Underpinnings of conservation of energy/mass

In summary: Conservation of mass is currently being challenged by the discovery of dark matter and dark energy.In summary, conservation of mass is not as firmly established as conservation of energy and momentum.
  • #1
I understand the 1st law of thermodynamics developed as a generalization based on experimental observations, in that an exception has yet to be found in thousands of situations, so it is considered to hold true in all possible situations.
If that is how it developed, is there any other theory or formula which can only hold true if there is no exception to the conservation of energy/mass? If someone does actually prove an exception, what will be the implication (if any) for the rest of what we know about physics?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Undacuva said:
I understand the 1st law of thermodynamics developed as a generalization based on experimental observations, in that an exception has yet to be found in thousands of situations, so it is considered to hold true in all possible situations.
If that is how it developed, is there any other theory or formula which can only hold true if there is no exception to the conservation of energy/mass? If someone does actually prove an exception, what will be the implication (if any) for the rest of what we know about physics?
Conservation of energy is also a mathematical consequence of Noether's Theorem and the assumption that the laws of physics are invariant over time (the same now as they were yesterday and will be tomorrow).

Similarly, conservation of momentum follows from the assumption that the laws of physics are invariant over position (same here as they are over there). Conservation of angular momentum follows from the assumption that the laws of physics are invariant with respect to direction (same if one looks one way or if one looks another).

Conservation of mass is not on an equally firm footing. Although energy is conserved, mass (if computed as the sum of the masses of the particles making up a system) is not precisely conserved. The classic example of mass non-conservation in this sense is in a nuclear bomb where the mass of a Uranium atom is greater than the sum of the masses of the remaining pieces after it splits.
  • #3
Conservation of Mass and Energy is a theory. You can use it to make predictions, and so far when such predictions are made, those predictions have proved out. This can be said for all good theories.

As Physics advances, what were held as good theories are sometimes found to be limited. For example, e=mc^2 put a wrinkle in the original conservation of energy theory. Newton's Laws took a hit with the discovery of relativity.

FAQ: Underpinnings of conservation of energy/mass

1. What is the law of conservation of energy?

The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transferred or converted from one form to another. This means that the total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant over time.

2. How does the conservation of energy relate to mass?

Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2, shows that energy and mass are equivalent and can be converted into one another. This means that the law of conservation of energy also applies to mass - it cannot be created or destroyed, only converted into different forms.

3. What are some examples of conservation of energy and mass in everyday life?

Some examples include: the conversion of chemical energy in food into mechanical energy for movement in the body, the transformation of potential energy to kinetic energy in a falling object, and the conversion of electrical energy to light and heat in a light bulb.

4. Why is conservation of energy and mass important in science?

The law of conservation of energy and mass is a fundamental principle in physics and is used to explain and predict the behavior of systems. It allows scientists to understand and measure the flow of energy and matter in various processes and phenomena.

5. Are there any exceptions to the law of conservation of energy and mass?

While the law of conservation of energy and mass holds true in most cases, there are some exceptions. In nuclear reactions, small amounts of energy can be converted into mass in the form of nuclear particles. Additionally, in the quantum world, energy and matter can appear and disappear in tiny amounts due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

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