Understanding Bullet, Block, and Kinetic Energy in a Loop-the-Loop System?

In summary, the bullet has a total energy of 1/6 of its potential energy after striking the block, and the block has a total energy of 1/2 of its potential energy.
  • #1
[SOLVED] Bullet, block, kinetic energy

1. A small block of mass 2m initially rests on a track at the bottom of a circular, vertical loop-the-loop, which has a radius r. The surface contact between the block and the loop is frictionless. A bullet of mass m strikes the block horizontally from the left with initial speed Vo and remains embedded in the block as the block and bullet circle the loop. Determine the following in terms of m, Vo, r, and g. Diagram is the same as in the link, except that radius is just r.


a) the speed of the block and bullet immediately after impact.
b) the kinetic energy of the block and bullet when they reach a point on the loop that is a height of r units from the bottom (far right side of the loop).
c) the minimum initial speed of the bullet if the block and bullet are to successfully execute a complete circuit of the loop.

2. m1v1 + m2v2 = (m1+m2)Vf
KE = (1/2)mv^2
PEg = -mgh

3. a) I found the speed equals Vo/3 from the first equation.

m1=m, v1=Vo, m2=2m, v2=0.
Vf= Vo/3.

b) I found that the KE (final) = (Vo^2m / 6) + 3mgr by using the second and third equations.

change in KE= -change in PEg (because Ff=0)
I substituted in Vo/3 for Vi and r for the height.
I'm not sure if I have the signs correct or even the method.

c) Vo min = square root of (gr)??

Can someone please tell me if this is correct? Thanks in advance! :)
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[tex]\underbrace{m^{b}_{1}\cdot v^{b}_{1} + m^{b}_{2}\cdot v^{b}_{2}}_{Before\;Colision} = \underbrace{m^{a}_{1}\cdot v^{a}_{1} + m^{a}_{2}\cdot v^{a}_{2}}_{After\;Colision}[/tex]

Where superscripts b = efore and a = [a]fter the colision respectively.

[tex]m_2\cdot v^b{_2} = 0 [/tex] and the total mass after the collision, [itex]M_t = m_1 + m_2 [/itex]

The velocity of [itex]m_1[/itex] before the colision is therefore:

[itex]V^b_{1} = \frac{m_1}{M_t} \cdot V_a [/itex] in agreement with your solution.

The initial (and total) kinetic energy [itex]E_o[/itex] of the result system is [itex]\frac{1}{2}M{_t} V^2_a =\frac{1}{6} M_t V^2_1[/itex]

The total energy at circle right mid height is equal to the sum of the potential and kinetic energies at that point:

[itex]M_t g r + \frac{1}{2} M_t V^2_r[/itex] however; the total energy is input to the system is [itex]\frac{1}{6} M_t V^2_1[/itex] thus

[itex]M_t g r + \frac{1}{2} M_t V^2_r = \frac{1}{6} M_t V^2_1[/itex]or [itex]\frac{1}{2} M_t V^2_r = \frac{1}{6} M_t V^2_1- M_t g r[/itex]

At the top of the circle apply Newton's law and assume the radial force = the gravitational force
[itex]mg \Longrightarrow \sum{F} = ma[itex] \Longrightarrow M_t g = M_t\frac{ V^2}{r}[/itex]

again, in agreement with your solution.

Looks like we end up in the same place...
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FAQ: Understanding Bullet, Block, and Kinetic Energy in a Loop-the-Loop System?

What is a bullet?

A bullet is a small projectile that is fired from a firearm. It is typically made of metal and is designed to travel at high speeds in order to cause damage to its target.

What is a block?

A block is a solid piece of material, usually wood or metal, that is used to stop or slow down the motion of another object. In the context of bullet, block, and kinetic energy, it would be used to stop a bullet and measure the amount of energy it transfers upon impact.

What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy that an object possesses due to its motion. In the case of a bullet, it is the energy that it has as it travels through the air and upon impact with a target.

How is kinetic energy calculated?

The formula for calculating kinetic energy is KE = ½ mv², where m is the mass of the object and v is its velocity. In the context of a bullet, block, and kinetic energy, the mass would be the mass of the bullet and the velocity would be its speed as it travels towards the block.

Why is understanding bullet, block, and kinetic energy important?

Understanding bullet, block, and kinetic energy is important for several reasons. It allows scientists to study the effects of bullets on different materials and design better protective gear. It also helps law enforcement and forensic scientists in analyzing crime scenes and determining the type of weapon used. Additionally, understanding kinetic energy is crucial in the development of new technologies, such as renewable energy sources and transportation systems.
