Understanding Central Forces in Polar Coordinates

  • Thread starter AntiStrange
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In summary, the conversation was about mechanics and central forces. The equations of motion in polar coordinates were discussed, with the first one representing Newton's Second Law in the radial direction and the second one representing the tangential acceleration being equal to zero. The first equation accounts for the change in velocity in the radial direction and the second one represents the force causing the object to move in a curved path.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm supposed to read this little packet on mechanics, specifically dealing with central forces.
and they are explaining a scenario where something is moving due to a central force (say, the Earth rotating around the sun) where all the motion takes place in the xy plane. They describe some initial conditions y0 = z0 = 0 for example and Vz = 0 because it's not moving in the z direction.
Then they switch to polar coordinates (r,theta) and they say the equations of motion are:
[tex]m\ddot{r} - mr\dot{\theta}^2 = F(r)[/tex]
[tex]mr\ddot{\theta} + 2m\dot{r}\dot{\theta} = 0[/tex]

Homework Equations

Force: F = m*a
Angular Velocity: [tex]\omega = \frac{v_{t}}{r}[/tex]
Angular Acceleration: [tex]\alpha = \frac{d\omega}{dt}[/tex]
Centripetal Acceleration: [tex]\alpha_{c} = \omega^{2}r = \frac{v^{2}_{t}}{r}[/tex]

v_t = tangential speed

The Attempt at a Solution

well for the first equation of motion they give, I recognize that the first part is a force m*a because [itex]\ddot{r}[/itex] is an acceleration. Because it's the acceleration of the radius it should be the centripetal force right? But I don't understand why there needs to be another force component subtracted from this one, because the only force acting on this object should be the central force. In addition to that, the second component appears to ALSO be the same central force because [itex]\dot{\theta}[/itex] is the angular velocity [itex]\omega[/itex] and that is squared times the radius which is just another way to find the centripetal acceleration. So I don't understand why there needs to both, let alone why they must be subtracted.

edit: the two dots aren't showing up above the theta below, but instead of (theta)r it should be d^2(theta)/dt^2 * r
For the second equation of motion they have [itex]\ddot{\theta}r[/itex] is just the angular acceleration times the mass would be any force that acts tangential to the motion, which should not exist in this case which is why it is equal to zero. But again I don't know why they include a second part.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The first equation is Newton's Second Law in the radial direction. Imagine an object spiraling out moving faster and faster as time increases. In the radial direction, the force does two things: (a) it causes the component of the velocity vr to increase as the object spirals out (first term) and (b) it causes the object to go around a curved path (second "centripetal" term).

If you consider an object going around a circle, i.e. r = constant,

[tex]\dot{r} = 0[/tex]

which changes your radial equation to the familiar "centripetal force" equation,

- mr\dot{\theta}^2 = F(r)
  • #3
Ok that makes perfect sense now. Thank you!

FAQ: Understanding Central Forces in Polar Coordinates

1. How did they get this form from the data?

The form of a particular data set is determined by analyzing the patterns and relationships present in the data. Scientists use statistical methods and mathematical models to identify and explain the form of the data.

2. What factors contribute to the form of the data?

The form of the data can be influenced by a variety of factors such as the underlying natural processes or phenomena being studied, the measurement techniques used, and any external factors that may affect the data.

3. Can the form of the data change over time?

Yes, the form of the data can change over time as new data is collected or as external factors change. This is why it is important for scientists to regularly analyze and update their understanding of the data.

4. How can understanding the form of the data help in scientific research?

Understanding the form of the data is crucial in scientific research as it allows for the identification of patterns and trends, which can lead to new insights and discoveries. It also helps in making accurate predictions and developing effective models.

5. Are there any limitations to understanding the form of the data?

While understanding the form of the data is important, it is also important to recognize that it may not always provide a complete picture. There may be limitations or missing information that can affect the interpretation of the data and its form.
