Understanding Arrays and Their Role in Converting Light into Data

  • Thread starter EnSlavingBlair
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    Arrays Work
In summary, the conversation discusses the use of arrays, specifically EVLA, in converting light from space into data. The process involves Fourier Transforms and deconvolution to eliminate side lobes. The individual is seeking a simple explanation before delving into the mathematical aspects. Interferometry is mentioned as a fundamental concept in this process.
  • #1
Hi all,

I've been reading on how arrays (eg. EVLA) turn light from space into data, but I don't really get it. I know it has a lot to do with Fourier Transforms, but I can't find anything that gives a good and simple outline as to why they're used. And then once it's been transformed it needs to be deconvolved to get rid of the side lobes, but the order and reasons are a bit muddled in my head.

Can anyone elxplain it? I don't mind a bit of math but I'm looking for a general outline before I get bogged down in the numbers.

Astronomy news on Phys.org

FAQ: Understanding Arrays and Their Role in Converting Light into Data

1. How do arrays store data?

Arrays store data in a sequential manner, meaning that each element in the array is located at a specific index or position. This allows for easy access and manipulation of data within the array.

2. What is the purpose of arrays?

Arrays are used to store and organize large sets of data in a structured manner. They are commonly used in programming to store lists of items or to represent data in a tabular format.

3. How are arrays different from other data structures?

Unlike other data structures, arrays have a fixed size and can only store elements of the same data type. They also offer efficient access to elements through their index, but can be less efficient when it comes to insertion and deletion of elements.

4. Can arrays store different types of data?

No, arrays can only store elements of the same data type. If you need to store different types of data, you can use a data structure like a dictionary or map.

5. How can I access and modify elements in an array?

Elements in an array can be accessed and modified by their index. This means that you can retrieve or change a specific element by referencing its position in the array. Arrays also offer methods for adding and removing elements at specific positions.
