Understanding Abelian Groups, QLG, and Fiber Bundles in String Theory

  • Thread starter Phred101.2
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In summary, fiber bundles are a way to "paste" one space onto every point on another space, and the directional derivative of tensors changes from point to point on a manifold.
  • #1
Can anyone tell me what type of string theory QLG is? Or explain
fiber bundles and (non)abelian groups? This isn't homework, or anything btw.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I don't know what "QLG" is. If you're asking about "LQG" there's several threads trying to describe it in the "beyond the standard model" forum.

"Nonabelian groups" just means a group where the commutative property does not hold. So if you have a nonabelian group, and it has members A and B, it might be the case that A*B is not equal to B*A.

I personally can't describe a "Fiber bundle" very well, but generally the idea is that you take two spaces, and you "paste" one of them onto every point of the other. For example, if you have a circle, and you also have a line, you could "paste" the line onto the circle in such a way that the start of the line appears at every point of the circle. The result would be a cylinder. The line, the circle, and the method by which you decided to "paste" the one to the other (all of which together describe this cylinder) would together make up a "fiber bundle". (I hope I got that right.)

There are a lot of good descriptions of this kind of thing at wikipedia.org and http://mathworld.wolfram.com.
  • #3
Pasting is otherwise called mapping, right? And that was a typo, mate.
  • #4
Well, loop quantum gravity is not a string theory. There's a huge difference between the two. Namely, string works with a fixed background and LQG is a dynamic background theory. In laymans talk that means that the background has been quantized in LQC. In doing such gravity can be treated as a fundamental and not an effective theory.
  • #5
I must apologize to physics forums I drink a lot

I'll try to answer your question about fiber bundles and non-abelian gauge theories in one fatal swoop, in a physics way, not to mathy.

Ok, you have a manifold, [tex]M[/tex]. At each point on the manifold you can create a vector space of all vectors tangent to the manifold at that point. This is called the tangent vector space at that point, [tex]TM_x[/tex]. Now you can think of a disjoint union of all the tangent spaces at every point on the manifold and this is called the tangent bundle [tex]
TM = \coprod\limits_{x \in M} {TM_x } [/tex]. Similarly, the cotangent bundle is the disjoint union of all the, orthogonal vectors, one forms to each point on the manifold [tex]
T^* M = \coprod\limits_{x \in M} {T^* M_x } [/tex]. The important part to a physicist is that the directional derivative of tensors changes from point to point on a manifold. The connection [tex]A[/tex] or in relativity [tex]\Gamma _{\beta \gamma }^\alpha[/tex] tells you how the directional derivative changes from point to point on a manifold. This is where the concept of a bundle comes in. So what you get is an exterior derivative. For Yang Mills, non abelian gauge theories, this exterior derivative is [tex]D_\mu = \partial _\mu - iA_\mu ^\beta (x)t_\beta[/tex] where [tex]t_\beta[/tex] are the generators of semi simple lie algebras. Now, looking at the holonomies, parallel transports, of the exterior derivative you get [tex]P\exp \left({i\oint\limits_C{d{\mathbf{x}}{\mathbf{A}}(x)} } \right)[/tex]. It should be noted that this is very similar to looking at the fundamental groups in topology. Except in that case, you let your loops get contracted to the base point. Now expanding [tex]P\exp \left({i\oint\limits_C{d{\mathbf{x}}{\mathbf{A}}(x)} } \right)[/tex] you get [tex]
P\exp \left( {i\oint\limits_C {d{\mathbf{x}}{\mathbf{A}}(x)} } \right) = e + \frac{1}
{2}\iint {dx^\mu } \wedge dx^\tau \left( {\partial _\mu {\mathbf{A}}_\tau - \partial _\tau {\mathbf{A}}_\mu - [{\mathbf{A}}_\mu ,{\mathbf{{\rm A}}}_\tau ]} \right)
+ \cdots[/tex]
. Now the curvature term is [tex]{\mathbf{F}}_{\mu \tau } = \partial _\mu {\mathbf{A}}_\tau - \partial _\tau {\mathbf{A}}_\mu - [{\mathbf{A}}_\mu ,{\mathbf{A}}_\tau ] [/tex]. What they mean by non-abelian is that [tex][{\mathbf{A}}_\mu ,{\mathbf{A}}_\tau ] \ne 0[/tex]
  • #6
Thanks I'll try to get this.

FAQ: Understanding Abelian Groups, QLG, and Fiber Bundles in String Theory

1. What are Abelian groups and why are they important in string theory?

Abelian groups are mathematical structures that consist of a set of elements and a binary operation that satisfies the commutative property. In string theory, Abelian groups are important because they represent symmetries in the theory, which can help explain the behavior of particles and their interactions.

2. What is QLG and how does it relate to string theory?

QLG, or quantum loop gravity, is a theoretical framework that attempts to reconcile the principles of general relativity and quantum mechanics. It is related to string theory in that both theories attempt to describe the fundamental nature of the universe and explain gravity at a quantum level.

3. How do fiber bundles play a role in string theory?

Fiber bundles are mathematical constructs that are used to describe the topology of space-time in string theory. They help to explain the behavior of strings in a curved space-time and allow for the inclusion of extra dimensions in the theory.

4. What are the implications of understanding Abelian groups, QLG, and fiber bundles in string theory for our understanding of the universe?

Understanding these concepts in string theory can have significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It can help us to better understand the fundamental forces and particles that make up our universe, as well as the nature of space and time at a quantum level.

5. Are there any practical applications of these concepts in string theory?

While string theory is still a theoretical framework, there are potential practical applications of understanding Abelian groups, QLG, and fiber bundles. These include advancements in technology, such as quantum computers, and potential insights into the behavior of matter and energy in extreme conditions, such as black holes.

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