Understanding Cutoff Frequency & Time Domain: Help Needed

In summary, Hemant found that a 1kHz square wave is formed by a combination of sine waves of frequency n*1000. 1kHz is your fundamental frequency, and the other wine waves that make the square wave are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency. However, only the fundamental sine wave can pass through a lowpass filter with a 1k cutoff frequency, resulting in a lower than expected output signal. Additionally, because the harmonics of your 10V square wave have amplitudes of 10*4/(nπ), the output signal will be distorted. Lastly, because the break frequency happens when ω= 1/RC, only the first harmonic of the 10V square wave can pass through the filter, resulting in
  • #1
I am trying to understand the impact of cut off frequency on the gain and trying to relate it in time domain but unable to do so.
For e.g., I have built a single pole RC filter wherein R and C values are chosen to match the cut off frequency of 1K (R = 10KΩ/C = 16nF). The input is a square wave 10V @ 1Khz. There should be loss of 3db at the output but I am unable to validate it.
Please help.

- Hemant
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Do you observe an output voltage higher or lower than what you predicted?
  • #3
The output is lower than the input as expected.
Input = 0-10V square wave @ 1KHz
Output = Hi-9.5V; Lo-0.4 @ 1Khz not a square wave though.

My expectation was to see the output amplitude being around 7 V but that's not the case.
Am I looking at it in the right way?

  • #4
The harmonics of your 10V square wave have amplitudes of 10*4/(nπ).
Your 1KHz fundamental (n=1) has an amplitude of 12.7V. The filter will attenuate it to 9V.
  • #5
Are you familiar with Fourier series?


Basically, your 1kHz square wave is formed by a combination of sine waves of frequency n*1000. 1kHz is your fundamental frequency, and the other wine waves that make the square wave are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency.

What does that mean? In a square wave, the fundamental frequency has a higher amplitude than the resulting square wave (see the first picture in the wikipedia link I gave you). Since you have a lowpass filter with a 1k cutoff frequency, only the fundamental sine wave can pass through your filter (with a -3dB gain).

Your output signal should look like a sine wave, since the next sine wave that forms your square wave has a frequency of 2kHz.

Sorry for the crappy expanation, english isn't my primary language.
  • #6
I'd like to add that the only signals that can pass through a hardware* filter without being deformed are sine waves. Why? Every other signal is actually formed by a combination (sum) of sine waves of different frequencies. Since these individual sine waves all have a different gain when going through a filter, the output wave (given by the sum of the individual sine waves) will have a different enveloppe.

*Obviously if you use a software to filter signals, it can be programmed to "fix" this issue.
  • #7
Thanks for the help!
  • #8
I can answer your question mathematically...

What's your transfer function?

Let me guess...1/(JωRC+1)

That is found by taking your voltage divider across your cap

1/jwc/(1/jwc + R)

Multiply top and bottom by jwc...and you get...


Your break frequency happens when ω= 1/RC.

So when ω= 1/RC...you are left with


What is the magnitude and value of this lovely function?

Well...I'll simplify so you can see. 1/(1.41 at -45 degrees)

Simply further and you get .7 at -45 degrees.

Ok...now to your actual question...where does the -3 dB come from?

You know that you find dB from this equation ~ 20 log |gain|

20 log .7 = ~ -3dB.
I also just proved that your phase angle will be -45 degrees at the break as well.

However...all that may go away if you are talking a non ideal situation...
  • #9
No offense but have you read his question? He said he chose his R and C to get -3dB at 1kHz. Obviously he was able to find and solve the transfer function.

psparky said:
I can answer your question mathematically...

What's your transfer function?

Let me guess...1/(JωRC+1)

That is found by taking your voltage divider across your cap

1/jwc/(1/jwc + R)

Multiply top and bottom by jwc...and you get...


Your break frequency happens when ω= 1/RC.

So when ω= 1/RC...you are left with


What is the magnitude and value of this lovely function?

Well...I'll simplify so you can see. 1/(1.41 at -45 degrees)

Simply further and you get .7 at -45 degrees.

Ok...now to your actual question...where does the -3 dB come from?

You know that you find dB from this equation ~ 20 log |gain|

20 log .7 = ~ -3dB.
I also just proved that your phase angle will be -45 degrees at the break as well.

However...all that may go away if you are talking a non ideal situation...
  • #10
That filter seems to be for 10 KHz.

1/ F = 2 * π * R * C = 2 * π * 1000 * 16 * 10^-9

F = 9947 Hz
  • #11
vk6kro said:
That filter seems to be for 10 KHz.

1/ F = 2 * π * R * C = 2 * π * 1000 * 16 * 10^-9

F = 9947 Hz
Did you drop a zero somewhere, good sir?
  • #12
Yes, I see the 10 K now. Thanks.

I read the 1 K frequency as the resistance.
  • #13
No offense but have you read his question? He said he chose his R and C to get -3dB at 1kHz. Obviously he was able to find and solve the transfer function.

I write that out mathematically because most students are told it drops 3 dB at the break without knowing WHY. They see all the graphs of filters with the 3 db drop and just take it as that. For all of you who already know this, I apologize for insulting your intelligence with such a trivial post. However, if just one person learned something...then my post was a success.

To this day I have not met one student or EE in person that knows why it drops 3 dB mathematically. Therefore, I assume it to be a weak point for most.
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FAQ: Understanding Cutoff Frequency & Time Domain: Help Needed

1. What is cutoff frequency and why is it important?

Cutoff frequency is the frequency at which a filter or system begins to attenuate a signal. It is important because it determines the point at which the filter or system starts to reject or block certain frequencies, making it a key factor in understanding the behavior of a system or circuit.

2. How is cutoff frequency calculated?

Cutoff frequency can be calculated using the formula fc = 1/(2πRC), where fc is the cutoff frequency, R is the resistance in ohms, and C is the capacitance in farads. This formula is based on the time constant, which is the product of resistance and capacitance.

3. What is the relationship between cutoff frequency and time domain?

In the time domain, cutoff frequency can be observed as the point where the signal begins to decrease in amplitude. For low-pass filters, the signal starts to decrease after the cutoff frequency, while for high-pass filters, the signal starts to decrease before the cutoff frequency.

4. How does understanding cutoff frequency help in designing filters or circuits?

Understanding cutoff frequency is essential in designing filters or circuits because it allows for precise control over the frequencies that are allowed to pass through the system. By selecting specific values for resistance and capacitance, engineers can tailor the cutoff frequency to achieve the desired filtering behavior.

5. Can cutoff frequency be adjusted after a filter or circuit has been built?

Yes, cutoff frequency can be adjusted by changing the values of the components in the filter or circuit. For example, increasing the resistance or decreasing the capacitance will result in a lower cutoff frequency. However, if the cutoff frequency needs to be significantly changed, it may require redesigning the entire circuit.
