Understanding abelian Galois groups

  • Thread starter bham10246
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In summary: I happen to know that the minimal polynomial for \sqrt{2}+\sqrt{3} is x^4-10x^2+1, so I knew that the splitting field of this polynomial must be the same as the one for x^4-10x^2+1, which is the splitting field of x^2-2 and x^2-3. Therefore the splitting field is \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2},\sqrt{3}).Another way you could have done it is to find the fixed fields of the permutations (12)(34) and (13)(24), which are \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2}) and \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt
  • #1
Hi, a quick question:

If f is a degree n irreducible polynomial in Q[x] and the Galois group G of f is abelian, then
1. How do we know that G has exactly n elements?
2. Is the Galois group necessary cyclic?

I think that since f is irreducible, the Galois group must contain an automorphism of order n. So n [itex]\leq |Gal(f)| [/itex]. But what about the other inequality?

As for the answer to my second question, I thought it would be yes but now as I think about it, maybe not because G is a finitely generated abelian group. So by the Fundamental Theorem of Finitely Generated Abelian Groups, if [itex]n=(p_1)^{a_1} (p_2)^{a_2} ... (p_k)^{a_k} [/itex], then [itex]Gal(f) \cong \left[\frac{\mathbb{Z}}{p_1^{a_1}\mathbb{Z}} \times ... \times \frac{\mathbb{Z}}{p_k^{a_k} \mathbb{Z}} \right][/itex]?

Please help...
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  • #2
1. How do we know that G has exactly n elements?
Primitive Element Theorem, show that finite extensions over [tex]\mathbb{Q}[/tex] are seperable and the are equal to the order of the Galois group since the field charachteristic of [tex]\mathbb{Q}[/tex] is [tex]0[/tex].

2. Is the Galois group necessary cyclic?
No. Cyclotomic Extensions are a special case when Galois groups are cyclic. But consider for example [tex]E=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2},\sqrt{3})[/tex] then [tex]\mbox{Gal}(E/\mathbb{Q})\simeq \mathbb{Z}_2\times \mathbb{Z}_2[/tex] which is not cyclic.
  • #3
Kummer said:
Primitive Element Theorem, show that finite extensions over [tex]\mathbb{Q}[/tex] are seperable and the are equal to the order of the Galois group since the field charachteristic of [tex]\mathbb{Q}[/tex] is [tex]0[/tex].
I don't think that does it; while you are guaranteed that the splitting field of f has primitive elements, a priori you have no guarantee that the roots of f are among them.
  • #4
the theorem of kronecker /weber? says that every abelian extension is a subfield of a cytclotomic extension. that pretty much describes them fully i guess.
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  • #5
@Hurky, yes I appologize I made a mistake I was thinking about something else.

mathwonk said:
the theorem of kronecker /weber? .
Is Algebraic Number Theory your area of research? Because that is something I am (hopefully) going into. Though, there are many other beautiful areas as well, i.e. Harmonic Analysis. I am asking because I would like to see a proof of this nice theorem.
  • #6
i can find a reference for you but it is not my area and i have not read the proof.
  • #7
maybe silverman, advanced topics in the arithmetic of algebraic curves?
  • #11
Thank you MathWonk. I once sent an e-mail to Lord Peter Swinnerton-Dyer. Does anybody know if Bryan Birch is still alive?
  • #13
Kummer said:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primitive_element_theorem" , show that finite extensions over [tex]\mathbb{Q}[/tex] are seperable and the are equal to the order of the Galois group since the field charachteristic of [tex]\mathbb{Q}[/tex] is [tex]0[/tex].

No. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclotomic_field" are a special case when Galois groups are cyclic. But consider for example [tex]E=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2},\sqrt{3})[/tex] then [tex]\mbox{Gal}(E/\mathbb{Q})\simeq \mathbb{Z}_2\times \mathbb{Z}_2[/tex] which is not cyclic.

This does do it. We were considering polynomials which are irreducible in Q, but this is the Galois group of the polynomial f = ((x^2)-2)((x^2)-3), which is clearly not irreducible. However, you are correct.
I am looking for a polynomial (preferably quintic) to research that is irreducible and has a nonabelian galois group. I also require it to not have the form (x^n) - a, where a is in Q. Does anyone have any suggestions of such a polynomial?
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  • #14
dave_hopkins said:
This does do it. We were considering polynomials which are irreducible in Q, but this is the Galois group of the polynomial f = ((x^2)-2)((x^2)-3), which is clearly not irreducible. However, you are correct.
I am looking for a polynomial (preferably quintic) to research that is irreducible and has a nonabelian galois group. I also require it to not have the form (x^n) - a, where a is in Q. Does anyone have any suggestions of such a polynomial?

The extension [tex]\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2},\sqrt{3})[/tex] is also generated by the roots of the polynomial: [tex]x^4-10x^2+1[/tex], which is irreducible.

As for a quintic polynomials with non-abelian galois group...the vast majority of irreducible quintic polynomials have galois group [tex]S_5[/tex]. I suggest you pick one at random!
  • #15
mrbohn1 said:
The extension [tex]\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2},\sqrt{3})[/tex] is also generated by the roots of the polynomial: [tex]x^4-10x^2+1[/tex], which is irreducible.

As for a quintic polynomials with non-abelian galois group...the vast majority of irreducible quintic polynomials have galois group [tex]S_5[/tex]. I suggest you pick one at random!

Thanks. I'm just trying to work out how you found this out. [tex]x^4-10x^2+1[/tex] is factorized as [tex](x^2 + a)(x^2 + b)[/tex], where a = -5 +/- 4\sqrt{6} and
b = -5 -/+\sqrt{6}. The four roots (a1,a2,a3,a4) are then the +/- roots of a. And q = a1+a2
w=a1 + a3, e = a1 +a4 make up the fixed field Q(q^2,w^2,e^2) and the galois group is Q(q,w,e). so q,w or e equal to \sqrt{3}, \sqrt{2} and the other is 0? I am pretty sure I am doing something very wrong. any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks,
  • #16
dave_hopkins said:
Thanks. I'm just trying to work out how you found this out. [tex]x^4-10x^2+1[/tex] is factorized as [tex](x^2 + a)(x^2 + b)[/tex], where a = -5 +/- 4\sqrt{6} and
b = -5 -/+\sqrt{6}. The four roots (a1,a2,a3,a4) are then the +/- roots of a. And q = a1+a2
w=a1 + a3, e = a1 +a4 make up the fixed field Q(q^2,w^2,e^2) and the galois group is Q(q,w,e). so q,w or e equal to \sqrt{3}, \sqrt{2} and the other is 0? I am pretty sure I am doing something very wrong. any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks,

You have made a couple of mistakes in you calculations. [tex]x^4-10x^2+1[/tex] actually factorizes as:[tex](x^2 - a)(x^2 - b)[/tex], where [tex]a=5+2\sqrt{6}[/tex] and [tex]b=5-2\sqrt{6}[/tex].

So the roots are: [tex]\pm \sqrt{5+2\sqrt{6}}[/tex] and [tex]\pm \sqrt{5-2\sqrt{6}}[/tex].

This is the same as: [tex]\sqrt{2}\pm \sqrt{3}[/tex] and [tex]-\sqrt{2}\pm \sqrt{3}[/tex]. (note that [tex]\sqrt{2}+\sqrt{3}[/tex] is the square root of [tex]5+2\sqrt{6}[/tex]).

But that isn't the way I found this out! This is a fairly commonly used example of a polynomial with galois group the Klein 4-group, and I had remembered seeing it on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galois_theory" ;-)
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  • #17
mrbohn1 said:
You have made a couple of mistakes in you calculations. [tex]x^4-10x^2+1[/tex] actually factorizes as:[tex](x^2 - a)(x^2 - b)[/tex], where [tex]a=5+2\sqrt{6}[/tex] and [tex]b=5-2\sqrt{6}[/tex].

So the roots are: [tex]\pm \sqrt{5+2\sqrt{6}}[/tex] and [tex]\pm \sqrt{5-2\sqrt{6}}[/tex].

This is the same as: [tex]\sqrt{2}\pm \sqrt{3}[/tex] and [tex]-\sqrt{2}\pm \sqrt{3}[/tex]. (note that [tex]\sqrt{2}+\sqrt{3}[/tex] is the square root of [tex]5+2\sqrt{6}[/tex]).

But that isn't the way I found this out! This is a fairly commonly used example of a polynomial with galois group the Klein 4-group, and I had remembered seeing it on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galois_theory" ;-)

Thanks! I am looking for a polynomial [tex]x^4+ax^2+b[/tex], that has a Galois group that is the dihedral group of order 8. Thus, I imagine, it must have roots a1,a2,a3,a4, where a1+a2 = sqrt{j}, a1 + a3 = sqrt{k} and a1 + a4 = sqrt{l}, with sqrt{j}, sqrt{k}, sqrt{l} irrational. pretty stuck. any help would be very much appreciated.
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Related to Understanding abelian Galois groups

1. What is an abelian Galois group?

An abelian Galois group is a type of Galois group where the elements can be commutative, meaning they can be rearranged without changing the result. In other words, the order in which the elements are multiplied does not matter.

2. How does one determine the abelian Galois group of a polynomial?

The abelian Galois group of a polynomial can be determined by first factoring the polynomial into irreducible factors over a field extension. Then, the abelian Galois group will be isomorphic to the direct product of the abelian Galois groups of each irreducible factor.

3. What are the applications of understanding abelian Galois groups?

Understanding abelian Galois groups is important in many areas of mathematics, including algebraic number theory, algebraic geometry, and cryptography. It allows for the study of fields and their extensions, as well as the solvability of polynomial equations.

4. Can all Galois groups be abelian?

No, not all Galois groups can be abelian. In fact, most Galois groups are non-abelian. However, there are certain types of polynomials, such as cyclotomic polynomials, whose Galois groups are always abelian.

5. How does the structure of an abelian Galois group affect the structure of its corresponding field extension?

The structure of an abelian Galois group can provide insight into the structure of its corresponding field extension. For example, the size of the Galois group can determine the degree of the field extension, and the number of subgroups can indicate the number of intermediate fields in the extension.

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