Understand Linear Functionals & Vector Space X

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of linear functionals in an n-dimensional vector space and their relation to systems of linear equations. The main question is whether there exists a non-zero vector x such that the scalar product with linear functionals is either always positive or equal to a given scalar. The conversation also provides a hint for solving the problem and discusses the basics of linear functionals and their properties.
  • #1
Here is the problem I have been asked to solve:

Assume that m < n and l1, l2, . . . , lm are linear functionals on an n-dimensional vector space X.
(a) Prove there exists a non-zero vector x in X such that the scalar product < x, lj >= 0 for 1 <= j <= m. What does this say about the solution of systems of linear equations?
(b) Under what conditions on the scalars b1, . . . , bm is it true that there exists a vector x in X such that the scalar product < x, lj >= bj for 1 <= j <= m? What does this say about the solution of systems of linear equations?I am having trouble understanding the concept of a linear functional and how it relates to the vector space X.
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  • #2
x is a vector in X, and lj is a linear functional on X, so what is < x, lj >? Do you mean lj(x)? Linear functionals are linear functions which map vectors to scalars. By linearity, they are uniquely determined by their behaviour on the basis vectors of the vector space. Let f be a linear functional on a vector space V, and let v1, ..., vn be basis vectors for V. If x is any vector in X, then there exist scalars x1, ..., xn such that

x = x1v1 + ... + xnvn


= f(x1v1 + ... + xnvn)
= f(x1v1) + ... + f(xnvn)
= x1f(v1) + ... + xnf(vn)
= (x1, ..., xn).(f(v1), ..., f(vn))

If l1, ..., lm are linear functionals, consider the row vectors (l1(v1), ..., l1(vn)), ..., (lm(v1), ..., lm(vn)). Do you see how the question is reduced to the following:

If m < n, and {li(vj) | i = 1, ..., m; j = 1, ..., n} is any set of scalars, do there exists scalars x1, ..., xn such that for each i, it holds that:

(x1, ..., xn).(li(v1), ..., li(vn))


[tex](\mbox{Span}\{(l_i(v_1),\, \dots ,\, l_i (v_n))\ :\ 1 \leq i \leq m\})^{\perp}[/tex]
  • #3
< x, lj > is the scalar/dot product
  • #4
I know that. Suppose v is a vector and x is toenail. What is <v,x>?
  • #5
Yeah, I still have no idea what I'm proving for this problem, nor do I understand the final question, though I imagine if I could do the proof, the question would make sense. A hint would be appreciated.
  • #6
The dot product takes two vectors of the same space and gives you a scalar. A linear functional on V is not a vector in V. There is a strong relation between the value of a linear functional at a vector and the dot product of that vector with a particular other vector, but that's still a little off in the distance for us. First, you need to get the basics.

7 is a real number. So is [itex]-\pi[/itex]. It makes sense to talk about, say, 7 x [itex]-\pi[/itex]. You can multiply numbers. Can you multiply a number by a function? What is 7 x sine? It doesn't really make sense (okay, you can make sense of it, but try to understand the basic idea). Similarly, v and x are both vectors, say. Then it makes sense to take their dot product, v.x If f is a linear functional, then what sense does it make to take v.f? You can multiply two numbers together, but you can't multiply a number by a toenail, it's just absurd. Likewise, you can take the dot product of a vector with another vector, but you can't take the dot product of a vector with a functional, it's just absurd. It makes as much sense as taken the dot product of a vector with a toenail.

If V is a vector space over a field F, then a linear functional is a function: f : V -> F that is linear. So a linear functional (I'll just call it a functional) is a function, which is just something that maps elements of one set to elements of another set. In addition, it is a special kind of function, it is a linear function. That means f(v+w) = f(v)+f(w), and f(av) = af(v), where v and w are vectors in V, and a is a scalar in F. Do you understand this so far?

Suppose you have an n-dimensional vector space V (over a field F), and m (with m < n) linear functionals f1, ..., fm. You want to prove that there is a non-zero x such that fi(x) = 0 for 1 < i < m.

Let me give you a related problem. Let V be an n-dimensional vector space. Let {v1, ..., vm} be any set of m vectors from V, with m < n. Prove that there exists a non-zero x such that <x,vi> = 0 for 1 < i < m.
  • #7
Duals always seem to cause problem's, conceptually, and I don't know why.

If V and W are vector spaces you are really happy with what the space of linear maps between V and W is. If we are the kind of person who likes bases then it is the set of dim(W) by dim(V) matrices. Well, all we've done is take a general case you're happy with and looked at one particular example, when W is one dimensional. Surely that is even easier to understand than the general case?
  • #8
I have the same question as wurthskidder23 and I've read the reply by AKG. Can anybody give some further hint as how to solve the question. I am not sure how to prove that x is non-zero?

FAQ: Understand Linear Functionals & Vector Space X

1. What is a linear functional?

A linear functional is a mathematical concept in linear algebra that maps a vector space to its corresponding field (usually the real numbers or complex numbers). It is a linear transformation that takes in a vector and produces a scalar value.

2. How do linear functionals relate to vector spaces?

Linear functionals are essential in understanding vector spaces. They provide a way to measure and evaluate vectors in a specific vector space. In fact, the set of all linear functionals on a vector space is known as the dual space of that vector space.

3. What is the difference between a linear functional and a vector space?

A linear functional is a mathematical operation that maps a vector to a scalar, while a vector space is a collection of vectors that satisfy certain properties (such as closure under addition and scalar multiplication). A linear functional operates on the elements of a vector space, but it is not a part of the vector space itself.

4. Can linear functionals have more than one input?

No, linear functionals can only take in one input, which is a vector. However, they can output a scalar value that may be the result of operating on multiple vectors in the vector space.

5. How are linear functionals represented mathematically?

Linear functionals can be represented in various ways, such as through matrices, vectors, or equations. In a finite-dimensional vector space, a linear functional can be represented as a row vector or a column vector. In an infinite-dimensional vector space, it can be represented as a sequence or a function.
