: For that I would need precision and a way to cause the damage over a large area. As for the generator, I'm not sure. I've been reading about it and it seems like it would be difficult to do without the right equipment. Like I said, I just want to try it out and show people that it can be done.
  • #1
I would like to know of anything concepts regarding EMP. It's generation & how to sustain the pulse over long periods of time to create something like "no fly zones". Either to create a temporary block or permanent damage to any electrical items caught within the pulse radius.

Also please highlight any known methods to create small scale EMP devices without much precision.

If any of you are thinking that I am up to any nefarious scheme then think again. It's just a practical experiment I wish to try out & demonstrate to certain people to impress them and to teach them that it can be done.

Thank you in advance.

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  • #2
You want to create an electro-magnetic pulse , to fry the wiring of an Airplane
. wouldn't the the shell of the plane create a Faraday cage and prevent this from happening .
  • #3
I don't know much about aircraft design, but for it to be a Faraday cage effective against a weaponized EMP, I imagine the aircraft would need to be designed with this specific intention. Even then, I doubt the communication systems (made to receive external EM signals) would be completely immune.

Knightwars4, it can be done. You can tell your friends so. Does that satisfy you? How could this be a "practical experiment"? Other than as a weapon, what is practical about EMPs? Why not try and make a radio or something that doesn't break things? Why EMPs?

But to answer your question, nuclear weapons have been long known to have the effect you're talking about. Nonnuclear EMPs are very possible and may have already been used in conflict. Reports vary.

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  • #4
When I mean "No fly zones" I mean just places on the ground! where electrical units will be damaged. I'm not after a way to stop planes from flying.
  • #5

I must advise against attempting to create any type of EMP device without proper training and understanding of the underlying concepts and potential dangers. EMP, or electromagnetic pulse, is a powerful burst of energy that can disrupt or damage electronic devices. It is typically generated through the use of nuclear weapons or specialized equipment.

The generation of EMP involves the rapid release of electromagnetic energy, which can be achieved through the use of high voltage sources or explosive magnetic flux compression. Sustaining the pulse over long periods of time is difficult and typically not necessary, as the effects of EMP are instantaneous and short-lived.

Creating a "no fly zone" using EMP is not a practical or safe method. The use of EMP can cause widespread damage to critical infrastructure and could potentially harm innocent civilians. It is not a responsible or ethical approach.

As for small scale EMP devices, there are various methods that have been explored, such as using capacitors or high-powered microwaves. However, these devices require precise design and expertise to ensure safety and effectiveness. I strongly caution against attempting to create such devices without proper training and understanding.

In conclusion, while the concept of EMP is fascinating, it is important to approach it with caution and responsibility. I urge you to reconsider your intentions and instead focus on using your scientific knowledge and skills for positive and ethical purposes.

FAQ: Underlying Concepts of EMP generation & sustainence

1. What is EMP generation?

EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) generation refers to the process of creating a burst of electromagnetic energy that can disrupt or damage electronic devices and systems. This is typically achieved through the use of high-energy sources such as nuclear explosions or specialized EMP weapons.

2. How does EMP sustainence work?

EMP sustainence refers to the ability of an EMP to continue to affect electronic devices and systems over a period of time. This is achieved through the creation of a self-sustaining electromagnetic field that can continue to induce damaging currents in electronic components even after the initial burst of energy has passed.

3. What are the underlying concepts behind EMP generation?

The main underlying concept behind EMP generation is the creation of a rapidly changing magnetic field. This can be achieved through the use of explosive or high-energy devices, which produce a burst of gamma rays that generate a magnetic field. This magnetic field then induces currents in any nearby conductors, causing damage to electronic devices.

4. How can EMP generation be prevented?

Preventing EMP generation can be challenging, as it often requires specialized shielding and hardening of electronic devices and systems. Some commonly used methods include using Faraday cages, which are metal enclosures that block electromagnetic fields, and incorporating surge protectors and filters into electronic equipment.

5. Can EMP generation be used for beneficial purposes?

While EMPs are primarily known for their potential to cause damage, they can also be harnessed for beneficial purposes. Some applications of EMPs include medical procedures, such as electromagnetic pulse therapy for pain relief, and in the creation of artificial lightning for scientific research.
