Understanding Clamping Diodes: Voltage Conditions and Operational Behavior

  • Thread starter likephysics
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In summary, the conversation discussed the behavior of clamping diodes at TTL gate inputs. It was noted that a diode may not conduct until the current is reduced, even in a forward bias condition. This could be due to the non-linear IV curve of silicon diodes, where conduction begins at around 0.5 volts and increases rapidly at 0.7 volts. A diode clamp diagram and a link to more information on diode behavior were also provided.
  • #1
I am trying to understand when clamping diode (at TTL gate input) works and when it does not.
The voltage is -2v at cathode and 0v at anode. Fwd bias condition, but the diode does not condut, until the current is reduced.
Why so?
Initially I thought it was because of the fast rise/fall times (1ns), but now in simulation as I reduce the current, it starts to clamp.
Ckt diagram attached. Please ignore the component values.
Current is reduced using Resistor R3.
C1 and R4, produce undershoots. Just a high pass filter with 5Vpk-pk square wave input.


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  • #2
Here's a diode clamp diagram the might help:


Zener diodes can also clamp and limit the voltage:


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  • #3
dlgoff, My question was why does it conduct only when I reduce the current?
  • #4
likephysics said:
dlgoff, My question was why does it conduct only when I reduce the current?

If you mean reducing the current through the diode in your simulation, you need to understand that a diodes IV curve isn't linear. For silicon diodes, forward biasing conduction begins at about 0.5 volts and when you get to about 0.7 volts and above, the current increase very quickly.



For real diodes, if you forward bias at 2 volts, the current is so high the diode will open due to failure.


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FAQ: Understanding Clamping Diodes: Voltage Conditions and Operational Behavior

1. What is a clamping diode?

A clamping diode, also known as a voltage limiter or a clamp, is an electronic component that limits the voltage of a circuit to a predetermined level. It is typically used to protect other sensitive components in a circuit from damage due to voltage spikes or overvoltage conditions.

2. How does a clamping diode work?

A clamping diode works by conducting current in the reverse direction when the voltage exceeds a certain threshold. This creates a path for the excess voltage to bypass the sensitive components and prevents them from being damaged. Once the voltage returns to a safe level, the diode stops conducting and the circuit returns to normal operation.

3. What are the different types of clamping diodes?

There are two main types of clamping diodes: Zener diodes and TVS (transient voltage suppressor) diodes. Zener diodes are designed to operate in the reverse breakdown region and maintain a constant voltage across their terminals, while TVS diodes are designed to handle higher power levels and protect against larger voltage spikes.

4. When should a clamping diode be used?

A clamping diode should be used whenever there is a risk of voltage spikes or overvoltage conditions in a circuit. This can occur in various situations such as switching inductive loads, power supply variations, or lightning strikes. Without a clamping diode, these voltage spikes can damage or destroy other sensitive components in the circuit.

5. How do I choose the right clamping diode for my circuit?

The right clamping diode for a circuit depends on various factors such as the maximum voltage and current ratings, the type of voltage spikes expected, and the required response time. It is important to carefully evaluate these factors and choose a diode that can handle the expected conditions without compromising the performance of the circuit.
