Understand 4-Vectors & Spacetime: Hartle Gravity Chapter 5

In summary, a four-vector is a directed line segment in four-dimensional flat spacetime, just like a three-vector (to be called a three-vector in this chapter) can be defined as a direcied line segment in three-dimensional Euclidean Space. This definition does not generalize to curved spacetime, but the underlying reason it works in flat spacetime is that it is an example of an affine space.
  • #1
Hartle, gravity. Chapter 5

"A four-vector is defined as a directed line segment in four-dimensional flat spacetime in the same way as a three-dimensional vector (to be called a three-vector in this chapter) can be defined as a direcied line segment in three-dimensional Euclidean Space"For vectors in 3D, we know that vectors exist independently of the coordinate system used to measure them. Like a position vector. It exists there, it's tip at a point in the 3D space.
We may choose different coordinates to write the vector but all of them say the same thing. They all are representing a vector whose tip ends at the same point.

So similarly should I as the book suggests, think of spacetime as being out there independently of coordinate system, and for example a displacement vector in spacetime is just the line segment from one point to another.

Now once I choose a coordinate system I get components of the vector ( which is independent of the coordinate system) in that coordinate system.
If I apply a Lorenzt boost, I'm actually choosing another coordinate system which thus changes the coordinates of the vector. However they actually represent the same vector whose tip ends at the same point, although that point has different coordinates in different frames.

Is that a correct understanding?
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  • #2
Kashmir said:
"A four-vector is defined as a directed line segment in four-dimensional flat spacetime in the same way as a three-dimensional vector (to be called a three-vector in this chapter) can be defined as a direcied line segment in three-dimensional Euclidean Space"
It is worth noting that this definition actually does not generalize to curved spacetime. I don't have Hartle's book so I don't know if he discusses this later on, but other books on GR certainly do.

Kashmir said:
So similarly should I as the book suggests, think of spacetime as being out there independently of coordinate system
Yes, definitely.

Kashmir said:
and for example a displacement vector in spacetime is just the line segment from one point to another.
In flat spacetime, yes, this works. But, as noted above, it does not generalize to curved spacetime. The reason is that in curved spacetime, displacements do not form a vector space. So a different definition of a vector has to be adopted, which is initially less intuitive but which allows vectors (and more generally tensors) to be used in curved spacetime.

Kashmir said:
Now once I choose a coordinate system I get components of the vector ( which is independent of the coordinate system) in that coordinate system.

Kashmir said:
If I apply a Lorenzt boost, I'm actually choosing another coordinate system which thus changes the coordinates of the vector. However they actually represent the same vector whose tip ends at the same point, although that point has different coordinates in different frames.
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Likes topsquark, Kashmir and Orodruin
  • #3
Kashmir said:
Is that a correct understanding?
Yes, except I expect you mean "changes the components of the vector" in the penultimate paragraph.

Just to warn that in curved spacetime vectors are slightly more abstract, and are part of a flat vector space called a "tangent space" associated with each event. That means that, although directions can be associated with vectors, the notion of a vector as the straight line linking two points (or events) doesn't work. So your definition is OK for SR, but doesn't generalise to GR.

Edit: Peter beat me to it, I see.
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Likes topsquark and Kashmir
  • #4
Since the cat is out of the box I think it is worth underlining the underlying reason that viewing vectors as (finite) directed line segments works in Euclidean and Minkowski space: they are both examples of affine spaces, which means that for any point there exists a translation operation from the set of (tangent) vectors to the space itself. Because of this the space itself is isomorphic to the set of tangent vectors. This identification is lost in a general space(time). Instead, it is possible to view the tangent vector space at a point as the set of infinitesimal displacements from that point (although there are many equivalent ways of viewing this), which do form a vector space.
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  • #5
Thank you all.
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FAQ: Understand 4-Vectors & Spacetime: Hartle Gravity Chapter 5

1. What are 4-vectors and how do they relate to spacetime?

4-vectors are mathematical objects used to describe physical quantities in the context of spacetime. They consist of four components, with three components representing spatial coordinates and one component representing time. They are used in special relativity to describe the relationship between space and time, and in general relativity to describe the curvature of spacetime caused by mass and energy.

2. How do 4-vectors differ from regular vectors?

4-vectors differ from regular vectors in that they take into account the effects of time and space on physical quantities. Regular vectors only have three components representing spatial coordinates, while 4-vectors have an additional component representing time. This allows for a more accurate description of the relationship between space and time in the context of special and general relativity.

3. What is the significance of the Minkowski metric in 4-vectors?

The Minkowski metric is a mathematical tool used to define the inner product of 4-vectors in special relativity. It is a fundamental concept in understanding the relationship between space and time in this theory. The Minkowski metric allows for the calculation of spacetime intervals, which are invariant quantities that describe the separation of events in spacetime.

4. How does general relativity incorporate 4-vectors and spacetime?

General relativity incorporates 4-vectors and spacetime by using them to describe the curvature of spacetime caused by mass and energy. The theory explains gravity as the curvature of spacetime, and 4-vectors are used to describe this curvature. The equations of general relativity involve 4-vectors and their derivatives, allowing for a more accurate and complete understanding of the relationship between gravity, spacetime, and 4-vectors.

5. How can understanding 4-vectors and spacetime help us understand the universe?

Understanding 4-vectors and spacetime is crucial in understanding the fundamental nature of the universe. These concepts are used in theories such as special and general relativity, which have revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity. By using these concepts, scientists are able to make accurate predictions about the behavior of objects in the universe and gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws that govern our universe.

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