Understand Operator Dispersion in Sakurai's "Modern Quantum Physics

In summary, the author defines an operator, the dispersion of which is the expectation value of the square of this operator. He then derives the dispersion of this operator using a matrix notation, which he claims is consistent. However, he makes a mistake when writing the dispersion equation.
  • #1
I'm trying to get my head around quantum mechanics with the help of Sakurai "Modern Quantum Physics". It's been good so far, but I came across a formula I don't really understand. When discussing uncertainty relation (in 1.4) the author begins with defining an "operator":

[itex]\Delta A \equiv A - \left\langle A \right\rangle [/itex]

Where A is an observable. He then defines the dispersion of A to be the expectation value of the of the square of this operator: [itex]\left\langle \Delta A \right\rangle ^ 2[/itex].

I'm pretty sure I understand the concept of observable dispersion correctly, but correct me if I'm wrong: it's the average squared deviation of the measurements from mean (variation). Of course this is all computed for given state (ket). The results of the same measurement (with the same properly prepared state) performed multiple times will have certain variation, which is the same as dispersion we're talking about. Is this ok? I think it is, because I was even able to arrive at proper formula (which agrees with author's result) by summing the squared deviations from 'mean' (operator A expectation value) over all eigenkets of this operator, weighted with probabilities of each outcome.

However, what I don't understand is the author's derivation, in particular the definition of this new 'delta operator' - let me write it again:

[itex]\Delta A \equiv A - \left\langle A \right\rangle [/itex]

How can one subtract the expected value which is a number (scalar) from an operator, which is represented by some matrix? This doesn't seem kosher. Is this a common practice? Will I see more examples of such 'flawed' notation? This seems really confusing...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It's just short for ##A-\left\langle A \right\rangle\cdot\rm{id}##.

HubertP said:
He then defines the dispersion of A to be the expectation value of the of the square of this operator: [itex]\left\langle \Delta A \right\rangle ^ 2[/itex].

I think you made a mistake there, since ##\left\langle \Delta A \right\rangle=0##. I guess it's more like ##\sigma^2_A=\left\langle\left( \Delta A\right)^2 \right\rangle##.
  • #3
This makes sense now!

To make sure it's consistent I tried expanding this [itex]\Delta A[/itex] in eigenbasis of A, using [itex]A = \sum\limits_n a_n \left|a_n\right\rangle \left\langle a_n\right|[/itex], and applying it to a ket vector - I got correct result (sum of squared deviations of eigenvalues from mean weighted by probabilities)!. This is exciting. Thanks!

Of course I made a typo writing [itex]\left\langle \Delta A \right\rangle ^2[/itex] instead of [itex]\left\langle \left( \Delta A \right)^2 \right\rangle [/itex]. Thanks for pointing this out.

FAQ: Understand Operator Dispersion in Sakurai's "Modern Quantum Physics

1. What is operator dispersion in Sakurai's "Modern Quantum Physics"?

Operator dispersion refers to the spread or variability of measured values when a quantum mechanical observable is repeatedly measured on the same quantum state. This dispersion is a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics and is related to the uncertainty principle.

2. How is operator dispersion related to uncertainty in quantum mechanics?

The uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to simultaneously know the precise values of two complementary observables, such as position and momentum, for a quantum state. This uncertainty is reflected in the dispersion of measured values for these observables, with a smaller dispersion indicating a more precise measurement.

3. How is operator dispersion calculated?

Operator dispersion is calculated using the standard deviation of a given quantum observable. This is found by taking the square root of the expectation value of the difference between the observable and its average value, squared.

4. Can operator dispersion be reduced or eliminated?

No, operator dispersion is a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics and cannot be eliminated. However, it can be reduced by preparing the quantum state in a more precise and well-defined state, such as a pure state, and by using more precise measurement techniques.

5. How does operator dispersion affect the results of experiments in quantum mechanics?

Operator dispersion can significantly impact the results of experiments in quantum mechanics. It can lead to a range of possible outcomes for a measurement, rather than a single precise value, and can also affect the accuracy and reliability of measurements. Therefore, understanding and controlling operator dispersion is crucial for the success and interpretation of experiments in quantum mechanics.
