Understanding Ampere's Law in Cylindrical Shell Configurations

In summary, if you have two cylindrical shells one inside the other, the magnetic fields in between them are determined only by the current flowing in the inner shell.
  • #1
If i have two cylindrical shells one inside the other , Like a pop can inside a larger pop can.
And let's say they are infinitely long . And on the inner one i have a surface current and on the outer one i also have a surface current but in the opposite direction. The B field in between the 2 cans just depends on the current from the inner can. Is the reason that the current does not matter from the outer can because the field cancels itself , Can we use the same argument from a guass surface , Like the E field inside a spherical shell with charge Q.
The E field is zero . Sorry If my writing seems choppy.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Due to symmetry, the observed magnetic fields in this problem can only come about by an enclosed current. So there has to be cancellation on the interior of your shells. Think about it this way, to avoid confusion we will consider on cylindrical shell of current and instead of a shell of currents you have vertical strips of currents of infinitesimal width. If we observe at the center of the shell, then let's take two strips on opposite sides of the shell (one on the +x axis and the other on the -x axis).

So the field at the center due to the one on the +x axis will be directed in the -y direction (assuming that the current is flowing in the +z direction). The field due to the current element on the -x axis is directed in the +y direction. Since the currents are the same amplitude (due to symmetry) then we see that they cancel out exactly. Obviously the situation at the center is the easiest to visualize but one should be able to solve for the internal field generally (by using the expression for the magnetic field of a wire and integrating it accordingly) and one should find that the general case is also zero.
  • #3
ok thanks for your answer.

FAQ: Understanding Ampere's Law in Cylindrical Shell Configurations

1. What is Ampere's Law?

Ampere's Law is a fundamental law in electromagnetism that describes the relationship between the magnetic field created by a current-carrying wire and the current itself. It states that the magnetic field around a closed loop is proportional to the current passing through the loop.

2. Who discovered Ampere's Law?

Ampere's Law was discovered by French physicist and mathematician André-Marie Ampere in the early 19th century. He formulated the law based on his experiments with electromagnetism.

3. What is the mathematical equation for Ampere's Law?

The mathematical equation for Ampere's Law is B = μ0I/2πr, where B is the magnetic field, μ0 is the permeability of free space, I is the current, and r is the distance from the current-carrying wire.

4. What is the significance of Ampere's Law?

Ampere's Law is significant because it allows us to calculate the magnetic field strength created by a current-carrying wire. It also helps us understand the relationship between electricity and magnetism and has led to many practical applications, such as motors and generators.

5. How is Ampere's Law used in real life?

Ampere's Law is used in various real-life applications, including electric motors, generators, and transformers. It also plays a crucial role in the development of technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and particle accelerators.

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