Understanding Current and Current Density in Variable Cross-Section Conductors

In summary, current density is a vector field that describes the flow of electric charge per unit of time through a given surface. It is related to the charge density and velocity of the charged particles in the material, and is a fundamental concept in understanding electric currents. In the case of a wire at constant potential difference, the current density is constant and can be described by Ohm's Law.
  • #1
we know
i = dq/qt = enLA/dt = en(Vd)(A)
standard derivation i en(Vd)(A)
where e is charge on electron
n is electrons per unit vol.
Vd is drift velocity of electrons
A is area of cross section of conductor

SO my doubt is if we have a conical conductor or some kind of conductor whose CSA is not constant , will we have variable current across its length according to i = en(Vd)AI also want to ask what is current density ??
Precisely i want to know - current density(j) = di/dA
here what is ''di'' signifying ?
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  • #2
Shreyas Samudra said:
SO my doubt is if we have a conical conductor or some kind of conductor whose CSA is not constant , will we have variable current across its length according to i = en(Vd)A
No, current is constant, your drift velocity won't be constant.

d/dA is a notation for a derivative with respect to A. di/dA means the derivative of i with respect to A.
  • #3
i = dq/dt
so for a conductor of length L, maintained at constant potential difference, we know that q = enAL
where e is charge on electron
n is electrons per unit vol.
A is area of cross section of conductor
in q = enAL what is changing with time so that we come across rate of change of charge
  • #4
It is very important in physics to define the quantities properly. In electrodynamics you have to strictly distinguish between a current (a scalar) and the current density (a vector field). The more fundamental notion is the current density ##\vec{j}(t,\vec{x})##. It's easier to understand, writing it in more microscopic (classical) quantities. First you have the charge density (a scalar) ##\rho(t,\vec{x})##. It gives the electric charge per unit volume around ##\vec{x}## at each time ##t##. In the same way at time ##t## you have the velocity field ##\vec{v}(t,\vec{x})## of the charges, i.e., the velocity of the charged particles at time ##t## that are located at ##\vec{x}##. Then the current density is given by
$$\vec{j}(t,\vec{x})=\rho(t,\vec{x}) \vec{v}(t,\vec{x}).$$
To get its meaning take a surface ##A## with surface-normal vector elements ##\mathrm{d}^2 \vec{A}##. Then the charge running through this surface within a time ##t## is given by
$$\mathrm{d} Q=\mathrm{d} t \int_{A} \mathrm{d}^2 \vec{A} \cdot \vec{j},$$
because ##\mathrm{d} V=\mathrm{d} t \int_A \mathrm{d}^2 \vec{A} \cdot \vec{v}## is the volume swept out in the infinitesimal time interval ##\mathrm{d} t## by the particles running through the surface, and the charge contained in this volume is ##\mathrm{d} V \rho##.

Now the current is by definition the charge per unit of time running through the surface ##A##. So you have
$$i(t)=\frac{\mathrm{d} Q}{\mathrm{d} t} = \int_A \mathrm{d}^2 \vec{A} \cdot \vec{j}.$$

It's important to keep in mind that a current only makes sense when you specify the surface and its orientation, i.e., the arbitrarily chosen direction of the surface normal element vectors.

In the usual applications, of course, you define the current as those running through the complete cross sectional area of the wire, and you only have to be careful with the orientation.
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  • #5
You mean to say j is property of a material
j⃗ (t,x⃗ )=ρ(t,x⃗ )v⃗ (t,x⃗ )
and only having defined that we can get to current.
Is it what you are trying to say ??
  • #6
Further you said that

dQ=dt ∫dA⃗ ⋅j⃗

so bringing dt to the LHS we get current. and you are saying that only those electrons from the stream of electrons contribute to current which are along the direction of dA our area vector ??

j⃗ (t,x⃗ )=ρ(t,x⃗ )v⃗ (t,x⃗ )
is ''v'' drift speed of electrons ??
  • #7
have I correctly understood what you meant ??
  • #8
Of course, that's not the only way to describe a current or current density, but it is the most fundamental one. For the usual case of electrons in a wire, ##\vec{v}(t,\vec{x})## is the drift velocity as a function of time and position of the electrons within the wire.
  • #9
j is property of a material ??
  • #10
j = di/dA definition i found in my textbook

but for a conductor maintained at constant potential difference i should stay the same
then j = 0 ??
  • #11
If you have a wire at constant potential difference (after some short transient time) you have a direct current because of the static electric field.

Microscopically this is explained as follows due to the constant electric field along the wire on the electrons acts the electric force ##\vec{F}_{\text{el}}=-e E \vec{e}_{\text{wire}}## as well as a friction force ##\vec{F}_{\text{fr}}=-\gamma v \vec{e}_{\text{wire}}##, where I assume that the wire is so thin that we can assume the electrons move always in direction of the wire. The equation of motion for the electrons thus reads (in non-relativistic approximation, which is very accurate for everyday house-hold currents)
$$m \ddot{x} =m \dot{v}=-\gamma v -e E.$$
These are all components in direction of ##\vec{e}_{\text{wire}}##.

The general solution is
$$v(t)=(v_0+e E/\gamma)\exp(-\gamma t/m)-e E/\gamma.$$
For ##t \gg m/\gamma## we have ##v=-e E/\gamma=\text{const}##. In this stationary state the current density is
$$\vec{j}=-n e \vec{v}=n e^2/\gamma \vec{E}= \sigma \vec{E},$$
where ##n## is the number density of conduction electrons in the material and ##\sigma=n e^2/\gamma## the electric conductivity. Thus you get just Ohm's Law.

You get a more famliar form by first integrating over the cross-sectional area of the wire (normal vector in direction of ##\vec{E}_{\text{wire}}##). Then the voltage between the end of the wire is given by ##U=l E##, where ##l## is the length of the wire. You thus get for the current
$$i=\sigma A E=\sigma A U/l =U/R \; \Rightarrow R=\frac{l}{\sigma A},$$
which is the usual Ohm law in circuit theory.
  • #12
can you put this in a simpler way !
  • #13
It's difficult to make this more simple. Where is your problem with this treatment? It's known as the Drude model of metals. You can find it in textbooks on statistical mechanics. A very good source is

A. Sommerfeld, Lectures on Theoretical Physics, vol. V

Note that Sommerfeld was the one who first applied Fermi-Dirac statistics to this model, solving a related puzzle with it, namely why the electrons in the metal do not essentially contribute to the specific heat of the metal, while the naive treatment of conduction electrons is pretty successful in deriving Ohm's Law.
  • #14
ok its very fine
  • #15
But i have a doubt that
you said j⃗ (t,x⃗ )=ρ(t,x⃗ )v⃗ (t,x⃗ )
but as i said previously -

i = dq/qt = enLA/dt = en(Vd)(A)
standard derivation i=en(Vd)(A)
where e is charge on electron
n is electrons per unit vol.
Vd is drift velocity of electrons
A is area of cross section of conductor

then j=en(Vd)
so how do you correlate both the definitions ?
  • #16
Shreyas Samudra said:
how do you correlate both the definitions ?
##\rho=en## and ##\vec{v}=Vd## so the correlation is pretty direct.
  • #17
I don't understand the 2nd formula. What's ##d##? The charge density is ##\rho=en## (now ##e<0## for electrons) and ##\vec{v}## is the drift-velocity field of the electrons. Then ##\vec{j}=\rho \vec{v}=e n \vec{v}##.
  • #18
Shreyas Samudra said:
j = di/dA definition i found in my textbook

but for a conductor maintained at constant potential difference i should stay the same
then j = 0 ??

The current is constant means di/dt = 0, where t is time.

However, di/dA means the current per area, which is non-zero. If di/dA is constant, then the total current is just the A times di/dA.
  • #19
I don't understand the 2nd formula. What's d?[/QUOTE]
Vd is drift velocity
  • #20
Then you should write ##\vec{v}_d##. It's important to use clear symbols!

Related to Understanding Current and Current Density in Variable Cross-Section Conductors

1. What is current and current density?

Current is the flow of electric charge in a circuit, measured in amperes (A). Current density is the amount of current flowing through a unit area, measured in amperes per square meter (A/m²).

2. How is current and current density related?

Current density is directly proportional to current. This means that as the current increases, the current density also increases.

3. What factors affect current and current density?

The main factors that affect current and current density are the material of the conductor, the cross-sectional area of the conductor, and the length of the conductor. A material with high conductivity will have a higher current density compared to a material with low conductivity. A larger cross-sectional area will also result in a higher current density, while a longer conductor will have a lower current density.

4. How is current density calculated?

Current density is calculated by dividing the current by the cross-sectional area of the conductor. The formula for current density is J = I/A, where J is the current density, I is the current, and A is the cross-sectional area.

5. Why is current density an important concept in electricity?

Current density is important because it helps us understand the distribution of current in a circuit. It also allows us to determine the maximum allowable current that a conductor can handle before overheating. In addition, current density is used in the design and analysis of electrical systems to ensure safe and efficient operation.

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