Understanding AdS/CFT Mappings for Quantum Field and String Theorists

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In summary, a student is seeking resources to better understand the AdS/CFT correspondence, specifically the significance of correlation functions and how to calculate them from a quantum field/string theory perspective. Several recommended resources include a book by Horatiu Nastase, a review article by Gubser, Klebanov, and Polyakov, and online lecture notes by Liu and Gaberdiel. These resources cover topics such as k-form EM fields, the dilaton field, and the axion field. The student is encouraged to reach out for further clarification or questions.
  • #1
Hi, this is my first post. I've been studying the AdS/CFT
correspondance recently, and though I am familiar with the relativistic
calculations required, the aspects of the conformal field theory are
still new to me. Does anyone know a good primer for such material?
Namely, I am interested in learning the significance of correlation
functions, and how to calculate them from a purely quantum field/string
theoretic perspective. Wikipedia has little to say on the matter, as
does mathworld or any other website. Ideally I'd like to find is a
complete set of pdf lecture notes that covers k-form EM fields,
correlation functions, the dilaton field, and the axion field. Thanks
in advance for your replies.

Reuben Villagomez
Physics '08
Mathematics '08
Harvey Mudd College
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Dear Reuben Villagomez,

Thank you for your post and interest in the AdS/CFT correspondence. As a scientist in the field, I can recommend a few resources that may be helpful in understanding the significance of correlation functions and how to calculate them from a quantum field/string theory perspective.

One excellent resource is the book "Introduction to AdS/CFT Correspondence" by Horatiu Nastase. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject and covers topics such as correlation functions, k-form EM fields, the dilaton field, and the axion field. It also includes exercises and solutions for further practice.

Another useful resource is the review article "AdS/CFT Correspondence: Einstein's Equation and Conformal Field Theory" by Steven S. Gubser, Igor R. Klebanov, and Alexander M. Polyakov. This article provides a detailed explanation of the AdS/CFT correspondence and its applications, including discussions on correlation functions and their calculations.

In addition, there are several lecture notes available online that cover the AdS/CFT correspondence, such as "AdS/CFT Correspondence" by Hong Liu and "Introduction to AdS/CFT" by Matthias Gaberdiel. These notes may be helpful in supplementing your understanding of the subject.

I hope these resources will be helpful in your studies of the AdS/CFT correspondence. If you have any further questions or need clarification on any specific topics, please do not hesitate to reach out. Best of luck in your studies!

[Your Affiliation]
  • #3

Dear Reuben Villagomez,

Thank you for your interest in the AdS/CFT correspondence. As you mentioned, this is a complex topic that requires a deep understanding of both quantum field theory and string theory. I would recommend starting with some introductory texts on both of these topics before delving into the AdS/CFT correspondence. Some good resources for this are "Quantum Field Theory" by Mark Srednicki and "String Theory" by Joseph Polchinski.

In terms of understanding the significance of correlation functions, these are important quantities in quantum field theory that describe the statistical relationships between different observables. They can be calculated using various techniques, such as perturbation theory or the path integral formalism. I would suggest looking into these methods as well as exploring the basics of conformal field theory.

As for finding lecture notes on k-form EM fields, correlation functions, the dilaton field, and the axion field, I would recommend searching for courses or lectures on these specific topics at universities or online. You may also find helpful resources on websites such as arXiv or the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

I hope this helps guide you in your studies of the AdS/CFT correspondence. It is a fascinating and complex topic that requires a lot of dedication and hard work, but I am sure with your background in physics and mathematics, you will be able to grasp it with time and effort.

Best of luck in your studies!

Related to Understanding AdS/CFT Mappings for Quantum Field and String Theorists

1. What is AdS/CFT mapping and why is it important in quantum field and string theory?

AdS/CFT mapping is a duality relationship between two seemingly different theories - Anti-de Sitter space (AdS) and conformal field theory (CFT). It is important in quantum field and string theory because it allows for the study of strongly interacting systems, which are difficult to analyze using traditional methods. This mapping also provides a new perspective on the connection between gravity and quantum field theory.

2. How does the AdS/CFT mapping work?

The AdS/CFT mapping is based on the idea of holography, where information in a higher-dimensional space can be described by a lower-dimensional space. In this case, the gravitational theory in AdS space is equivalent to a quantum field theory on the boundary of that space. This means that calculations in one theory can be translated into the other, allowing for a better understanding of both systems.

3. What are some applications of AdS/CFT mapping?

AdS/CFT mapping has been used to study a wide range of physical systems, including black holes, quantum gravity, and condensed matter systems. It has also been applied to problems in cosmology, such as the study of the early universe. Additionally, this mapping has provided insights into the nature of quantum entanglement and the information paradox.

4. Are there any limitations to the AdS/CFT mapping?

While the AdS/CFT mapping has proven to be a powerful tool, it is not a universal solution for all problems in physics. It is limited to certain types of systems and does not apply to all scenarios. Additionally, the mapping is still a subject of ongoing research, and there may be further developments and refinements to its application in the future.

5. What are some resources for learning more about AdS/CFT mapping?

There are many books, articles, and lectures available on AdS/CFT mapping for those interested in learning more. Some recommended resources include "AdS/CFT Duality User Guide" by Makoto Natsuume, "The Holographic Universe" by Leonard Susskind, and "Introduction to AdS/CFT" lectures by Igor R. Klebanov. Additionally, there are various online forums and discussion groups where researchers and enthusiasts share their knowledge and insights on this topic.

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